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Book online «MAKING MAGICKAL ALLIANCES: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel Leigh Raventhorne (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖». Author Leigh Raventhorne

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if she had discovered any information about Rand’s situation. I realized this was also a good opportunity to discuss Tess.

“I know you are under much stress. How are you holding up, Roxanne?”

Was everyone going to catch me unawares today? “You do therapy sessions, too? We may have to keep you on here permanently, Danai,” I joked. “But be warned, it will probably be a full-time job from what I’ve experienced so far.”

She tilted her head, a small smile on her lips. “I would very much like to discuss that possibility at some point. But, seriously, how are you doing?” She watched my face carefully as I thought about how to answer.

“All things considered, I think I’m handling things fairly well.” I lifted my shoulders in an exaggerated shrug, then dropped them. “I mean, what else can I do? Um, while we are on the subject of handling things, has Tess talked to you about anything that might be going on? Sam and I are worried about her.”

“She has not been herself lately, I know, but she will talk to us when she is ready. Let’s get back to the subject of you.”

“Danai, I’m a Devraux witch and this is my job. Like I said, what else can I do?”

She pursed her lips. “I’m not sure if that is an answer.”

She was right and we both knew it. Chewing my lip, I made a decision. I started talking, letting it all out. Every worry, every insecurity, every bit of what I was feeling, right down to my guilt about what had happened to Rand. When I was done, I lowered my head, waiting. At least I wasn’t crying.

“As you have said, you have handled all of this extremely well, Roxanne. But I can see the weight you carry—it shows in your aura. That you have such supportive friends, your tribe, is a very good thing. I don’t know of any in our world who could have survived everything you have, especially being as new to all of this as you are, no matter how much magick they might possess. And to do it with two, no, three humans by your side,” she held up a hand when I opened my mouth to object. “I count Rand as human, for now, until we figure out otherwise. Tess is not yet considered a witch. Other than her healing skills, she is still mostly human at this stage of her life.”

“Don’t let her hear you say that,” I said wryly.

She gave me a serene half smile and reached for my hand, patting the top of it. “As I was saying . . . everything you are feeling is normal. You have worked hard to keep your friends safe in our world, but they are proving themselves to be quite formidable, for humans. Do not be afraid to let them in. They are part of your strength, I believe, as are the horse shifters, Gloria, the pixies, and even myself. You are bringing us all together.” She slid my sleeve up, exposing the sapphire bracelet. “I have been thinking about what the king of the water fae said about this and I think he is right. Accept and embrace this, as you have your own magick.” As she said this, the sapphire began to glow again. “See? It agrees. Perhaps you need to negotiate with it, as the king suggested. Let it know Rand is important to you and you do not want to hurt him. I know nothing of fae magick, so this is just my opinion. Before you rescued me, I did not even know so many of the fae still existed—they’ve become little more than myths and stories to most.” She shook her head, a look of wonder on her face. “But I am glad to know that they do. They may be part of the key to bringing our world back from the precipice on which it teeters.”

The sapphire glowed even brighter at her words. I breathed in deeply and nodded. I’m not sure if that was exactly what Olen had suggested, but perhaps she was right. Thanking her, I stood and headed for my room. It was time to have a discussion with a pretty piece of jewelry.

Chapter 4

Talking to the fae Object

To my surprise, Zara joined me moments later in my room. I’d just sat down on the edge of my bed and was debating on how to proceed.

You didn’t think I would leave you to do this on your own? She jumped up on the bed and settled next to me.

Grateful for her presence, I stroked her head. “No. I didn’t want to take you away from the kittens—I mean, kits.” Her purr rumbled under my hand, calming me.

Sebastian watches over them. Besides, I am curious to see what will happen.

With a sigh, I pulled my sleeve up and studied the beautiful sapphire stone. “Yeah, me too.” I chewed my lip, thinking. “Any suggestions?”

Zara’s head tilted as she considered my question. I know nothing about fae Objects, but . . . from what I do know of fae magick and what Astra and Olen have intimated, perhaps you should try addressing it directly.

The bracelet caught the light as I angled my wrist. “So, I should just talk to it?”

Talk to it, think at it, or send it a smoke signal. Do something soon, though. The kits will wake and need to nurse again before long.

All right then, here went nothing. I held my wrist up higher. “Um, hello?”

Zara made a choking noise and dropped her forehead to her paws.

“What?” Exasperation and more than a little embarrassment laced my words. “You said talk to it. What exactly am I supposed to say?”

She lifted her head and met my eyes. This is just a hunch, but try

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