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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) 📖». Author Laura Burton

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being married. So, I needed a husband,” she said in one breath. David moved his hand away from hers and studied her for a moment. She nervously ran her tongue across the back of her teeth and watched him carefully. Was he mad? Did he understand? She couldn’t tell.

“And, I came in saying I needed a wife in thirty days and that seemed to be the perfect opportunity for you,” he looked up at the car ceiling with his jaw clenched. He was mad.

“I’m so sorry, David.” Tears were filling Emily’s eyes as she looked at him imploringly. David turned to her and shook his head.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” he said quickly. Emily raised her brows. The anger on his face was gone and he was holding her hand again.

“Really? Did you even hear what I said?” She couldn’t read him. Was he hiding something from her?

“It seems like a pretty big coincidence, don’t you think?” he said in a low voice.

“Maybe it was supposed to be that way,” Emily mused. David raised a hand to her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

“You’re really not mad at me?” she asked softly, hardly able to believe that the truth was finally out and David wasn’t acting like she was the biggest traitor on the planet.

He looked at her with the purest eyes; his lips were apart slightly, then he licked the bottom one and glanced down at hers.

“If we’re doing confessions, then I should tell you that from the day we first met, I fantasied about being with you.”

Emily gulped. An explosion of excitement was going on inside her body. She leaned in and kissed him gently. The rising passion within drove her to keep going. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and he clutched her back.

Everything was going to be okay. David knew the truth and set her free. Not only that, but now he was kissing her back. This would just be a funny story to tell the grandkids, she thought.

As their hands roamed, the flush of heat rose to Emily’s cheeks, and it was only when the car came to an abrupt stop that the two of them broke apart, panting. They stared at each other, shoulders heaving up and down, needing a few moments to catch their breaths. Then they burst into laughter.

“We just got married,” Emily said, grinning this time. The realization sent pulses of electricity through her. David grinned back.

“Yes, we did.”

Chapter Eighteen

Meet the Family

David nestled back into the soft leather armchair as the jet engines rumbled into life. He glanced over in amusement at Emily as she was looking around the flight cabin, taking it all in.

“You know, technically this is half yours now,” he said with a grin. Emily’s mouth fell open and she raised her eyebrows.

“You have your own private jet? Most people hire one out.”

David rubbed his chin and scratched the hairs of his five o’ clock shadow. He watched her fasten her seatbelt and clutch the arms of her chair. The skin over her knuckles turned white.

“How long is this flight?” she asked, in a fake nonchalant way. David noticed her biting her lip and the fixed smile on her face wasn’t fooling him at all.

“Are you a nervous flyer?” He reached out a hand and placed it on top of hers.

“No,” Emily replied a little too quickly.

David cocked a brow and looked at her frankly.

“Oh? Then why are your hands clammy? Is there something else making you nervous? You seemed okay in the helicopter.” He traced the line of her knuckles with his index finger and touched the huge diamond ring on her wedding finger.

“I just hate the take-off and landing.”

The plane sped along the runway and the engines’ roar flooded the cabin. David watched the color fade from Emily’s cheeks as she shut her eyes. He patted his legs wondering what he could do to distract her as the plane set off into the sky. Then an idea came to mind and he grinned.

“Hey, I want to give you something,” he said as he tugged on Emily’s hand. She opened her eyes and stared at him, a pool of sweat glistened on her upper lip. David reached into his pocket and retrieved a small rectangular box.

“This is yours.” He handed the box to Emily, who took it into her shaking hands.

“What is it?” She flipped open the box and gasped. The plane leveled off and the push of the engines normalized as Emily stared at the contents inside the box.

“I can’t believe it,” she said barely above a whisper.

David cracked his knuckles and watched her eyes tearing up.

“Do you like it?” he asked with anticipation. Emily threw her head back and laughed.

“Is that a serious question?” she pulled out a piece of jewelry. It was the sunflower necklace he had seen her wearing in Oliver’s store.

“You really shouldn’t have.” Emily shot him a look. “It’s too much.”

“Call it a wedding gift.”

Emily held it out to him, the line of sunflower jewels sparkled in the rays of sunshine coming in through the round window, dazzling David.

“Will you help me put it on?” She turned her back to him and swept her hair to the side. David fumbled with the necklace, attempting to fasten the delicate clasp. Once he was done, Emily turned back and beamed at him, her hand touched the necklace as if it were made of glass.

“I love it” was all she said.

I love you David thought, staring into Emily’s sparkling eyes. He moved forward to brush her hair away from her face and caress her cheek, but the plane shook and Emily’s happy resolve turned back into blind panic.

“What was that?” she said, holding onto the arm rests for dear life.

“It’s all right, it’s just a bit of a turbulence,” David reassured her. He unfastened his belt and knelt down at Emily’s feet, placing his hands on hers.

“Emily, you didn’t tell me you were afraid of flying. I’m

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