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Book online «Ascension Of The Blood Throne Mikel Wilson (chapter books to read to 5 year olds .TXT) 📖». Author Mikel Wilson

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stood up looking to signal for him to stop, Alisha slammed the back of her head directly into his face. Blood spewed from his nose as he released the grip, her opening now found Alisha went on the attack with a well placed kick to the body nearly crumbled him. She then grabbed his head and with all of her might jumped into his chin with her knee. His body lost consciousness before he hit the ground. Alisha had done it; the three warriors lay on the ground defeated. The council couldn't be more pleased as they began clapping in unison, her orders were then given to her and with a nod she knew what she must do.

Alisha's training was completed. The vampire presence had not gone unnoticed, and the slayers were now prepared to get them under control. Alisha along with two others would be sent after them.

The council asked many questions about the vampires, their strength and their weaknesses that Alisha had encountered, and she told them all about Prince Christian while neglecting to mention Mackinzie or her daughter, Lillith, and their affiliation. The omission was unnecessary because the council informed her that they knew all about the girls. They explained that Lillith and Mackinzie must be stopped by any means necessary just as the vampire prince.

Alisha's reinforcements joined her in front of the council. Trey was a tall man whose scruffy light beard and skin stood out against his coal black hair. He wore a black tank top with tactical pants and tennis shoes. His weapon of choice was a bow staff with both ends sharpened to turn vampires to dust. The other man, Cortez, was an African American with long dreads. He wore a long denim trench with a sword draped across his shoulders, a spiked belt with knives, and boots. Unlike Trey, who had come to the council’s attention as an adult, Cortez had trained since he was a young boy. Despite their differences in weapons, fighting style, and experience, the two had worked together for a number of years, and their teamwork was amazing.

Both Trey and Cortez swore their allegiance to Alisha as the slayer, and as they left the council, they were given their mission. The men were to take out Christian, and Alisha would go after her daughter and Mackinzie to try to stop their delusions of an honorable mission.

The duo tracked the vampires for hours, finally setting their sights on two that looked to have some authority. Searching for any weaknesses, the men watched from a distance, and within a couple of days, they saw what they needed. They reported back to Alisha, who was having a hard time locating Lillith and Mackinzie, informing her that they had found two of the leaders and asking for the go-ahead to take them out. Alisha gave her blessing not knowing that her own daughter was first in command, and the men had been watching Lillith and Mackinzie.

Trey and Cortez watched for another day while planning their strategy. They discovered that the blonde was the weaker of the two and without her at the other’s right hand, it might be possible to take down the stronger vampire once and for all. They got their chance when the blonde ventured out on her own.

It was a cold rainy night, and Mackinzie was out doing a recon mission, searching the gym for new potentials when the two men struck from either side. A blade covered boomerang whizzed by her head, taking a few pieces of hair with it. Backflipping to safety, she took her stance and focused on the direction the blade had come from. Instead of another weapon, the two warriors now stood face to face with her, their battle-scarred bodies signaling skills and experience she hadn’t even imagined. However, the obvious capabilities along with how quickly and easily these men had very nearly killed her didn’t deter the creature she had become.

"Do you know what you have just started? Now you must face something that is not human, something stronger and faster." Mackinzie grinned as her face changed. Her fangs extended from her gums as she allowed her bloodlust to take hold, and with her strength now magnified, she ran wildly at one of them.

He smiled as he dodged her wild advance and had the arrogance to introduce himself. “We feel it would only be proper to introduce ourselves before we kill you. I am Trey," he even gave an old-world bow before removing a sharpened bow staff from its holder on his back as he pointed toward his fighting mate. "This handsome fellow is Cortez.”

“We are here to end you, bloodsucker," the proud warrior proclaimed as he unsheathed his sharpened katana which slid like a knife through butter.

Mackinzie held both of her hands up to her face taking the only fighting stance she knew, hands up, as they began crisscrossing and running at her. One went high as the other went low. Mackinzie jumped high above them, throwing a punch at Trey, which he dodged. Suddenly, the rain that had only been a drizzle turned into a downpour.

“You two should join us," Mackinzie sneered, but neither even acted as if they’d heard.

The duo attacked once again, one drawing her attention away as the other threw a boomerang which spinned at a remarkable speed, striking Mackinzie's arm with a slicing satisfaction. She grimaced in pain as blood began to pour from the wound, eliciting satisfied grins from the slayers. Mackinzie, seeing she was outmatched, decided to flee. She used her vampire power and jumped, scaling the building to escape just as Christian appeared at her side.

“You did well, my soon to be queen. I had to watch to see how far you’ve come. I was set to step in if either of them came close to killing you. I promise you; this will be their last time facing you alone.”

Watching the vampires flee, the slayers felt a sense of victory. "Next time we see

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