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Book online «Mageborn The Line of Illeniel Michael Manning (novels to read for beginners txt) 📖». Author Michael Manning

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spoke, he looked angry.

“They protect the wearer from magic of the mind. As long as you’re wearing it no magic can enter your thoughts, or affect your spirit. It won’t protect your body, but at least you’ll still be able to fight.” I waited to see what their reaction would be. Chaos broke out.

People were shouting at one another, and at me. “You tell us there are creatures out there that don’t die when you cut them and we’re supposed to feel safe because you have some gewgaws to give us!?” “This town has been cursed since the old Count died!” I was losing control, but old Joe came to my rescue.

“Now pipe down! You ungrateful lot! Are you men or sheep?” the crowd grew quiet. Joe had a lot of respect among the men in Washbrook, and they listened. “This boy has been working hard to do what none of us would. He’s been patrolling the farms at night, by himself at first, while we huddled in our beds! Now he’s offering us something, a way to defend ourselves.”

“We can’t fight the dead Joe!” someone shouted back.

“We can and we will! I been in this town since you were a pup Cecil Draper! We used to have a militia and I don’t see why we can’t have one again,” Joe bellowed back, then he looked at me, “if that’s ok with you yer lordship.”

I could have hugged him. “Damn right it’s fine with me!” Things improved after that. We got everyone organized and handed out the necklaces, one for every man, woman, and child. Then Dorian and Joe began discussing the militia idea. Soon enough they worked out a schedule and a chain of command. I would be in charge, but Dorian would handle the militia. He made Joe his lieutenant. I thought it was a good choice; the man had strong leadership qualities.

We talked late into the night and I was tired by the time everyone left. “You did good Mort,” Penny told me as we climbed into our new bed.

“I just hope it’s enough.”

“It will be. You just have to trust them. These are good people and they’re tougher than you realize.” She gave me a light kiss.

I was hoping that kiss might lead to something more satisfying, but Penny could be as stubborn as a mule about some things. With a sigh I went to sleep.

Chapter 5

The next morning was better. People had a purpose and it gave them strength. The workmen continued their efforts to repair the inner keep, and the stone masons turned their efforts to the outer walls, making sure they were sound. When the keep had burned, seventeen years before the outer curtain wall had been untouched. Even the walls of the inner keep were in fairly good shape, though they had tumbled down in places. At the rate they were working the walls and gates would be finished within a few months.

I was at the smithy again, enchanting more necklaces when a rider from Lancaster showed up. It was one of the duke’s regular messengers. Every time I saw one of them I reminded myself that someday I would have to have a few as well. It was damned inconvenient trying to find people heading that way whenever I needed to send a message. I walked out to meet him.

“A message for the Count di’Cameron!” he said loudly, his horse was lathered with sweat. I figured his message must be urgent.

“That would be me,” I said to him.

He looked at me in surprise. I guess most people don’t expect to see a count dressed like a workman and wearing a smith’s apron. He recovered quickly and handed me a sealed message tube. I opened it deftly and soon had the paper unfurled so I could read it.

Lord Cameron,

I trust this note finds you well. Unfortunately I have no good news for you. The King, his majesty Edward Carenval sends greetings. You are expected in the capital immediately to swear fealty to him. I have enclosed the letter he sent for you. He wants you to arrive as soon as possible after receiving his command and it would be unwise to delay. I did not think he would require your presence so soon but the matter of your wizardry has complicated things I think.

Regarding the other matter you informed me of, I will send ten of my men to guard Washbrook until you return. I wish that I could send more, but I have few to spare, especially given the vague nature of the threat. Please make haste to Albamarl, and take Penelope with you, he will wish to meet her.

I will meet you at the Capitol. I have also been summoned to answer for the matter of Devon Tremont. His father, Lord Tremont has demanded an accounting for his son’s death and I must present my case, your testimony will be helpful.

James Lancaster

I found the other note inside, but it contained no better information. It was beautifully written and sealed with his majesty’s personal signet. It annoyed me to think I would have to leave my people at such a dangerous time. The journey would take a solid week on horseback. Thankfully my father had brought his horses; otherwise I would have been afoot. I hadn’t had time to buy any horses of my own yet. I asked the courier to wait so I could send a reply with him, then I went to find Penny.

She was busy setting up the interior of our new apartments within the castle. She saw me coming and knew something was going on by the look on my face, “What’s up?”

“I just received word from James; we have to go to the capital... immediately.” No use beating around the bush.


“Yep, we are summoned by the king himself. James is going as well, to answer for Devon’s death,” I replied.

“Surely they don’t plan to place blame on him? Devon got what was coming to him!” she

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