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convinced me,” Claire said. “One black evening dress coming up. By the way, where will I meet you tonight?”

“I’ll be in the Ambassador Room lobby around seven forty-five. Your VIP pass is in my name. I’ll have to sign you in, so meet me there. God, I’m looking forward to this! We’re gonna have an absolute blast! Just think about it. You, me, and a room full of the most eligible testosterone in town. What more could a girl ask for?”

Claire laughed. “You’re something else, Kell. You really are.”


AT SEVEN O’CLOCK, Claire backed out of her driveway and left her apartment for the Harbor Plaza. She had put Walter Pennimore out of her mind.

At the end of the quiet street, local boys played an intense game of basketball under dusky streetlamps, while their girlfriends chatted on the sidelines. Claire remembered how she and Amanda had passed countless hours in a similar playground on the other side of town playing softball or little league soccer while their parents cheered them on from the sidelines. The evening was beautiful, and the ocean breeze wafting in from the Pacific possessed a serenity Claire found relaxing and purifying. The muddy storm clouds that had threatened rain had long since dissipated. Twilight now dressed the sky with the radiant black hue of fine Japanese silk.

The Harbor Plaza Hotel was awash in glamour when Claire arrived promptly at seven-thirty. Police officers on point duty directed traffic. Stretch limousines lined both sides of the street. Parking valets, attired in black tie and white glove, greeted guests as they reached the main entrance. Lovely young models in formal dress escorted VIP’s to the front door of the hotel. Miniature lights which adorned each tree and shrub glittered and sparkled. Commercial spotlights stationed on the boulevard swung pillars of brilliant white light up into the night sky and danced playfully across the clouds.

A handsome young man opened her door and extended a gloved hand. “Welcome to the Harbor Plaza,” he said. “May I escort you inside?”

“Yes. Thank you,” Claire replied.

The valet walked Claire through the hotel lobby, handed her key fob to the concierge, then presented her with a slip of paper. “Just return this ticket before you leave,” he said. “We will bring your car around for you. Enjoy your evening.”

“Thank you,” Claire replied. “Perhaps you can help me. I’m meeting a friend in the Ambassador Room.”

“The Janus Publishing party,” the young man said. He pointed. “Straight down the hallway, past the boutiques. When you reach the fountain, turn right. The Ambassador Room is straight ahead.” He winked. “Believe me, you won’t miss it.”

The valet was right. As Claire approached the fountain and turned the corner, the receiving area of the Ambassador Room was ablaze in camera flashes. The entire wing of the hotel was themed to the night’s event. Large gold-framed portraits of Janus’ most successful authors and their biographies hung from the walls and ran the entire length of the reception hall. A gift table bearing copies of their latest releases stood outside the main entrance to the room. Reporters busily interviewed several of the more familiar faces. Janus was a heavy promoter, and the best-sellers in their talent pool were fortunate enough to receive national media exposure and television appearances on Dr. Phil, The Tonight Show, and CNN. Serving staff eased their way through the crowd, deftly balancing flutes of champagne and plates of caviar on silver platters. A classical string quartet played softly in the corner, barely audible above the cacophony of conversation surrounding them.

“Hey, Claire!” Kelly’s unmistakable voice climbed above the boisterous chatter of the room as she skillfully negotiated her way through the crowd, champagne glass hoisted high above her head. “Glad you made it, kiddo!”

“Me too,” Claire replied. “But are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? I feel a little out of place not being in the publishing industry.”

Kelly gave her friend a big hug and took her by the hand. “Don’t be silly. You’re here as my guest. And let’s not forget, I represent half the people in this room.” In a snooty, aristocratic voice she said, “Truth be told, I’m quite the little powerhouse in this biz.” She handed Claire her guest pass. “Listen, hon. I’ve got to do a little schmoozing, say hello to a few friends, press the flesh, that sort of thing. Just show your pass at the door. We’re seated near the stage. Old man Janus wants to make a few formal presentations before dinner. You know, the usual corporate stuff. After that we par-tay! In the meantime, relax. Have a drink or three. Mingle. Meet a few normal people for a change. They won’t bite. At least not most of them. I’ll meet you inside in, say, twenty minutes?”

“Sounds good.” Claire said. She glanced around the room. “Is Martin here yet?”

“Uh-huh,” Kelly replied, sipping her champagne. “His limo dropped him off ten minutes ago. I’ll introduce you to him the first chance I get. But for now, shoo! Have fun! I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Kelly… oh Kel-ly!” Kelly turned around to the singsong call of her name. A beautiful, buxom blonde in her mid-fifties was walking toward them from across the room, a white miniature poodle cradled under her arm sporting a diamond-studded collar. Kelly smiled and waved. She turned back to Claire.

“That’s Penelope Nash and her dog, Ladybug. Nasty little thing’ll bite your hand off. The dog, I mean. She wrote a diet and exercise book called ‘Fifty and STILL Fabulous!’ I represented her for the deal. Good thing I did. Turned out to be a national best seller. Made her gazillions.”

Penelope Nash sauntered through the crowd, turning heads in her skin-tight white latex bodysuit and red stiletto heels.

“Damn!” Kelly said. “Looks like someone bought new toys for the pool boy. Look at the size of those hooters!” She winked. “Probably should have called the book, ‘Thanks for the Mammories!’”

Claire laughed as Kelly turned away and called out to

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