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to be illegal and a monopoly; and in December, 1666, the Houses of Lords and Commons held a conference on the subject. In the end the Commons obtained their will, and an address of both houses was presented to the king thanking his Majesty “for causing the Canary Patent to be surrendered and vacated” (Journals of the House of Lords, vol. xii, p. 119). The trade was in consequence freed from all control. ↩

There are several references to this new fashion of dress introduced by the king, Pepys saw the Duke of York put on the vest on the 13th, and he says Charles II himself put it on on the 15th. On November 4th Pepys dressed himself in the new vest and coat. See notes, October 15th and November 22nd. ↩

Captain Du Buat, a Frenchman in the Dutch service, plotted with two magistrates of Rotterdam to obtain a peace with England as the readiest means of pressing the elevation of the Prince of Orange to the office of Captain-General. He was brought before the Supreme Court of Holland, condemned, and executed. He had been one of the household of the Prince of Orange who were dismissed by De Witt. ↩

“Proclamation (Whitehall, Sept. 13, 1666) ordering Oct. 10 to be observed as a day of humiliation and fasting on account of the late fire, whereby the greatest part of London within the walls, part of the suburbs, 80 parishes, with churches, chapels, hospitals, etc., are become one ruinous heap; also ordering the distressed state of the people to be earnestly recommended to general charity in collections to be distributed by the Lord Mayor of London as he sees fit.”

Calendar of State Papers, 1666⁠–⁠67, p. 122

St. Margaret’s. Dr. Sancroft, Dean of St. Paul’s, preached before his Majesty at the Cathedral; Seth Ward, Bishop of Exeter, before the House of Lords, in Westminster Abbey; and Dr. Stillingfleet and Dr. Frampton before the House of Commons at St. Margaret’s, Westminster. —⁠The London Gazette, No. 94. —⁠B. ↩

Robert Frampton, a native of Pimpern, in Dorsetshire, educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and afterwards a student of Christ Church, and chaplain to a man-of-war. In 1673 he became Dean of Gloucester, and in 1681 bishop of that see; but refusing to take the oaths of allegiance to William and Mary, he was deprived, Feb. 1, 1690⁠–⁠1, and retired into private life. He died at Standish, near Gloucester, on May 25th, 1708, aged eighty-six years. ↩

See Life, vol. i, p. xxi, where the register of St. Margaret’s parish, Westminster, is quoted to the effect that Pepys was married December 1st, 1655. It seems incomprehensible that both husband and wife should have been wrong as to the date of their wedding day, but Mrs. Pepys was unquestionably wrong as to the number of years, for they had been married nearly eleven. ↩

The parliament voted this day a supply of £1,800,000 sterling. ↩

The timidity of the pigeon has caused the addition of a series of words to the English language, as, pigeon, a gull; to pigeon; pigeon-hearted, and pigeon-livered, the latter expression used in Hamlet. ↩

See December 13th, 1665. ↩

The African House of the Royal African or Guinea Company of Merchants was situated in Leadenhall Street. ↩

See note 2761. ↩

Prince Rupert. ↩

Evelyn describes the new fashion as “a comely dress after ye Persian mode” (see Diary, October 18th, 1666). He adds that he had described the “comelinesse and usefulnesse” of the Persian clothing in his pamphlet entitled Tyrannus, or the Mode. “I do not impute to this discourse the change which soone happen’d, but it was an identity I could not but take notice of.”

Rugge, in his Diurnal, thus describes the new Court costume “1666, Oct. 11. In this month His Majestie and whole Court changed the fashion of their clothes⁠—viz. a close coat of cloth, pinkt with a white taffety under the cutts. This in length reached the calf of the leg, and upon that a sercoat cutt at the breast, which hung loose and shorter than the vest six inches. The breeches the Spanish cut, and buskins some of cloth, some of leather, but of the same colour as the vest or garment; of never the like fashion since William the Conqueror.” It is represented in a portrait of Lord Arlington, by Sir P. Lely, formerly belonging to Lord de Clifford, and engraved in Lodge’s Portraits. Louis XIV ordered his servants to wear the dress. See November 22. ↩

Paul Rycaut (B.A. Camb., 1650; was appointed secretary to the Earl of Winchelsea when that nobleman went to Constantinople in 1661 as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Sultan Muhammad Han. He was afterwards consul at Smyrna, secretary to Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1685⁠–⁠87, when he was knighted, and Resident at Hamburg. He died December 16th, 1700. The book referred to appears to be The Present State of the Ottoman Empire (see March 20th and April 8th, 1667). ↩

See note 819, November 28th, 1660. ↩

Apparently the parish of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate, which escaped the Fire. ↩

Lady Diana Fane, daughter of Mildmay Fane, second Earl of Westmoreland, widow of Edward Pelham, Esq., of Brocklesby, in Lincolnshire, remarried John Bills, Esq., of Caen Wood, Highgate. Her only child, Diana, by her second husband, died the widow of Captain Francis D’Arcy Savage, May 23rd, 1726, and is buried at Barnes. Lady Diana Bills was at this time in her thirty-sixth year. —⁠B. ↩

The King of Denmark was induced

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