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Book online «Without Law 18 Eric Vall (reading well TXT) 📖». Author Eric Vall

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do any more damage.”

“I can get through that concrete,” Bailey said. “But it will take a couple of shots.”

“That’s no good,” I said, and I pursed my lips. “If it takes more than one shot, then they’ll just move down further.”

“Right.” My sniper frowned. “So, what’s our plan?”

“Is there any way we can get to them from here?” Anna asked.

“They’re hidden just like we are,” Hammer said. “We need to get them out of hiding somehow.”

“We have one of the grenade launchers in the jeep,” Anna said. “Will it reach across the water?”

“It might.” I nodded. We were a decent ways across the river, and with the darkness, it was difficult to tell the exact distance, but it was worth a try.

“I’ll be right back,” Anna said, and she slipped away.

The NK soldiers on the other side of the water continued to fire at the ship, and I knew it was only causing damage that we wouldn’t be able to repair. The grenade launcher was a good idea, but we needed to deter them.

“Everybody get your plasma guns and start shooting,” I instructed.

“What?” Paige asked, and she looked at me with eyes narrowed with concern.

“We need to draw their attention away from the ship,” I explained. “Now shoot.”

“Fuck, okay,” Paige said nervously, and she reached down and yanked her plasma gun off her hip.

Everyone else did the same, and we started to fire at the concrete area the NK soldiers were hidden behind.

They stopped firing at the ship for a second when they realized they were being attacked from somewhere else. Unfortunately, the blue lights went both ways. They alerted us to the presence of the NK soldiers, but it did the same for them.

There was no hiding when we were using the plasma weapons.

Once they figured out where we were at, they started firing in our direction instead of the direction of the ship. I guess they figured the ship wasn’t going anywhere, and they were right.

Usually, the sailors operating the ship would steer it away, or fire somehow, but the men on duty weren’t experienced sailors, and the larger plasma weapons were too out in the open for them to get to safety under fire.

It seemed the NK soldiers had figured that out, too, because they decided to come after us first, which was exactly what I wanted.

They were right, the ship wasn’t going anywhere, but we weren’t, either, and as long as they weren’t continuing to do damage to the ship, my plan was working. The concrete here was thick enough to protect us for quite a while, and we had plasma weapons just like they did, so this battle could go on for days.

It didn’t take long for Anna to return with the grenade launcher. The redhead knelt down next to me and loaded the machine, then she looked over at me and nodded.

“It’s ready,” she said.

“Good,” I told her. “We’ll give you some cover fire, only lift it up as far as you need to.”

“Right,” she agreed.

Just as I was about to give the order, the soldiers on the other side of the water started to fire at us continuously.

We ducked behind the barrier, and I could feel the impact of the plasma beams hitting the concrete. Some smoke and debris flew up from behind us, and I glanced over at Hammer.

The man’s eyes were serious, and he gave me a hard nod.

I could tell he’d been in this type of situation before, and it made me respect him that much more.

“You guys okay over there, Lieutenant?” the voice came through the radio again.

“We’re good,” Hammer said into the walkie. “As soon as they let up, you start firing, and don’t be surprised if you see an explosion.”

“Roger that,” the SEAL replied through the crackle of the walkie talkie.

We waited a moment more while the NK soldiers gave us everything they had, then, as soon as there was a split second of a break, I shot up and began to fire repeatedly. I’d never fired the plasma gun so quickly, and I hoped it wouldn’t overheat or something, but right then that was a chance I had to take. We couldn’t let these assholes get control of the water again.

The girls and Hammer hopped up and began to fire as well, and once we had some good cover fire going, Anna jolted up, and I heard the loud thud sound of the grenade launcher going off.

We continued to fire at the concrete across from us, but after a few seconds, the grenade exploded. It hit the barrier and went off with a loud bang and a blast of fire, but it didn’t make it far enough over the barrier that I could say for sure the soldiers were dead, or even injured.

“Shit,” I breathed.

“Fuck,” Anna cursed as she crouched back down.

“Retreat,” I commanded, and we all stopped firing and crouched back down behind the barrier. We needed a new plan, and we needed one fast.

“Well, that was a fuckin’ bust,” Anna muttered as we sat down.

“That did some serious damage to the barrier by them,” Bailey said. “I can probably get through it with one bullet now.”

“They can still just move away from the area,” Paige reminded her.

“Yeah, but not if we bombard them,” Anna said with a grin. “I’ll launch another grenade, Bailey, you shoot at the wall, and everybody else go crazy.” The redhead looked to me for approval. “Tav? What do you think?”

“That sounds like a plan to me.” I smiled and nodded. “Let’s do it.”

“Fuck, yeah,” Anna chuckled, and she reloaded the grenade launcher. “I’m ready whenever you guys are.”

We waited a few seconds for the firing from the NK troops to die down, and as soon

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