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Book online «Jezebel Koko Brown (best books to read non fiction txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Koko Brown

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over her.

“Ask away,”Hesaid itin such atrusting manner, Celeste almost felt guiltyas she looped her arm through his.A jolt zipped up Celeste’s spine. His arm felt harder than arock

“No time to explain,Daddy.”Alreadyin motion, with Shane in tow, Celeste stroked his arm. Of course, ifanyonehad asked herlater if she’d meant it as a way to comfort him or to get herkicks she might have been hard pressed to give an answer. The man wasmade of steel! “I just want you to meet some friendsof mine.”

“You’re goingto pay for this,”Shane snarled, but allowed her to pull him into her con.

“Nowis this anykind of way to treat an old friend
” Beatrice’sgaze jumped from Celeste to Shane. A consummate performer herexpression didn’t slip, her smile remaining precocious andbright. “Speaking of friends, who’s yours?”

AfraidShane wouldruin her ruse, Celeste rushedthrough introductions,“Thisis the one and only “Sugar” Shane Brennan, the prizefighter.” Celeste paused, allowing a rapture of ‘oohs’and ‘aahs’to filter around the table. “He’s training for a bout atThe Garden.”

The onlyone who looked unimpressed was Beatrice. “So
howlong have you twobeen anitem?”

“Not long.”

Beatrice’s gaze jumpedback and forth between them. Celeste stiffened. Had she seen throughher little white lie? Expecting to be called on the carpet, Celestefound herself confused by the other woman’s laughter. “Andhere I thought you would still be carrying a flame for Ralph.”

Celeste laughed a little toobrightly even for her own ears. “Ralph is old news.”

Beatricecocked her head and eyed Celeste a little too long for comfort.“Interesting,”she said, edging closer. “I assumed you two would try andrekindle things.”

Even ifshe desired it, would Ralph take her back? Was she up to even facinghim again? The very thought of it made her insides churn. Evenher knees filled with champagne.

Slightly wobbly andashamedly lightheaded, she leaned into Shane. Thankfully, he seemedto sense her quandary because he slid his arm around her waist andtook on her full weight.

She couldn’t still bein love with Ralph could she?

Thankfully,Beatrice changed the subject. “Europewas absolutely fantastic,”shesaid.“Everyonewelcomed uswith open armsand I wishwe could go back, butit looks like we’restaying. Mostof us havesigned upfor Mike Todd’s TheHot Mikado.”Beatrice’s eyes widened as if hit by an idea. “CountessVaughn has volunteered to host a welcome homeparty for the entire troupe. You should come,”Beatricelooked at Shane, “both of you.”

Aready refusal on her lips,Celeste openedher mouth.

“When, where and whattime?” With one simple question, Shane turned hermisery into a two-bottle fury. That’s how many bottles ofscotch Celestewould need to cool off from his overstepping reach.

“Thursdayafternext. Anddon’t worry about the time.”Beatrice leaned in as if imparting a secret. “It’san all-nighter.”

“Well,we’dlove to stay and chat, but Trudy needed some help getting ready forher performance,”Celeste said providing them with an escape.

Beatrice’seyes widened in surprise and Celeste almost rolled hers. How thewoman missed the three-foot twin marquees out front advertisingtonight’s performers was beyond her. Still, Celeste allowed thewoman to play the ingĂ©nue. “Trudy’s performingtonight, c’estvrai?”

Celeste nodded. At thispoint, any more verbal confirmation could result in jail time.

“What about you,Celeste? Are you booked? The last we heard you had an audition withMGM. Ralph swore he’d see you on the big screen one day.”

Remindedof the audition she blew by showing up so drunk she couldn’texecute her trademark triple spins, beads of sweat peppered Celeste’supper lip. Suddenly yearning for a bottle of Wild Turkey and a quietcorner to curl up in, sheslipped from Shane’s arms.

She didn’t get veryfar. Possessed of lightening quick reflexes, he clasped her hand atthe very last moment. Once again, Celeste gasped. Deliciously warmand strangely comforting, his touch caused her demons to scurry forcover. In turn, her confidence returned in spades.

“I lost the part,”Celeste replied with a breezy lift of her shoulders as if movie rolescame a dime a dozen and not once in a lifetime. “But there willbe others.”

Shanedidn’t give the other woman the opportunity to pry further. Toboth of their surprise, he placed two quick pecks on Beatrice’scheeks then exchanged politefarewellswith promises to meet up again at her welcome home party.

Celestewould savor Beatrice’s deer–in–the–headlights look until the cows came home. So much so, she didn’tcare where Shane led her. With each step, she gulped in fresh air andher head started to reel with clarity. For the first time in a verylong time, she liked the feeling.

Somewhat lightheaded, sheeven allowed him to back her into a narrow hallway beneath thestairs, leading to the second floor. The space provided a modicum ofprivacy and an intimacy she’d been running from all night.Overwhelmed, Celeste tugged on her hand.

To herrelief and mild disappointment, Shane let her go. Well, not exactly.He blocked any hope of escape by placing his hands against the wallat her back. She should’ve felt threatened or even pissed athis audacity. Unfortunately her libido, fueled by a half a bottle oftop shelf bourbon, sang its usual tune. Her body temperature andpulse increased exponentially. Her breasts felt heavy and that secretplace between her legs became moist and sticky.

Unable tohelp herself, Celeste reached out and slid her hands over hisshoulders. He was so rock solid and masculine, he made breathingdifficult. Although he’d been a gentleman all night, he lookedlike a man who took what he wanted. The thought of him taking her,made the little button between her legs throb and the tone of hervoice dip to a seductive level. “You got me, Daddy. Now whatare you going to do?”she asked, proud her voice didn’t quakelike her insides.

“You’rea real party girl aren’t you?” He brushed his hands overher forearms and Celestecalled on all her reserves and years of experience to keep fromwrapping her legs around his waist. “You’re all fun andgames.”

Not the least bit insulted,but the consummate flirt Celeste touched her finger against the tipof his nose. “There’s nothing wrong with having a goodtime as long as no one gets hurt.”

His green eyes darkened to adark coffee color and his nostrils flared. Even though she wanted torun for cover, Celeste held her ground.

“Even at another’sexpense?” he asked.

Called onthe carpet more than once in her life, Celeste

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