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Book online «Strong Alibi K.C. Turner (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) 📖». Author K.C. Turner

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The rape cases have been split between the two. Of course, until now.” Marilyn took a breath before continuing, “So, ladies, Peggy will be taking over the victim services department as well as all the rape cases. You will be reporting to her from here on out. I know this may come as a bit of a surprise, however, you’re also aware we have been considering this for some time...”

They continued to listen, as if interested, nodding and smiling fictitiously while eyeing up their new boss. China looked over at Elizabeth, her slanted eyes widening and narrowing at each statement careful not to be noticeably rude. Elizabeth continued to smile as Marilyn spoke, forcefully containing her laughter.

Giving her throat lubrication with a sip of coffee after Marilyn seemed to finish, Elizabeth said, “Welcome aboard, Peggy. Look forward to working with you. We have a busy morning, so, we should probably get ready to go to court.”

Agreeing, China tipped her coffee mug at Peggy and walked back to her office. Elizabeth followed behind her. Making it to her office, Elizabeth turned on the computer and pulled up the morning docket. China slipped in and sat in one of the chairs in front of Elizabeth’s desk. Nestling her coffee cup in her lap, she leaned forward, “What-in-the-Sam-Hell?”

Trying not to be negative, Elizabeth sighed, “We knew this was coming right? I mean, I didn’t think it would be today! But we knew this was coming.”

“Liz, as if Marilyn wasn’t bad enough, now we get Cankles?”

Drawing her eyebrows together and squinting she asked, “Cankles? What the hell is that?”

“Cankles, you know, when your calf muscle literally blends in with your ankles? Frigin’ Cankles!” She laughed out loud from deep within her belly and Elizabeth cautiously joined her. “Seriously, that woman should not be wearing a skirt.”

“Oh my God! You are entirely too much. Okay, I need to get this docket printed and get over to court. I had a call out Saturday night, and I really should get there early. I have a feeling she is going to want to drop the protection order first thing.”

Rolling her eyes as she stood up, China said, “Really? Imagine that!” She stood in the doorway and held her mug of coffee nonchalantly. “So, what was the Saturday drama anyway?”

Before Elizabeth could answer they heard footsteps coming down the hall. China peeked across her shoulder and saw Peggy coming. Turning back to look at Elizabeth, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

Peggy stopped in front of Elizabeth’s office and in a nasally, snobbish voice said, “Ladies...” China and Elizabeth looked at each other with mutual discomfort. Either completely ignorant or oblivious to their discontent, she continued, “I’d really like to meet with you both so I can go over some things. Can you please follow me to my office?”

They looked at each other once more. China crossed her eyes out of Peggy’s sight and Elizabeth bit the inside of her lip to keep from giggling. Being the brave one, China spoke up, “Sorry, Peggy. Docket starts at nine o’clock sharp. Gotta get going!” She winked at Elizabeth, spun on her heel, and returned to her own office to grab her things for court.

Peggy stood at the doorway, a tad shocked, her eyes going back and forth between the two of them before landing on Elizabeth. Shrugging, Elizabeth honestly explained, “Sorry. The judge doesn’t like us to be late.”

Looking down her nose she responded, “Then I would like you both in my office after court.”

Geeze lady, it’s your first day. “Well, see, we usually grab lunch right after court. Monday dockets are pretty full and take up the entire morning.”

“Good, that means we can have lunch together, get to know each other a bit and I can fill you in on the changes taking -”

“Sorry, Peggy. Our lunch hour is unpaid.” She grabbed her docket from the printer and stuffed it in her bag. “I’m sure we should have some time to meet up after lunch,” she said, spitting a smile at Peggy as she swiftly passed by her to leave. “Can’t keep Judge Bennett waiting!”

Crossing her arms, Peggy was perturbed and left in the dust.

Judge Bennett was typically late, but he was the only one allowed to do so. Elizabeth and China waited patiently in his chambers until he decided to grace them with his presence. At 9:05 am the door finally swung open, “Good Monday morning, Ladies. How was your weekend?” asked the Judge.

China laughed and sarcastically answered, “Spectacular, Judge. And you?”

Opening the closet door, he reached for his robe on the hook and placed it over his head. Pulling it down over his tie he smiled as he claimed, “It was memorable.”

Lacing her fingers together and setting them on her knees, China lit up with interest. “Ah, do tell, your Honor!”

“A gentleman never kisses and tells my dear.”

There was a knock at the door from the clerk’s side and then it opened. “Hey, Liz, there’s a Pamela DeFranco out here that needs to speak with you.”

Grabbing her bag she gave a half grin, “Here we go!”

Judge Bennett held the courtroom door open and waved China through. She reluctantly began walking into the courtroom. “Come on Judge, don’t leave a girl guessing,” she whispered.

The court bailiff stood from his position as China walked to her seat at the table at the front of the courtroom and the Judge made his way to the bench, still smiling as China prodded for information.

“All rise.”

Elizabeth found Pam sitting on the wooden bench in the lobby. Hearing the shoe heels click on the marble flooring made her stand to meet Elizabeth. She seemed anxious and timid.

“How are you doing this morning, Pam?” she asked as she took a seat on the bench.

Seemingly frazzled, she sat next to Elizabeth gripping papers to her chest. “I’m really not sure. I – I’m not sure about anything anymore.” Her brown hair was neat and her clothing, schoolteacher appropriate. She was

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