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Book online «Little Orphan Anvil: The Complete Trilogy Joseph Beekman (feel good fiction books txt) 📖». Author Joseph Beekman

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with us, young lady. We musthurry before it’s too late! All the orphans may be underher spell by now, and the other lands already await agrave danger!”

“What are we to do?” Sonny asked nervously, hiseyes jumping around the darkness. “She might trick usand use her magic to make us sleep if we are spotted!”

He jumped to his feet, and Ranger ran up to hisside. “Or worse—we could be thrown into the fieldswith those crazy pumpkins! And then we would haveto work while we’re asleep!” He shuddered at thethought.

“Now just calm yourself!” Will exclaimed.“Remember, this is why we have to be cautious. Itseems she means to use her evil spell, and with thosepumpkins—put all the lands to sleep! I fear theorphans are to be used as a means to deliver them toevery land in the realm!”

Kelsey shivered in fright. “To have the realm forher own,” she whispered. “Forever…”

As if he knew what she said, Ranger let out amuffled howl.

Suddenly the robot lifted into the air and beganwhistling its alarm loudly. They all jolted in fright andwhirled around to see it extending its metal limbs. Bythe light of its eyes, they could make out tiny movements that erupted from the darkness.

“Root rats!” Will hollered. “Make haste back tothe pathway!”

They scrambled about in a crazy panic, and thenswiftly headed for the main root passage. The robotwas spinning fast, its limbs out to full length as it sweptthe dark and sinister-looking rats out of the way. Therats flew in all directions, screeching as they went. Afew passed under the robot and quickly high-tailed itfor the hole in the ground—fearful now of the robot andits high-pitched noise, and mad-swirling display ofmetallic fury.

Back on the main root the party had recoveredtheir breath. Using the light of the firefly jar, theychecked each other over seeing that each was okay.Will peered into the dark; he could make out the lightsof the robot hovering swiftly forward. The robot caughtup to them and off they went, moving at a much quickerand heart-pounding pace.

In their minds and hearts, their mission was clear:free the orphans and destroy the witch-lady’s wickedspell!

~ Chapter VIII

~ Through the Icy Shadowed Valley

After many hours of trudging along the gnarledand rotted root, through the darkness of the dead trees,the tattered and tired group crawled out into a shadowyand haunting landscape.

The ground was layered in a sheet of ice, anddeep, dark shadows seemed to dance and sway acrossgiant rock walls that made up a narrow and bleakvalley.

“Well, we made it out of that darkness!” Will saidwith relief. “Now we enter the Icy Shadowed Valley—before the Land of Shadows. We will rest here for a bitand eat some of the dried fish Sonny brought in hisknap sack. I am sure you two, and Ranger, are quitehungry—as am I.”

They nodded, and Ranger perked his ears up.“We will need all the energy we can gather forthe rest of our travels.It shouldn’t be too muchlonger…at least, I hope not...”

Sonny and Kelsey cupped their hands over theirmouths to warm them from the chill in the air, and thenboth plopped to the ground, they were so relieved torest and eat. Ranger whimpered and moved to Sonny’sknapsack, pushing his nose into it.

“Hey, buddy—hold tight! I’m getting’ ya somegrub; just give me a minute.”

Kelsey laughed at them as Sonny dug through thesack and pulled out three pieces of dried-up fish. Hehanded one to her, and Will grabbed another.

“This might look gross, but I don’t care—I am sohungry!” Sonny said hungrily, tearing off a piece of fishand shoving it in his mouth. He tore off another piecefor Ranger’s drooling mouth. The dog quickly snatchedit and gulped it down.

Kelsey giggled. “Gosh, he never even got totaste the fish!”

Sonny shook his head and grinned. “Yep, heisn’t one to waste any time eatin’, that’s for sure!Right, boy?” he said, ruffling Ranger’s fur coat.Ranger just barked and wagged his tail, waiting for thenext bite.

Sonny looked over to Kelsey and noticed the tinybell tied to her hand. “I was wonderin’—what’s thebell for?”

Kelsey paused to look at the bell. “Well, mymother had given this to me just before she passed on.She said to always ring it if in need and she would bethere in spirit. I guess when I rang it, it kinda worked—you guys showed up!” She looked over to Sonny andWill, and smiled.

“Wow, now that’s what I call real magic!” Sonnysaid.

“You got it, Sonny! That is the good kind—thekind worth believing in!” Will happily snapped.

No one said another word as they continued toeat, pondering what they would do once they reachedthe orphanage.


Having rested for a few hours, they then traveledalong a frozen path through the tall and shadowy,mountain walls; their footsteps crunching with everystep. They were wrapped in blankets to stave off thechilled air, and their breath could be seen in puffs ofsteam.

The earth around them seemed to creak and grindevery so often, making creepy loud noises. The kidsjumped in fright as a very loud boom echoed downthrough the valley walls.

“What is making all that noise?” Kelsey fitfullyasked.

“Yeah, and what is making those shadows dancelike that on the walls?” Sonny asked as he movedalong, staring at the shadowy movement.

Will just shook his head, keeping his focusforward. “I don’t think we need worry about all that.It’s not uncommon around here for this place to befilled with crazy sights and sounds! It has always beenso, since the times when only the mythical dragonswere said to have lived in these parts. What you seeand hear now are only their phantom spirits lingeringabout.”

Sonny and Kelsey looked at each other insurprise, then timidly withdrew their faces further intothe hoods of their blankets; only their wide-eyed staresdarting about in careful watch.

They continued onwards for two full days andnights, stopping only to eat what little fish was left, andto rest. The robot-droid kept the lead, hovering justabove the chilly ground; its metal limbs folded insideitself, as if it, too, was cold. It kept its

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