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Book online «Karma's Shift (Magical Midlife in Mystic Hollow Book 2) Lacey Andersen (comprehension books TXT) 📖». Author Lacey Andersen

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movie time. Our online tribe has a plan to finally take on this castle that we haven’t been able to beat.”

Man, Alice and Henry were seriously perfect for each other. I might not completely understand their relationship, but it worked for them, and it made them happy. That was all that really mattered.

“And does Alice ever want to move in here? What does she think about kids?”

His gaze never left the screen. “She likes her house. Her parents do her laundry and cook. She says kids are fine. Messy and loud. But fine.”

That wasn’t really what I meant, but it sort of answered my question. I didn’t need to be an aunt, as long as they were happy. Some people never had or wanted kids, and that was totally okay. Honestly, waiting and not jumping into things right away might have saved me a lot of heartache, not that I’d ever change having Travis, but I could understand the hesitation.

“And have you been staying away from gambling?” My gut twisted as I asked the question and I forced myself not to hold my breath as I waited for his answer.

His gaze finally left the screen, and a flash of guilt came and went from his face in an instant. “I only gamble online now, not with anyone in town.”

Well, at least he wouldn’t tick off the shifters or run into the sirens again. I hoped.

The movie kept playing, and I glanced out the big picture window, watching the waves roll over the white sand beaches. Had I really left this place for a guy? Mystic Hollow was idyllic in some ways. From the beaches to the cute little local businesses, to the bed and breakfasts that dotted the outskirts of town. Add in my family and friends living here and how friendly everyone was, except for some grumpy shifters, and I was surprised that this place wasn’t overrun by tourists. I wondered if there was some magic at play there, keeping them from staying too long or coming too close.

I knew that technically when I left it had been for college, but I’d always imagined coming back until I met Rick. What was it about love that made people stupid? I supposed there were stupider things I could have done for love, but still.

Despite my best intentions, my thoughts went to Daniel. Would I be crazy to fall for the big shifter? Right now, probably, but for some reason, I felt like I wouldn’t have to give up important parts of myself to keep him happy like I had with Rick. I wouldn’t need to change myself.

It hadn’t happened all at once, it wasn’t like I met Rick and he told me I had to do x, y, and z if I wanted us to be together. No, it was the slow nudging to lose weight, to keep dyeing my hair a certain color because that’s how he liked it, to get back in shape after having a baby so that he would still find me attractive, not to mention cooking and cleaning everything on my own, raising said baby without his help and still being expected to help run a business and look a certain way. It was exhausting and insidious. It wore me down like water creating the Grand Canyon. I suddenly realized just how controlling he’d been. I knew the next time I found someone I wanted to be in a relationship with they would have to accept me as I came, with no changes, because that wasn’t going to fly anymore.

“What are you thinking about?”

I turned and found Henry watching me. “I don’t know. I guess how much I really missed this place. How much I gave up for Rick.”

His gaze returned to the screen. “I never liked Rick, but he made you happy, so I let it go.”

Turning on my side, I snuggled in the blanket and focused on the movie. I want to say I was completely enraptured by the film and that my eyes didn’t close but that might have been a lie because halfway through, Henry tapped my leg. “Is that your phone?”

I sat up and pulled my cell from my back pocket. I hadn’t even heard it because it was buried under the big blanket. It wasn’t because I had been drifting off to sleep. “Oh, it’s Travis!” I was excited to hear from my son. He didn’t call often enough. “Hey, Pumpkin, how are you?”

“I’m good! I just came home to do laundry. It was kind of weird how quiet the house was.”

“Ah, are you missing mama?”

He scoffs. “Nah, I love you, but I don’t mind just being able to focus on my friends and school.”

“How is all that going?”

“School? Well, I’m doing well in my classes. Just finished a big test, and I feel like it went well. Super ready to graduate. Friends? Well, I didn’t tell you this because I thought you were dealing with enough, but Becca and I broke up. A while ago.”

My heart froze in my chest. I thought they would be together for much longer than that. She’d been one of the sweetest girls Travis had ever brought home. “Why didn’t you tell me?” My hand had gone to my chest, clutching at my shirt, which was ridiculous. My son was still young enough to be playing the field. Did people still say that? Anyway, he didn’t need to bind himself to someone like I’d done with Rick.

“I didn’t want to upset you. I mean you just disappeared back to Mystic Hollow, so I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I figured you had enough on your plate.” He was starting to sound defensive, so I knew I had to rein it back in unless I wanted a grumpy Travis on my hands, and with how rarely he called, that was the last thing I wanted.

“That makes sense, but you can always call me and tell me anything, Pumpkin. You know that, right?”

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