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Book online «Christmas to Come: a heartbreaking coming of age saga set in London's East End Carol Rivers (best sales books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Carol Rivers

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being attacked. 'Listen Ray, you're no different to any other bloke wanting to get his leg over, but you won't admit it. Added to which you've got a cheek to stand there and critisize me for the way I live my life when there's one or two whispers I've heard about you and a certain blackmarket butcher you're in with. It would give your mother a right old turn if she thought her darling boy was on the fiddle.'

'You little - ' Raymond stepped forward angrily, but Dolly jumped between them. Bella smiled in triumph; she had brought him down a peg and she was overjoyed at the result.

Dolly pushed against her brother's chest. 'Come on you lot, shake hands and be friends. Please.'

But Bella shook her off. 'No thanks, Dolly. I've had enough for one night.'

She flung the dishcloth down and strode into the hall, snapping her bag from the stand on her way out.

Bella walked with her head held high, satisfied she had had the last word although she would have preferred to give Ray Taylor the argument he deserved. How dare he tell her what was good for her and more importantly, what was not? He wasn't averse to flogging an off-cut of beef or pork on the quiet, pocketing the proceeds as fast as he made them. A fact that didn't quite fit with Mrs Taylor's image of her perfect son.

Bella blew out a long breath allowing her anger to cool. It was a beautiful summer's night. Why should she let Raymond Taylor spoil it? The street was full of children rummaging in the derelict houses of the bombed sites, just like she and Terry had once done. But she was older and wiser now and would never stand for such humiliation again. It was jealousy that made people like the Taylors look down their noses at others. And it certainly wasn't for the likes of Ray to sit in judgement when he was such a hypocrite himself.


Dolly's call was panic-stricken. Bella turned round to find Dolly running after her, tripping over the cracks in the pavement in her haste to catch up. Her hair had lost all its clips and her round face was full of concern. 'Ray didn't mean what he said. I'm sorry,' she gasped as she drew level with Bella.

'It's not your fault.'

'He likes you, he really does.' Dolly held her sides, breathing hard. 'He wouldn't hurt you for the world. And what you said about the butcher? You won't let on to Mum, will you? She'd kill him.'

'You know me better than that.'

'It's just a little side line he's got going.'

'I don't care what your brother does,' Bella snapped. 'As long he leaves me alone.'

'He will, I promise.' Dolly groaned. 'I've got a stitch now.'

Bella giggled. 'All you need is a needle.'

Dolly laughed breathlessly. 'Oh, Bella, you're a laugh a minute you are.' Her eyes filled with tears. 'I keep forgetting we won't be going back to school after the holidays. I get a rotten sinking feeling inside when I think of that.'

'I don't,' Bella replied at once. 'I'll be free at last. And anyway, what are you worrying for? You're brainier than me and will get a job without any trouble.'

'Yes, but I'll be all on me own somewhere without you.'

'You'll have to learn to stick up for yourself, Dol.'

Dolly blushed. 'I know. You always stuck up for me. I was such a wimp.'

'Well, it's the real world for us now. People will walk over us if we let them.'

Dolly looked sad. 'I wish I was like you.'

Bella laughed. 'That's a funny thing to say. You've got everything a girl could want. A nice family, a proper roof over your head and you're bound to find a nice boyfriend.'

'But I'm weak and you're strong, Bella. You've always got the answers.'

'Only because I make them up.'

Dolly giggled. 'And you're funny. I never am.'

'Oh Dolly, do cheer up. Look on the bright side of life. You can start the morning with a smile on your face or a frown. It's your choice, as easy as that.'

Bella looked at her friend and wondered where they would both be in ten years time. Would Dolly be a replica of Mrs Taylor, with a neat and tidy terraced house, have kids with shiny faces and be married to a parrot of a husband? If that was so, good luck to Dolly! But that wasn't what Bella wanted and today had confirmed it.

'We can still go out together, can't we?' Dolly asked plaintively.

'Course we can.'

'Shall I call round your house?'

Bella smirked. Dolly never called. No one ever called, except Micky or Ronnie. 'If you dare.'

Dolly went pink. 'He won't answer the door, will he?'

Bella laughed. 'Tell you what, I'll come round to yours.'

Dolly looked relieved. 'Will you? Promise?'

Bella nodded. 'We'll go up the market. Cox Street or the Lane.'

Dolly flung herself forward and hugged Bella so tight, her bones cracked. 'I'm going to miss you so much.'

As they parted, Bella felt the shackles of their friendship fall away for unlike Dolly, she wanted to experience everything! She knew that life had only just begun now they had left school and the thought of freedom excited her beyond measure. She was going to meet new people and make new friends, though she didn't said as much to Dolly who was in floods of tears, trying to wipe her wet cheeks surreptitiously as she said goodbye.

Chapter 6

Bella typed the last instruction of the day; one bird's eye maple bedroom suite consisting of double wardrobe, one kidney-shaped dressing table and matching upholstered stool. One double bed and mattress with accompanying bedside tables and headboard. One chest of five drawers and oblong cream skin rug. Invoice for cash paid in full, eighty-nine pounds seventeen shillings and sixpence. Remember to date, stamp and post … et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

She pounded the full stop key on the typewriter with a flourish and sneaked a glance at her watch.

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