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Book online «The Risks of Dead Reckoning Felicia Watson (books for 9th graders .TXT) 📖». Author Felicia Watson

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up for dead,saying that if the peerazu don’t get them, the Feataywill.”

“What charming people,”Lindstrom observed.

Decker mused, “We couldtake the shuttle over the chasm to get them. But that wouldprobably draw the attention—”

“—of more peerazu,” Maddoxsaid. “Most certainly it would. We have small crafts ourselves, butwe’ve promised the Maykure to refrain from employing them. Wehaven’t yet found another safe means of getting tothem.”

Ricci said, “I’ll leavethat matter in Commander Kennedy’s capable hands. I’m sure he canfind a way.”

After Con agreed that theTactical team would dive into the rescue efforts, Lateef and Uddinstated their intention to examine the body of the peerazu Deckerhad killed. They wanted to see if a weakness could be identified;Jallow offered them the use of her laboratory for that endeavor andthe meeting adjourned.

Chapter 5


“But also all journeys have secret destinationsof which the traveler is unaware.” Martin Buber, Hasidism andModern Man

As soon as possible, Riccischeduled a private conference with the senior officers of thelanding party. Lindstrom, Lateef, and Uddin reported in from theshuttle. Lindstrom first apologized for Kennedy’s absence,explaining that he and Decker were still assessing the rescueoperation, before relaying the rest of the team’s whereabouts.Avery was already at work with Yang, while Brodie, Kapoor, and Quanhad gone out to retrieve the peerazu corpse – with some muscularhelp and an anti-gravity sled from the Aurora.

From his office, Ricciaddressed the holographic figures of his crew. “Okay, you met thesepeople in person – do you have any idea what’s going on? Wherethey really camefrom?”

“I don’t think they’relying,” Lateef responded.

Lindstrom exclaimed,“What? You were the one demonstrating why they cannot possibly be who they claim tobe.”

“I meant that they seem tosincerely believe they were on the Valiant– not that it was true.”

Uddin suggested, “Couldthey somehow be clones of the Valiant crew?”

Aqila said, “I waswondering the same thing – it’s the simplest explanation.” Sheshook her head, adding, “But if that’s the case, it raises so manymore questions. Even if we assume that these…Lignatian aliens arethe ones who did the cloning – when and how did they get thegenetic starting material? And more importantly, why clone humansin the first place?”

“Scientific curiosity?Slave labor? Weird hobby?” Lindstrom supplied.

Ignoring his firstofficer’s sardonic explanations, Ricci said, “Well, there’s onlyone way to find out – ask them. Directly. And I think that’s aconversation best had in person.”

Lateef replied, “There’s aproblem with that plan, sir. As far as we can tell, Maddox’s peopledon’t know the precise coordinates of Jileesa themselves. When Iasked her, she said such knowledge was unnecessary since it waspre-programmed into the Nav-unit. We’d have to find a way toextract it from that.”

“Such an attempt is goingto go over…rather poorly, in my opinion,” Lindstrom countered. “Idon’t see Maddox reacting well to any suggestion that we’rechecking up on them.” He looked at Ricci. “I think it best if thatrequest come from you. Captain to captain, as it were.”

“I whole-heartedly agreewith your assessment, Commander, so I think it best if we find theplanet without their assistance,” Ricci answered. “I anticipatedthis difficulty and already put Ramsey to work figuring out a wayto triangulate the location of Jileesa from the original message.She seems to think she’ll have an answer soon so—”

Ricci was interrupted by ahail from Brodie to Lateef telling her that they had portions ofthe peerazu in Jallow’s lab. After securing his permission, Lateefand Uddin hurried off to start the analysis, leaving Lindstrom andRicci alone.

“What I was going to say,”Ricci continued, “is that if Jileesa turns out to be within a fewday’s journey, I’d like to head there immediately. I don’t want torisk sending down another shuttle – so why have theLovelace hanging aroundlike an over-sized ornament when we couldbe doing something useful instead?”

“That is an eminentlyreasonable position, Captain.”

“Then you’re comfortablebeing alone here for up to a week?”

“I think we can handlerounding up some wayward humans and cutting up a monstrous birdin Lovelace’s absence. I have to admit, the Aurora is outfitted rathersplendidly and should supply anything not to be found on theshuttle.”

With a chuckle, Mattreplied, “I hope you’re not cheating on the Lovelace, Nils?”

“Never!” Ricci was aboutto sign off when Lindstrom added, “One last thing,sir….”

“What’s that?”

“How do you want me tohandle it when Decker inevitably knocks Prince-not-so-charming onhis ass?”

Ricci’s wanted to protestagainst the inevitability of such an event but had to admit tohimself it was at least probable. “In that eventuality, you shouldprovide Lieutenant Decker with whatever consequences you feel heractions…deserve.”

“Yes, sir.” As Ricciclosed the channel, he could have sworn he heard Lindstrom say,“Though I don’t have any medals on me at the moment.”


Early the next day, Deckerand Kennedy were in the Auroraconference room, presenting their rescue plan toLindstrom, Maddox, and Croker. Con pointed at a holo-map,explaining, “It turns out that your stranded crew ended up isolatedfrom the Aurora by not one but two chasms. Since we can’t fly over to getthem, we’ll hike up this hill here to the top of the canyon,avoiding the areas that the Featay inhabit. We can shoot asling-bridge over this first ravine, then—”

Maddox interrupted him,asking, “Sling-bridge?”

“Yes, they’re temporarybridges that self-propel across a chasm and hook in at either side.We developed them during the war for use on Centauria.”

“Earth is at war?” Maddoxasked. “With an alien enemy?”

“It was,” Lindstrom said.“It’s been over for years now.”

“You keep us in suspense,”Croker declared. “Did Earth prevail?”

“It took more than twentyyears and many lives lost – but, yes, we did.”

Croker looked at Decker.“Ah, this is how you developed such fighting expertise, yes?” Whenshe nodded, he said, “I regret I wasn’t with you all in battle.”His chest swelled as he expounded, “My natural skill as a pilotwould have been put to great use – the war’s duration would havebeen much different had I been there.”

“It went on long enough asit was,” Decker retorted, fully aware that answer would probablyget her a lecture from Lindstrom or Con later.

Solemnly, Croker agreed,“Yes, twenty years is indeed an extended time to be at war.” Deckdodged his attempt to drape an arm around her shoulder as hecontinued, “But at least I will be

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