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Book online «The Crafter's Dilemma: A Dungeon Core Novel (Dungeon Crafting Book 3) Jonathan Brooks (me reader TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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that again didn’t deter them, as they immediately fell upon her Rolling Forces before they could escape.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, more Specters flew out of the “dead zone” that she couldn’t reach and destroyed all 500 of her Shears that were keeping watch for anything moving within.  Within a minute, she had basically lost a view from most of the forest, though she still did have an aerial view from her flock of Phoenixes roaming around.  They were wholly ineffective at seeing through the trees, and she didn’t want to risk lighting the entire forest on fire by having them go down in a full blaze; that might solve some immediate problems, but as there was no way to stop it, the fire might spread for hundreds of miles.

That Core has been one step ahead of me this entire time; there’s no way it could coordinate all that before it started its upgrade, which means that whole thing with not absorbing the Monster Seeds was just a ruse.  It’s been aware of everything this entire time, just waiting to strike.

She canceled her plans to send the diggers, instead keeping them safe back in her dungeon; she could always send them later, but she doubted they would live long enough to make it to the collapsed entrance in the first place, let alone being allowed to dig for hours in their excavation.

As she tried to develop some alternative plans, she hoped that everyone trapped down there was alright – because it was all up to them now…

Chapter 32

Echo watched as the others stumbled below her as the ground shook and the sound of rocks and dirt crashing together filled the tunnel behind them.

* The entrance is collapsing and I’m losing connection to my Monsters – they’re under your command now, Felbar!  I’ll try to— *

The rest of whatever Sandra was trying to tell them was lost as Echo felt some unknown connection sever itself within her mind.  The destruction behind them finally settled, and Echo turned her Pegasus Starlight around to see what happened – only to find the way behind was blocked.

“Is everyone alright?” she yelled out, as dust seemed to fill the tunnel and she coughed as she made her way to the second room again.

No one answered her and she got a little worried, until she realized that no one could understand her; the automatic translation that Sandra normally did for them was no longer there.  She looked around and saw Felbar and the other Gnomes – including Gerold in his all-metal construct – and sighed in relief…before a little part of her mind started to panic.

We’re trapped!  There’s no way out!

Elves weren’t very comfortable underground, and it had taken a while to get used to being inside Sandra’s dungeon – and she still wasn’t completely at ease.  The only thing that had made it more bearable was the knowledge that she could leave at any time, and the exit was only a relatively short distance away; now, trapped underground in a dangerous undead-filled dungeon, Echo was starting to lose her nerve.

I should’ve never insisted in coming!

Her panic was only increased when she saw the way all of Sandra’s monsters were frozen in place – though they were staring at Felbar for some reason.  The only one that wasn’t doing that was Starlight, which Sandra had specifically told her would follow her commands.  Looking around some more, she also realized that they were missing some of the monsters that had come with them; looking back down the tunnel, she realized that at least a dozen of the metal monkeys, a handful of Pegasi, and nearly 20 of the strange beings made of light were still behind her in the tunnel – and were now buried under tons of dirt and stone.

“What are we going to do?!  We’re all going to die!” she cried out, the panic now ramping up as she began to realize their situation.  She hadn’t realized she had been relying on Sandra to coordinate everything, and without the Dungeon Core there she was feeling lost.

Luckily, no one could understand her, and they ignored her hysterical panicking; it’s all good for those Dwarves, she thought, because they’re used to living underground and probably don’t care, but I swear the low ceiling in this room is getting lower.

Felbar barked out something – which was completely foreign to her – and every monster in the room…except Starlight and the creepy Shapeshifter things for some reason…turned to the right.  Another barked command and they all jumped, followed by another that made them all attack some invisible enemy ahead of them with their weapons – or hooves. 

Well that’s good at least; if Felbar can control them, then maybe we have a chance.  Though, without the Shifters following his commands—wait a minute!  Sandra put me in charge of them!

The knowledge of her responsibility towards the others in commanding the Shapeshifters dampened her panic further, though it was still simmering under the surface of her thoughts.  With her own barked command, “Begin!”, 10 of the multi-colored monsters morphed into a naked version of herself.  She was beyond caring at that point, but the 10 that had shifted went to the backs of the nearest Pegasi and opened up the packs that were strapped there and pulled out some basic beige-colored cotton clothing.  When they put on the outfit – more for her and the others’ sake of modesty than for any real protection – they unstrapped the bows and quivers as well, before climbing on top of the Pegasi.

A different command came from Felbar and it was obviously directed towards just the white flying horses, because they immediately turned towards Echo.  She smiled in the Gnome’s direction, assuming that he had just given her control of them – or at least told them to listen to her commands. 

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