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activities, questionable acquaintances and criminal business dealings.”

“Possibly even a hangout for killers,” Shelby whispered.

“Yes, ma’am.” Cool Bones nodded.  “Far be it from me to stick my nose in where it don’t belong, but I’m gonna warn you to steer clear of the place.  Why are you asking about the Black Stallion?”

“Shelby’s ex-husband was trying to persuade her to meet him there and she and I were trying to figure out why.”

“I don’t know how you feel about your ex, but he had better watch his back if he frequents that place.  If he’s not careful, he’ll end up pushing up daisies.”

“Dead,” Shelby said.  “It’s a little late.  My ex was murdered yesterday and the authorities are trying to pin it on me.”

“You don’t say.” Cool Bones let out a low whistle.  “Let me get this straight.  Your ex-husband tried to talk you into meeting him at the Black Stallion. He was murdered and now the authorities suspect you’re the one who murdered him?”

“Correct.” Shelby nodded.  “And I think I’m being followed.”

“This is quite the conundrum.  At the risk of sounding nosy, do the authorities have evidence implicating you?”

Shelby laid it all out for Cool Bones, her escape to the women’s shelter, her move to the apartment, how her ex had tracked her down and asked to meet with her, wanting cash in exchange for custody of Violet.

“I agreed to meet Robert in a small park not far from the river. When I got to the meeting spot, I found his body. Someone shot him.”

“Did he mention anyone who might be after him?”

“He said he was working on some big deal. He also mentioned he was making fast cash as a bookie.” Shelby motioned helplessly.  “When he offered to sign off on his parental rights in exchange for money, I emptied my bank account, hoping to get rid of him for good.”

“Tell him the other part, what the authorities found,” Carlita said.

“Robert had no intention of signing away his parental rights. The authorities found a paper requesting custody instead. He was tricking me.”

“Whew.” Cool Bones scratched his chin thoughtfully.  “I don’t see an easy way out of this Shelby. What does Tony think about this?”

“We’re not speaking. I never told him I was going to meet Robert, to give him money in the hopes he would go away.”

“He’s a hot-headed Italian, just like his father,” Carlita said.

“I see. I wish I could help you, but my only connection to the Black Stallion Club is my former business partner. While you’re waiting for the authorities to sort this out, I would keep a low profile.  Those people down at the Black Stallion, they mean business.”

A cold chill ran down Carlita’s spine.  It was even worse than she suspected.  She reached over and squeezed Shelby’s hand.

“Thank you, Charles.  What you’ve told us has been helpful.” She turned to Shelby. “Maybe you should go to your uncle’s place after all.”

“The farther away, the better.” Cool Bones opened the door and followed the women into the hall.  “I’ll keep my ears open. If I hear anything at all, I’ll let you know.”

Carlita started to thank him and then impulsively reached out and hugged him instead.  “You’re a doll, Cool Bones. I don’t care what Elvira says.”

Cool Bones’ laughter echoed in the hall and continued even after his door closed.

Shelby stared at the closed door.  “I’m scared out of my mind. I’ve never visited anyone in jail, let alone been incarcerated.” Her lower lip began to tremble.

Carlita wrapped her arms around the young woman.  “I promise Shelby, I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening.  You need to keep your chin up, for Violet’s sake.”

They walked across the hall. “If you decide to stay at your uncle’s place, pop by and let me know you’re leaving so I won’t worry.”

“I will,” Shelby promised.  “Thank you for everything.” She reached for the doorknob before turning back.  “One more thing.  Could you please tell Tony I’m sorry?”

“Yes, and then I’m going to strangle him,” Carlita joked.

Shelby gave Carlita a sad smile and then quietly slipped inside.

Carlita was halfway to her apartment when the downstairs doorbell chimed.  She hurried down the steps. When she reached the bottom, she grabbed the knob and then peered through the peephole.

Standing on the other side of the door was a man, and he had his back to her. The man slowly turned and Carlita’s breath caught in her throat.

Chapter 8

Vito Castellini’s tall frame filled the peephole. Carlita watched as he lifted his gaze and cased the joint.

“Good grief.” She pressed her forehead to the door and prayed she was going to survive.  “When it rains, it pours,” she said under her breath before yanking the door open.

Vito stood front and center on the stoop.  On either side of him were two big, beefy bodyguards. One of them slid his hand into the jacket of his pinstriped suit and pulled out a gun.

“Put that away.” Vito motioned to the man brandishing the weapon.  “We ain’t gonna shoot anyone, at least not yet.” Vito shifted his attention to Carlita. A slow smile crept across his face.

“Carlita Garlucci. I bet you’re surprised to see me,” Vito said.  “Are Vinnie and my daughter, Brittney, around?”

“Y-yes.” Carlita’s words stuck in her throat.  “They’re upstairs.  Brittney mentioned you might be stopping by for a visit.”

Vito shoved his hands in his pockets and looked around.  “So this is the old Delmario place?  You know he got whacked for double-crossing the family, right?”

Carlita wasn’t sure if it was meant to be a warning. She wasn’t taking any chances.  “Yes. I mean, I didn’t know that for certain. I’ve heard rumors George’s killer was never caught.”

Vito Castellini laughed.  “And they never will.  I see you’re

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