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Book online «For The Love Of A God Rosanna Leo (best novels in english txt) 📖». Author Rosanna Leo

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words so clearly. “I will slaughter any woman you ever try to love. I will find them, Eryx, and make you regret your ill-thought passion. You could have had me, a goddess, yet you chose a worthless mortal. I will make it so you can never love again. Do you hear me?” Nemesis had crowed. “They will all die."

And so, they had.

Over the years, Eryx had been tempted a few times to give his heart to pretty girls who captivated him. Surely, he'd thought each time, Nemesis had forgotten him by then.

But the goddess had found each one before he could even dream of bedding them and had destroyed them. Just as she'd done with poor Chloe.

Those women had never even seen Nemesis coming, her retribution had been so swift.

And as he'd mourned each one, Nemesis had taunted him. “Now, now, my pretty god,” she had mocked. “You didn't think I'd make it easy for you, did you? I know your emotions run deep, Eryx. Women may fall into your bed, but you will never be able to love again, not as long as I live."

"You are a witch."

"And you are a fool,” she'd retorted, trailing her slim fingers across his back, taunting. “If I find you've made any woman love you, I shall drag her to hell by her hair and leave her there. And you will suffer her loss for all eternity."

"Just because I would not bed you?” he'd seethed.

"Because you would not love me."

How he hated her. No mortal could ever hate someone so much, but as a god, he hated Nemesis with a power of tidal proportions.

He should have hidden Chloe away, protected her and the others better.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Eric banished the memory of his priestess and the degenerate Nemesis.

But as one memory vanished, another took its place before his eyes. Maia Douglas and her very soft lips. Opening for him. Sighing as he licked and sucked at her tongue.

"No,” he whispered, his mind raging. “I can't want her.” In wanting her, he would only hurt her. And he'd vowed he'd never hurt another innocent woman.

"God of love,” he muttered. “God of hell, more like it."

He glanced at the many open documents on his laptop. He had reporters clamoring to interview the reclusive Eric Lord. There were press conferences to appear at and gala fundraisers to promote. And because he valued his control and authority more than anything, nothing would be complete without his say-so. Sarah had already provided him with a list of people who needed to be e-mailed back. He was a busy man.

But tortured by the memory of Maia's kiss, the busy man dropped everything and headed for the door.

"Maybe you should just fuck him."

Maia looked up from her work and stared at Dino.

From her desk, Sheila laughed. “He's got a point."

Maia exhaled. “I knew I never should have told you guys."

"Oh, come on,” Dino replied, nibbling on an apple as daintily as a six-foot man could. “Eric Lord is crazy hot.” He shrugged between bites. “Besides, you know you need it. You haven't had sex since you were on that dig in Greece and lost your virginity to that skinny sand dweller."

"That skinny sand dweller happens to be a respected archaeologist.” Maia felt her face turn as red as Dino's apple as she glared at him. It was true. Maia had been flattered when George, her father's protege, had professed his desire for her. He'd been gentle and kind and considerate for her first time ... and left her feeling hollow, wondering if there ought to be more to this sex thing. She wasn't even sure George had made her come. God only knew he'd never made her pant the way Eric did, just by glancing at her.

"I bet he was no Eric Lord.” Sheila's eyes grew dreamy, as she made the comparison already in Maia's head. “Such hair. Such height. Such a sculpted chest."

Maia felt herself grow warm at Sheila's enthusiastic description. “We haven't seen his chest. We don't know if it's sculpted."

"Sometimes you just know,” Sheila replied wistfully. “Besides, Maia, he kissed you!"

"He's our boss!"

"He obviously doesn't care!"

"Anyway,” Dino said. “You can't deny the way he looks at you. All steamy, like he's wondering what your daisy looks like."

Maia scowled. “Don't be silly. He's barely said three civil words to me since the pub. If he were interested, don't you think he would have sought me out by now?"

She felt her chest constrict even as she said the words. For two whole days, she'd done little else but mull over Eric's scorching kiss. And as much as she was scared of where it would take them, she'd gone to work the next day dying to see him again. But when he did talk to her, his displeasure just radiated from him. If he liked her, wouldn't he have shown it? Wouldn't he ask her out again? Or did he expect her to show up on the executive floor, offering him her body on a very hefty platter?

As disturbingly tempting as the thought was, she would never have done it.

He probably regretted their kiss as much as she couldn't get it out of her head. And now he clearly loathed seeing her. She reminded him of his temporary mental lapse.

"Anyway,” she continued quietly. “I don't even know if I like him. He took my statue."

"Sweetie,” Dino said, coming over to put his arm around her shoulder. He tipped her head up and looked into her eyes with great empathy. “You can't fuck a statue. At least not at that angle. You'd at least have to tip it onto its back first, and as a conservator, I can't recommend it."

"Argh,” Maia growled as Sheila exploded into laughter. She pushed Dino's arm away. “Let me finish my work. And would you both please stop talking about Eric Lord and the stupid kiss which never should have happened!"


They all turned and saw Eric leaning against the door to the conservation office. Grinning

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