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and sobbing behind the prosecutor’s desk and my heart sinks.

For some people, this case will never be over.

Chapter 15

Dr. Priscilla Barnette is a tall redhead with a white picket fence smile and bright blue eyes. With the trial behind us, Everett and I met up with Noah right here at my OB-GYN’s office for my next prenatal visit. Both Noah and Everett haven’t missed a single appointment so far. They’ve both been so very sweet about everything, so very understanding. And I’m not sure why, but it tears my heart apart just thinking about it.

Dr. Barnette has already measured my belly and disapproved of the fact I’ve gained another ten pounds—which actually does bring me to a rather shocking running total. But, nevertheless, she’s dimmed the lights and is rolling that mouse of hers over my belly as we look to the screen to witness yet another glorious ultrasound of the baby.

A spray of pink stars appears to my right, and I gasp a little as I give Flo a quick wave.

“Good work on giving that girl a free pass,” she says. “That’ll teach any man not to lay a hand on their girl.”

I make a face. I certainly wasn’t giving Allison Gray a pass, but at the end of the day, I guess I sort of did.

“And now for the baby...” Dr. Barnette says as the image on the screen comes into focus and a tiny cry emits from my lips.

“Hello there, little one,” I whimper as both Noah and Everett lean in to get a better look. “Oh, look at those chubby cheeks!” I cry out. “And that little button nose, and those perfectly pursed lips.” Tears come to my eyes, and yet I can’t stop smiling.

“Amazing.” Everett picks up my hand and kisses it. “Look at that. You can see its face, plain as day.”

Noah lets out a breath. “Lottie, he or she is beautiful.” He grips his hand over mine as he sniffs hard. “It’s almost unbelievable that you have an entire person tucked in your belly. A beautiful, beautiful soul that I cannot wait to meet.”

Flo floats over to the screen, and a whimper emits from her as she touches the area depicting the baby’s chubby little cheek.

“I can’t wait to meet my baby, too, Lottie. In paradise, of course.” A lone tear rolls down her face as bright as a falling star. “We’re going to find the bastard that did this to me—that did this to my baby—and then we’re going to kill them.”

She up and disappears in a puff of smoke, and Everett, Noah, and I exchange a glance.

“Look, look.” Dr. Barnette draws our attention back to the screen just as the baby opens its mouth.

Another cry comes from me as my sweet little sugar cookie gives a full-fledged yawn.

The four of us break out into laughter, in tears, and Dr. Barnette assures us she’ll give us each a recording of the ultrasound to play back whenever we like. Soon, the session is over, and the lights are back on.

“Okay, Lottie”—Dr. Barnette starts—“have you booked your birthing classes?”

“I sure did, a few weeks back when you suggested them. They start up next month.”

“Perfect.” She grins to the three of us. “I’m assuming you’ve both signed on as coaches?”

“That we have,” Noah is quick to say. “And I’m looking forward to it.”

Everett nods. “As am I.” He looks my way. “You’re going to do great, Lemon.”

“I hope so.” I shudder at the thought of going through so much pain. “Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, right?” I look to Dr. Barnette for some encouraging words of comfort.

“True,” she says. “But for each woman, the first time is the first time. Birth can be a very painful, stressful, bloody event.”

“Gee, thanks.” I shoot her a look.

She gives a quick blink. “Lottie, have you seen a live birth?”

“Well, no. I mean, Keelie and Lainey both had their babies last August. And Noah delivered Keelie’s baby, but by the time I got there, he was already holding him in his hands. And I wasn’t in the room when Lainey actually delivered. I was there for some of it, but then I stepped out to use the restroom and out popped Josie.” I shrug.

“Well, since you and Essex haven’t been privy to it yet, I suggest you watch some live births. They have an entire slew on the internet, but I have a few I recommend.”

Yes, Dr. Barnette has earned the right to call Everett by his proper moniker, but even though they’ve been intimate, I don’t hold it against her. She’s just another in a long line of women, and I’ve made peace with that.

“I’ll shoot you the link, Lottie.”

“Perfect,” I say, looking to Everett and Noah. “Maybe we can pick up some Wicked Wok and watch after dinner? I can whip up some waffles for dessert.”

“Sounds like a winning combination to me,” Everett says as he helps me sit up. “Can’t wait.”

Noah and Dr. Barnette share a smile that suggests they’re in on something, and I have a hunch they are.

I already know I won’t like what I see tonight, but ready or not, this baby is going to make its debut in March—and I choose to be ready.

Now to stuff my face with Chinese food and forget about my troubles for a little while.

Flo bounces through my mind and that entire debacle concerning her corpse.

On second thought, my worries are rather hard to forget.

In keeping with the plan, we quickly load up on buckets of Wicked Wok.

I may have forcefully yet lovingly made sure Everett ordered twice as much as we usually do, but only because I’m so hungry I almost ate the receipts in my purse on the way home. Teaches me to leave the house without enough fried pickles to last the day. I had a couple of chocolate croissants and a few cheese Danishes in my lunch sack today, and I still was ravenous

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