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Book online «Mountain Secrets Elizabeth Goddard (life changing books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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had to take a steadying step back as he listened. He couldn’t put his finger on the associations he had with that laugh, but he knew they weren’t good.

“We thought we’d hike the Bledsoe Glacier as soon as Jewel is ready. Maybe we can hire a guide and see one of the ice caves.” He hugged Meral closer. “We’re here in Alaska to see Jewel for the most part. The scenery is just gravy. Had to get the proper clothing and gear to walk on a glacier. Isn’t that right?”

“I suppose. Just a tip, you can always rent the gear you need, too.”

Displeasure flickered in Buck’s eyes. Colin read that to mean the man didn’t like being given tips.

Colin tucked that away for later. Good to note.

Doc Harland entered the kitchen and gave as good of a report on Jewel as he could. He introduced himself to Buck, and Colin studied the man further. He used Doc’s distraction to gather his composure. He shouldn’t have lost it to begin with.

But something was painfully clear. Somehow Colin knew this man. He couldn’t remember from where, but every instinct in him told Colin to be on his guard, that this man couldn’t be trusted.

He needed to get Jewel alone to find out what she knew about her sister’s husband. And he’d need to tread carefully. Jewel hadn’t said so, but he could tell her relationship with Meral was fragile as well as vital. He’d seen a light in Jewel’s eyes he hadn’t seen in years.

That was her sister’s doing.

But Meral’s husband was giving off nefarious vibes, and the fact that he’d entered this circle near to Colin’s heart—Jewel and her B and B—right before trouble had started set off additional warning sirens in Colin’s head.

During his conversation with Doc Harland, Buck held Meral close like a possession, not like someone he cherished. He glanced at Colin, and behind the man’s gaze, Colin could swear he saw a smirk.

The man recognized Colin, as well. That had to be it.

Colin’s gut tensed. He mentally drew the weapon holstered at his hip.

Doc Harland swung his gaze to Colin. “Now, now, Chief Winters. Jewel is going to be all right.”

The man had mistaken Colin’s expression for concern over Jewel, which meant he wasn’t hiding his emotions. At all. He forced a smile and gave the Doc his due, but stayed fully aware of Buck Cambridge standing to his left.

Colin shook the doctor’s hand. “You’re a good man, Doc, to come out here to check on Jewel. I know you have other patients and responsibilities.”

“I make house calls when it’s called for. But Chief Winters—” Doc’s expression turned sober “—you find who did this. You take care of our Jewel of the Mountain, and I don’t mean the B and B.”

“I hear you, Doc.” Colin watched the man nod to Meral and Buck and head out of the kitchen. He heard the front door to the B and B open and close.

Attuned to every sound, it was as if they all had been waiting for the doctor to leave. When Colin turned his focus completely on Buck, the man appeared prepared. As if he was expecting to be interrogated. But that wasn’t an unusual response.

Now to the more serious question. “Buck, have we met before?”

The man laughed. That familiar, unnerving laugh that Colin couldn’t place. “I think I’d remember if we had. I’ve never been to Alaska before meeting Meral.”

The man wasn’t lying about Alaska. Colin would trust his instincts on that. But Colin hadn’t missed the careful way he’d phrased his answer. No, Colin hadn’t met Buck in Alaska. But he hadn’t lived in Alaska all his life. Suspicions aside, he needed the facts.

How could he leave Jewel alone in the house with Buck? Her attacker had proved to be much closer than any of them knew. Colin had a feeling he hadn’t gone very far. And this time Colin needed to listen to his instincts.

Jewel rested, both to follow Doc Harland’s instructions and because she was well and truly exhausted. She’d heal quicker if she’d give her body the chance to recover. But even though she lay still, she couldn’t turn off her mind. Too much had happened, and thoughts constantly bombarded her mind. Who was trying to kill her? Was she safe right now? Would others be hurt because of her? Had the man who wanted to kill her followed her into the attic, or had he already been there either hiding or searching?

One of Katy’s framed cross-stitched Bible quotations hung on the wall. Jewel had made the right decision in hanging them. She had hoped to plant seeds in the lives of her guests. Give them peace when they had none. And now she was grateful because she was the one who needed that calming reassurance that could only come from the Lord. She read the words from Psalm 23, letting them wrap around her heart.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

She knew the scripture already, but seeing it on the wall, created with care and love, reminded her there were good people in the world. Loving people. And that God also loved her. Then, finally, she closed her eyes and felt herself drifting to sleep. But a soft knock came at the door. Jewel inwardly groaned. Her lids were heavy, and she kept her eyes closed as if already asleep. Stirring to answer the door would wake her fully.

She heard the door open.

She heard Meral’s whisper and Chief Winters’s soft reply.

He’d wanted to ask her about why she’d gone up to the attic. But he’d have to wait for another time, for which Jewel was grateful. She could feel the weight of her past pressing in on her from two floors above behind the plank in the wall.

There hadn’t been a raccoon up there.

She hadn’t heard a noise.

But had her attacker been

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