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police-issue uniform. But why would they send undercover cops to question her about Sanborn’s death?

Tessa knew the answer to that one. They wouldn’t.

The other guy stood only to the first guy’s shoulder. He wore black denim jeans and a black shirt with a red skull on the front. A black leather wrist cuff and boots completed the biker look. He appeared to be in his mid-fifties and had a scarred face that roughly imitated a vertical rectangle.

The first guy threw up his hands. “She’s not here.”

“Or she’s not answering.” The second guy’s voice was as rough as he looked. He snickered. “We could always break in. Or are you too much of a sissy for that, Maddox?”

“I’m not a sissy, Horner.”

Tessa had to bite back a giggle at the name.

“I just don’t want to go to jail today,” Maddox said. “So, let’s go, okay?”

Tessa darted back into the lobby before the men could spot her. She had no idea who they were, but if they were considering breaking into her apartment to find her, she knew they weren’t good. And she didn’t want to run into them face-to-face.

She dove into the only obvious hiding spot in the room—behind the reception desk. From his spot on the floor near the tool bag, Silas gave her a puzzled look. She used her hand to make a cutting motion across her throat and then jabbed a thumb behind her, where the two men were just emerging from the hall.

Silas’s face registered understanding. He jerked his gaze to the task at hand, away from Tessa.

Maddox and Horner left without saying anything to the landlord, and Tessa popped up, peering out the front window to see which vehicle they got into.

“What’s going on?” Silas moved the tools behind the counter.

“Were those the guys you were talking about?”

“Yeah, why?”

“They were just banging on my door. I don’t know them.”


“And they seemed to be a bit . . . questionable.” She made for the glass door of the lobby. “I think I’m going to follow them.”

Tessa wasn’t sure when she’d made that decision, but it seemed like a solid one. She had a hunch that those guys had something to do with Mr. Sanborn’s death. Of course, she had no proof. But how else was she going to find Mr. Sanborn’s spirit? The pair of goons was her only lead.

“Do you think that’s safe?” Silas asked. “How questionable are we talking?”

“They thought about breaking in.”

“That sounds highly questionable.”

“I’ll be careful.” Tessa jogged across the parking lot as the white Toyota Camry carrying Maddox and Horner pulled away.

She jumped into Linda and twisted the key in the ignition. The car sputtered and died, refusing to make any effort at all when Tessa tried again.

Tessa growled in frustration. “You know what? That’s it. I’m getting a new car! You’re going to the junkyard, missy!”

Silas, who’d followed her out, stood several feet away watching. “I think that’s for the best.”

“Can you drive me?”

“Are you serious?” Silas looked shocked. “Following those guys seems like a terrible idea.”

“It might. But I think waiting around for them to find me again is a worse idea, don’t you?”

He ran a hand through his hair, making it flop over one eye, so he had to push at it again. “I guess you’re right. Come on.” He crossed the lot to a shiny blue Silverado and climbed in.

Tessa ran to get in the passenger side. “Hurry! We’re going to lose them.”

“Hold your horses. We won’t lose them.” He maneuvered the truck onto the street and stepped on the gas, roaring through a stop sign at the next intersection.

Tessa scanned the area looking for the Camry and biting her lower lip. Silas’s truck wasn’t exactly inconspicuous. Hopefully, it wouldn’t draw the goons’ attention.

“There!” She pointed to the right, where she could just see the back corner of the Camry as it turned onto another street.

Silas gunned the engine, following the Camry at speed but had to ease back when they caught up too fast.

“Looks like they’re heading out of town.”

“Stay with them,” Tessa pleaded. “I want to see where they go.”

“You got it.” He smirked a little, almost like he was having fun. “But I still think this is a terrible idea. If those guys are up to no good, shouldn’t we call the police or something?”

Tessa imagined Officer Stewart’s eye roll if she called and told him some guys were knocking on her door. “I don’t have any evidence other than what I just overheard. I don’t think the cops would be able to do anything with that.”

Silas nodded.

“We’ll just see where they go and maybe get a little more information.”

“They’re going to the casino.”

Silas pulled into the parking lot and then found a spot at the edge of the lot. They watched Maddox and Horner get out of the Camry, which had pulled into the valet lane. Horner tossed the keys to the young attendant, who caught them awkwardly. They didn’t ask for a ticket. The two headed inside.

“Thanks for the lift.” Tessa hopped out of the truck and started to hurry across the lot.

“Hey!” Silas had rolled down the passenger window and leaned over to call out to her. “Are you sure you want to go in there? If those guys really were looking for you, you’ve essentially done their job for them.”

“I’m just going to see if I can figure out who they are.” But she knew Silas was right. “I’ll stay out of their way,” she said. “And I’ll get a cab back to the apartment when I’m done.” She waved and smiled cheerfully to encourage Silas along.

He frowned, uneasy to let her go. Reluctantly, he put the window up and eased out of the parking spot.

Inside, it only took Tessa a few seconds to remember why she hated casinos. They were smoky, crowded, noisy, and smelled like desperation.

She scanned the area looking for Maddox and Horner before easing into the main room. Slot machines jangled and clanged. Waitresses circulated the floor,

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