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Book online «Hive Queen Sinclair, Grayson (best pdf ebook reader for android txt) 📖». Author Sinclair, Grayson

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I tried to ignore it as best I could. It was all heavenly, but thick and heavy.

The dining hall was built with the same stone as everywhere else in the castle but had over half a dozen windows that were open to let in a cool breeze which swept some of the heaviest scents out. The morning sun shimmered off Lake Gloom in the distance. The water looked inviting but would have to wait, as I desperately needed food.

From a quick glance, it looked like most of the Gloom Knights were here eating. There were several huge wooden banquet tables in the room, but everyone sat around the largest one that sat closest to the giant stone fireplace, which had a raging fire going. I searched the faces of everyone, looking for Sam, but he wasn't here.

Odd, I wonder where he could be? I'll ask the others after we eat. Most of them were busy with the food on their plates, but Gil, Wilson, and Evelyn glanced up as we entered. Both Evelyn and Wilson returned to their food, but Gil welcomed me with a broad smile that showed his shining teeth that only served to stand out next to his chocolate skin.

"Good morning, Eris. I was wondering when you and the lug-head would crawl out of bed," Gil boomed, his voice deep and rumbling like thunder as he spoke.

His serious voice didn't match his friendly attitude at all. Gil was the big brother I'd never had, and I couldn't help but grin at the giant.

"Good morning, Gil!" I beamed at him.

I sat down across from him, and the children sat on either side of me. The children were frightened of so many humans around, and they huddled into me, refusing to look at anyone but each other and myself. I stroked both of their heads in an attempt to get them to open up.

Gil just watched the exchange with quiet bemusement on his face. Though his words finally registered past my hunger.

"Have you not seen Sa—Duran this morning?" I said. Whoops, that was a close one.

Gil picked up his mug and gulped what smelled like ale and wiped the foam from his mouth before speaking.

"No, least I don't think I've seen him today. We talked for a bit last night, but that's it. Why? Wasn't he with you all night?"

I shook my head and was about to answer when one of the maids tapped me on the shoulder. She was cute, with dark brown hair that stopped at her chin and curled. Her brown hair and freckles gave her a mousy appearance.

"What can I get for you, Miss?" she asked.

"Oh, uh…"

I'd completely forgotten about food, but as soon as it crossed my mind, I couldn't notice anything else. I looked down at the children and asked them what they wanted, and I wasn't picky, so I let them decide.

"Meat!" they said in unison, and I couldn't help but laugh. I turned back to the maid with a chuckle. "Well, you heard them."

The maid blinked. Squishing her eyebrows together as her eyes darted from the children and me to Gil.

"Um, am I missing something?" I asked Gil.

He looked like he was trying so hard to hold in a laugh, his cheeks were red, and he was trying not to smile. He pointed to the children. "We can't understand them."

I nearly slapped myself. How could I forget such a simple thing? "Oh...right, I forgot that."

Gil couldn't hold back his laughter anymore and nearly doubled over from his giggling. I had to smile at my own idiocy. I forgot that no one else could speak Rachnaran. Through all this, the maid was still waiting patiently for our order.

"I'm sorry about that; I completely forgot that little fact. Um, could we have a bunch of meat? No other preference beyond that."

The maid nodded at me. "Right away, Miss, and what to drink?"

"Milk will be perfect."

She nodded once more and turned to head back to the kitchen. I wasn't brave enough to drink ale first thing in the morning, and from what Sam had said, I was a lightweight, whatever that meant.

Gil was still chuckling softly to himself. I wonder if anyone else has seen Sam?

I looked over to where Evelyn was eating. Her pale skin and silver hair were perfect, not a strand out of place. She was picking her way through a plate of eggs and bacon, though she was hardly touching the food; instead, she was buried in a conversation with her brother.

I hated to interrupt them, but my need to ask about Sam outweighed my reticence. "Um...Evelyn, could I ask you something?"

She looked up in a flash, her golden eyes ringed with fury. It sent a wave of chills down my spine, but as soon as she noticed it was me who had spoken, her fiery gaze softened considerably.

"Oh, it's you, little queen. What can I do for you?"

I was suddenly less sure of asking her questions, I hadn't truly believed Sam when he had told me Evelyn was dangerous, but the darkness in her eyes was unmistakable. I sat with my hands in my lap, running my fingers over each other while I worked up the courage to speak.

"H—Have you seen D today?"

With the drop in temperature from her eyes came quizzical humor. "The guild leader? I haven’t seen him since yesterday. Why? I thought you and he shared a bed. Trouble in paradise?"

"Of course not, but Tegen and Cheira didn't want to sleep alone, so I slept in the guest room."

Evelyn picked up a piece of bacon. The smell sent even more waves of hunger through me. She took a deliberate bite and chewed thoroughly. Her eyes never left mine, but there wasn't a trace of her earlier hostility. Her eyes were smiling

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