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Book online «Light Speed Arkadie, L. (positive books to read .txt) 📖». Author Arkadie, L.

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by droplets of waterand he stops moving his hips. The rain thick and bulbous looks likea million diamonds raining down on us. This is strange of course,being that the sky is not in view. The water is able to fallstraight through the billow of flaccid branches!

The Selell swears aloud and pulls me againsthim. I twist my neck to look behind us. One drop of water buildsupon the last droplet. The rain is rapidly falling but not a speckof the liquid touches us.

Lario Exgesis whips his head around,searching in all directions. He’s panicking.

“I told you to be quiet,” he grumbles withhis jaw clenched.

The water is taking form, becoming legs,hips, torsos. They have heads now, faces, arms, and all. Theysurround us in the numbers. These beings are gigantic and slender.Since they are made of clear liquid, I’m able to see right throughthem as if I were looking through diamonds.

“Get him!” roars one of the creatures in hisown tongue as it aims a long translucent finger at Lario Exgesis.His voice booms like a thousand drops of water simultaneouslypounding the earth. He speaks in a language that I’ve never heardspoken before, but I understand it as if he’s said, “Le’pe tek’e!”which is the same in Enuian.

Suddenly a mountain of water pours over us.Lario Exgesis releases me to throw his hands up in an ill attemptto guard against the tidal wave. I’m able to scramble away and turnback to see that he’s congealed in what looks like a round ball ofliquid. My eyes cannot believe what they are seeing. He’s flinginghis arms and kicking his legs. He’s engaged in a desperate struggleto free himself but even I can see there’s no escaping. And hismovements are slower and slower until he stops, frozen inplace.

Strangely, I have no fear of the translucentcreatures because the light within me is taking in their life forceand they are not touched by evil. One of the massive creaturesseparates from the pack to stand only a few feet away from me. Asplashing noise resonates as the creature’s feet smash against thesoil. It’s a male. I can tell because of the ripples of liquidmuscles in his bare chest and arms. How can water developmuscle? I can’t stop studying his lofty translucent toes andfingers. And the eyes that he studies me with are blue. I should beshrinking from fear where I stand, but I’m not.

“I am Ktkl,” he says in his strange tongue.I’m grateful that he told me his name before I asked.

“I am Ad’ru.” I say in Enuian.

“You are with the vampire?” His tone isabrasive as he raises his bushy, see-through eyebrows at LarioExgesis.

I’m caught between having concern for LarioExgesis and being mesmerized by Ktkl, the creature with liquidflesh.

“He’s my guide,” I mutter after a longpause. “He’s helping me find my sister. She’s being held captive bythe Mtknv.”

The creature twists his large neck to lethis ice blue eyes fall over his companions. He opens his mouth wideand bellows out noise that sounds like a raging waterfall. Theothers respond likewise. The sound shakes the trees and even theground beneath my feet.

“We Mtknv.” Ktkl stabs himself in the chestwith a long finger.

“I don’t understand…” I say, although Ithink I do understand. Lario Exgesis intended to deceive me againand I wonder to what end. “Are you holding a creature like mecaptive?”

“We hold no lifeblood captive,” hedeclares.

I have no reason to doubt him. He soundsforthright in his declaration.

I point to Exgesis. “But why hold thiscreature captive?”

“He and the Treesh stole the Scepter ofGant!” the creature roars, angered by the accusation.

“Then you’re familiar with this creature?” Iask in Enuian, affirming what’s already been determined though Idid not know the extent of which the Selell was acquainted withthis universe.

“I am,” he replies, and he doesn’t soundhappy about it. He stabs another finger in Lario Exgesis’direction. “We have war because of his crime. Even you are now indanger Lifeblood. You worlds are now threatened by theOlligark.”

I take a hard look at the Selell Exgesis.Why are his actions so evil? If we are bonded, then shouldn’t he bemore of the light and good? His offenses are indeednumerous, yet I feel the need to try to intercede on hisbehalf.

“What are your penalties for his crime?” Iask.

“Death,” growls Ktkl.

“No.” I shake my head. “I cannot let thatbe. He is my bond. If I live then he must live.”

Ktkl’s translucent face grows angrier.Suddenly water rains down on me. It occurs to me that I’m beingsentenced for my defense of Exgesis and declaring that we arebonded. The Mtknv have decided to take me prisoner. But just asfast as the rain falls, the wispy branches of the surrounding treesbegin to whip back and forth, generating a forceful wind, making itimpossible for the liquid prison to take form around me.

The wind continues its assault by thrashingevery single Mtknv creature. Their liquid composition splashes awayfrom their figures, causing them to lose shape. And they arewailing in agony, a sound of destructive rains pounding theearth.

Then it all stops: the rain, the wind, thenoise. I’m looking up at the massive, reformed figure that is Ktkl.I feel like I have swallowed air but it’s still lodged in mythroat. We both know what just happened. The trees have sided withme. However, they have chosen not to free Lario Exgesis.

“You’re free to go,” Ktkl says and it soundsas if he’s about to take his prisoner and leave.

“Wait, what about my bond?” I cry indesperation.

“He stands to face the elder Akltnk,” hesays forcefully. It almost appears as if his large mouth is goingto swallow me whole.

But I’m not willing to let my circumstancesremain as they are. If they take Exgesis, then I will be alone.I have never been alone.

“But he is my companion.” I stop short ofgrabbing hold of his powerful liquid arm and pleading for him torelease Exgesis.

First, Ktkl narrows his eyes at mescrupulously. “Is that what you require? A companion?” He asks.

I nod and watch his eyes shift toward thetrees to the right of me. Their branches wave back and forth. I dobelieve Ktkl is communicating with the branches.

Then, a gigantic ball

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