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Book online «Heir of Amber and Fire Rachanee Lumayno (books on motivation txt) 📖». Author Rachanee Lumayno

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I leafed through the book, reading carefully. But I was exhausted, and soon the day’s walk caught up to me. I was halfway though studying a spell when my heavy eyes gave in to sleep.

Chapter Nine

SUNLIGHT STREAMED THROUGH the windows, hitting my eyes and waking me. Turning, I felt something hard beneath my arm and realized I had fallen asleep on my spell book. I sat up, still a bit groggy, and reluctantly got out of bed.

After a quick wash from the basin, I pulled on my dress and shoes and pinned my hair up to keep it out of the way while I walked. It wasn’t as neat or nicely done as the way Taryn dressed my hair, but it would do the job well enough. After packing my bag, I left my room. I wondered where my hosts were, since the house seemed so quiet. As I poked my head around the hallway, Asra spotted me.

“I hope you slept well,” she said.

“Extremely well,” I said.

“Did you want breakfast before you go?” she asked me.

Food sounded great, but I was eager to be on my way and cover as much distance as possible. “Thank you, but I’ll just head out now.” I pressed a coin into her palm. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

Asra looked at the coin in her hand and whistled. “Thank you, miss. This is more than enough for one night’s lodging. Wait here, don’t go just yet.”

She hurried away. A few moments later, she came back holding a small basket covered with a cloth. She held it out to me.

“Oh, I couldn’t — ” I started to protest.

“Please do,” she said. “What you just gave me more than covers it.”

I thanked her for her generosity. She saw me out the door, waving as I left. “Safe travels, miss. Stop by if you come back this way.”

I waved back and headed down the road.

THE REST OF THE DAY passed uneventfully. I walked and walked, stopping around noon to eat the food Asra had packed for me. I should say, overpacked — I ate until l was full and there were still items left in the basket. There were two cloths in the basket; Asra had wrapped the food in one, and used the other to cover the basket. I tied one around my hair as a headscarf to keep my hair somewhat tidy during the rest of my walk.

While I was stopped, I pulled my mother’s letter out from my pack and smoothed it out.

I had put it off as long as possible, afraid to know what she had kept from me for years. But the cheerful, bright sun chased away the shadows of apprehension around my heart as I read.


There is much to tell you, and so little time. Hendon grows suspicious of my every move, and once my theft has been discovered, he will surely punish me in some fashion. But I get ahead of myself. Let me speak plainly.

Jennica, Hendon is not your father. The stories you have been told surrounding our courtship and marriage have all been lies. Many years ago, a dragon did come to Calia. His name was Joichan, and he was searching for something that had been stolen from him. A gold necklace with a moonstone pendant. Hendon had stolen it from Joichan, and Joichan had tracked Hendon across the Gifted Lands trying to find him and reclaim the necklace. Joichan’s search ultimately led him to Calia, where he lost the trail. So he took up residence in our kingdom while he continued to search the area.

But people are superstitious. It was assumed that a dragon’s presence in Calia meant he would ravage the land until he had been appeased by an offering. A maiden every year, that sort of thing. Utter nonsense, but we believed it. To prevent any of our people from going to their deaths (or so we thought), I ran off to sacrifice myself to the dragon, hoping to stop any future sacrifices.

It did stop any sacrifices from happening (and Joichan was very grateful that my presence meant he didn’t have to figure out what to do with an influx of maidens), but it caused a new problem: my father the king sent word to all the knights and princes of  the neighboring realms to battle the dragon to save me, win my hand in marriage, and win the kingdom of Calia. This went on for two years, by which time I didn’t want to be saved — the dragon and I had fallen in love.  

Joichan is a shapeshifter, and can assume dragon or human form. We had planned on leaving Calia, when Hendon showed up. He was able to best the dragon, for he had Joichan’s moonstone necklace, and was able to use Joichan’s magic against him. Weakened, Joichan could only fly away and leave me, or be killed by Hendon.

With his victory, Hendon claimed me for his bride and won the kingdom of Calia. I was pregnant with you, and it was safer for me to marry Hendon and raise you as his daughter rather than try to find Joichan. But I never forgot Joichan, and I never forgot what you are, and what you are capable of.

The moonstone necklace is your birthright. With it you will be able to tap into the magic of dragons. Just as Hendon stole it from your father Joichan, I stole it from Hendon to give to you. Keep it safe, and bring it back to Joichan. He will be able to help us take the kingdom back from Hendon. Hendon has some dark plan, I fear. This marriage alliance is just his first step to conquering all of the Gifted Lands. And he somehow has even darker magic at his disposal.

I will be counting the days until both you and your father return to me safely.

MY MOTHER’S WORDS SWAM before my eyes. A tear

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