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Book online «Second Chances in Chianti (Escape to Tuscany Book 2) T.A. Williams (early reader books .txt) 📖». Author T.A. Williams

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of money, I imagine.’

‘No… well, yes, to an extent, of course. But it’s more a question of who I’d be working with.’ She caught Antonia’s eye. ‘I’m not talking about the other actors.’

‘I know who you’re talking about.’ Antonia nodded slowly. ‘And you’re not the only one who’s been wondering how things are going to pan out on that front. Conrad’s playing his cards very close to his chest on this one.’ She straightened up, glanced at her watch and headed for the door. ‘Anyway, let’s see what this week brings.’

Alice knew enough not to press her on what was no doubt a tricky subject, seeing as Zoë and Conrad Chesterfield went way back and he had always stood resolutely behind the grouchy director up till now. She got up and followed Antonia to the door. ‘Yes, of course. By the way, are we going to get a visit from Mr Chesterfield himself, do you think?’

‘That’s anybody’s guess. I suppose, seeing as we’re in his house, he might put in an appearance, but I haven’t heard. Now, why don’t you two freshen up and come back down when you feel like it? I believe the others should be here before too long.’

Chapter 4

When Alice and David came back downstairs, there was no trace of Antonia or Richie so, rather than risk finding herself caught in a potentially toxic conversation with Zoë, Alice suggested going for a walk and David was all for it. They went back up to their room, changed into shorts and trainers, and headed out. Alice took her sketchbook, just in case something caught her eye.

The sun hadn’t yet reached the horizon, but it was already casting long shadows. They started out by touring the formal gardens, mainly consisting of rose beds whose perfume filled the air. As they walked along the gravel paths, the constant background soundtrack was the hum of bees labouring industriously in among the multi-coloured blooms. For now, at least, there was no sign of the wasps that had given their name to the villa. There was little other extraneous noise, apart from the twittering of little birds and the hammering of a distant woodpecker in the trees on the hilltop.

They headed roughly in that direction, passing out of the formal gardens into the vineyards, following a path around the side of the vines as the ground started to tilt gradually upwards. Lizards ran for cover as their shadows fell on them, and a handsome male pheasant suddenly erupted into a fit of what sounded like coughing as it flung itself into the air and flew off into the trees. Although the vendemmia, the grape harvest, wouldn’t be until September, the grapes were already the size of large peas and beginning to turn darker. Before long they would develop a deep blue-black sheen, as they grew and swelled. It was a charming walk, and Alice caught hold of David’s hand and gave it a little squeeze.

‘What do you think?’

‘It’s another world. Not just the scenery and the plants and the sunshine, but the luxury of the place. The villa’s stunning and our room is about the same size as my whole flat before I moved in with you.’

Alice could hear the awe in his voice and she remembered her first exposure to the sort of luxury that millions of dollars could buy. Her first year in Hollywood had been a succession of assaults upon the senses as she was invited to parties at the spectacular – and often spectacularly tasteless – homes of the rich and famous.

‘It’s not always like this. Don’t forget, we’re pretty much at the top of the pile here. Not all of Hollywood’s as opulent as this place.’ He nodded but she could see that underneath his façade of maturity and sophistication he was beginning to feel just a bit overwhelmed. She remembered she had a warning for him. ‘By the way, don’t get too cosy with Zoë. She’ll eat you for breakfast and spit out the pieces if you aren’t careful. But you did a good job of inflating her ego back there – not that she needs much encouragement.’

‘I meant it. I’ve been dying to meet her. She’s a legend to anybody thinking of becoming a director.’

So he hadn’t been putting on an act. ‘Results aren’t the only thing that count. It’s how you get them. Surely you wouldn’t want to be as unpopular as her?’

He shook his head. ‘It wouldn’t bother me. They say the best generals were universally feared and hated by their men, but they won the battles.’

This didn’t match Alice’s recollection of history at all, but she made no comment, feeling more than a little surprised at his attitude. Clearly David had found himself a role model and she didn’t like the sound of that one bit. Still, a bit of brown-nosing by him might help to keep Zoë sweet – or at least a bit less acid than normal – which had to be no bad thing.

Everywhere they walked, the earth underfoot was tinder-dry, but deep ruts in the baked soil showed where tractors had previously sunk down into soft mud. It seemed almost incredible that the now rock-hard ground could once have been so soft. The weeds and grasses around the edges of the field had been burnt yellow by the sun, and the dry leaves under their feet rustled and crackled as they walked over them. It was still hot and it came as a pleasant relief when they reached the relative cool of the shade cast by the trees that clothed the hillside further up, not least as the ground sloped more steeply now and the going started to get a bit tougher.

Not long after reaching the shade of the trees, they came upon what looked like the same sturdy wire-mesh fence they had seen by the main entrance and realised that this probably marked the end of Conrad Chesterfield’s territory. On the other side of the fence, the

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