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Scott Fitzgerald


Is this the book you asked



If this is literature

Quoted in Brinnin


two penetrating eyes

The Heart to Artemis


big as, perhaps bigger



There is something

Van Vechten to Gertrude, 16 April 1923, Burns, ed., Letters of Stein and Van Vechten


Had you wished to give

Robert McAlmon to Gertrude, 8 October 1925


with sentences so regularly



One should not talk about

Edmund Wilson, Axel’s Castle, 1931


Before I came to Paris

The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas


a complete memoir of that

Paris was Yesterday


Gertrude? What would you

Hemingway to Maxwell Perkins, 7 September, 1935


never, anywhere, ever

Hemingway, A Moveable Feast


in its hollow tinsel

‘Testimony Against Gertrude Stein’, foreword, transition, February 1935


God what a liar she is

Journey into the Self


So many people knowing me

Haas, ‘Gertrude Stein Talking’


And the Stein texts,

Virgil Thomson, Virgil Thomson


If in regard to climates

Capital Capitals


I think it should be late

James Mellow, Charmed Circle: Gertrude Stein and Company, 1974


Pigeons on the grass alas

Four Saints in Three Acts


Speech alone lacks

Virgil Thomson


He makes the words by

Parker Tyler, Florine Stettheimer, A Life in Art, 1963


quite a departure

cited in Steven Watson, Prepare for Saints


It was the perfect moment

The Heart to Artemis


walked up to our

David Harris, ‘The Original Four Saints in Three Acts’, Drama Review, vol. 26, no. 1, 1982


I cannot say that we don’t

Rogers, When This You See, Remember Me


If you knew the resistance

Thomson to Gertrude, 9 June 1933, The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson


They act as if they had never

Wars I Have Seen


I sat next to her

What is Remembered


You! Why didn’t you

Paris was Yesterday, Introduction

Works by Gertrude Stein

As Fine As Melanctha, Foreword by Natalie Clifford Barney, 1954

The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, 1933

Bee Time Vine and Other Pieces, Preface by Virgil Thomson, 1953

Everybody’s Autobiography, 1938

Fernhurst, Q.E.D. and Other Early Writings, edited and with introduction by Leon Katz, 1972

Geography and Plays, 1922

Gertrude Stein on Picasso, edited by Edward Burns, 1970

How To Write, 1931

Lectures in America, 1935

The Making of Americans, 1966

Narration: Four Lectures, Introduction by Thornton Wilder, 1935

Painted Lace and Other Pieces, Introduction by Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, 1955

Paris France, 1940

Portraits and Prayers, 1934

Selected Writings of Gertrude Stein, edited by Carl Van Vechten, 1946. Includes:

The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Tender Buttons

Composition As Explanation

Portrait of Mabel Dodge at the Villa Curonia

As A Wife Has A Cow: A Love Story

Four Saints in Three Acts

Tender Buttons, 1914

Three Lives, 1915

Two: Gertrude Stein and Her Brother and other Early Portraits, Foreword by Janet Flanner, 1951

Wars I Have Seen, 1945

Writings 1903–1932, 1998

Works referencing Gertrude Stein

Allmer P. and Sears J., 4 Saints in 3 Acts, a snapshot of the American Avant-Garde in the 1930s, 2017

Anderson, Sherwood, Gertrude Stein: Correspondence and Personal Essays, 1972

——Memoirs, 1942

——Notebooks, 1926

Brinnin, John Malcolm, The Third Rose, Gertrude Stein and Her World, 1959

Bryher, The Heart to Artemis, 1962

Burns, E. ed., The letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl van Vechten, 1913–46, 1986

Duncan, Roland E., Interview for the Oral History Dept, Bancroft Library, Berkeley, 1952

Field, Andrew, The Formidable Miss Barnes, 1983

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, The Letters of Scott Fitzgerald, ed. Andrew Turnbull, 1964

Flanner, Janet (Genêt), An American in Paris, 1940

——Men and Monuments, 1957

——Paris was Yesterday: 1925–1939, ed. Irving Drutman, 1972

Gallup, Donald, Pigeons on the Granite: Memories of a Yale Librarian, 1988

——ed., The Flowers of Friendship: Letters Written to Gertrude Stein, 1953

Haas, Robert Bartlett and Gallup, Donald, A Catalogue of the Published and Unpublished Writings of Gertrude Stein, 1941

Haas, Robert Bartlett, ‘Gertrude Stein Talking’ – A Transatlantic Interview, 1945

Hanscombe, Gillian and Smyers, V.L., Writing for their Lives, 1987

Harris, David, ‘The original Four Saints in Three Acts’, Drama Review, vol. 26, 1982

Hemingway, Ernest, A Moveable Feast, 1969

——Selected Letters, 1917–61, 1981

——Letters, vol. 1 (1907–1922) ed., Sandra Spanier, 2011

Hobhouse, Janet, Everybody Who Was Anybody, 1975

Holbrook, Susan and Dilworth, Thomas, The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson, 2010

Imbs, Bravig, Confessions of Another Young Man, 1936

James, William, Writings 1878–1899, 1992

Levy, Harriet Lane, 920 O’Farrell Street, 1947

——‘Recollections’, typescript, Bancroft Library, Berkeley

Luhan, Mabel Dodge, Intimate Memories, 4 vols., 1933–7

McAlmon, Robert, Being Geniuses Together, 1968

Miller, Rosalind, Gertrude Stein: Form and Intelligibility, 1949

Mellow, James R., Charmed Circle: Gertrude Stein and Company, 1974

Page, T. and V.W., eds., Selected Letters of Virgil Thomson, 1988

Rogers, W.C., When This You See Remember Me: Gertrude Stein in Person, 1948

Rosenshine, Annette, ‘Life’s Not A Paragraph’, typescript, Bancroft Library, University of Berkeley

Simon, Linda, The Biography of Alice B. Toklas, 1978

Sprigge, Elizabeth, Gertrude Stein: Her Life and Work, 1957

Stein, Leo, Appreciation: Painting, Poetry and Prose, 1947

——Journey into the Self: Letters, Papers and Journals of Leo Stein, edited by Edmund Fuller, 1950

Steward, Samuel, Dear Sammy: Letters from Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas, 1977

Testimony Against Gertrude Stein.

Thomson, Virgil, Virgil Thomson, 1966

Toklas, Alice B., The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook, 1960

——What Is Remembered, 1963

Watson, Steven, Prepare for Saints: Gertrude Stein, Virgil Thomson, and the Mainstreaming of American Modernism, 1995

Weininger, Otto, Sex and Character: An Investigation of Fundamental Principles, 2005

Wickes, George, The Amazon of Letters, 1977

Wilson, Edmund, Axel’s Castle, 1952


Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material. The publisher apologizes for any errors or omissions in the list below and would be grateful if notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in future reprints or editions of this book.

Material by Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) from Analyzing Freud, edited by Susan Stanford Friedman © 2002 by the Estate of Perdita Schaffner © 2002 by Susan Stanford Friedman, reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Material from ‘Borderline: A Pool Film with Paul Robeson’ by H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) © 1930 by Hilda Doolittle, reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Material from Bryher’s letters reprinted by permission of the Schaffner family.

Material from Capitals, Capitals

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