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Book online «The Trials of Radclyffe Hall Diana Souhami (ereader that reads to you .TXT) 📖». Author Diana Souhami

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historic lesbian lives unveiled (Cassell 1974)

Cook, Walter, Reflections on ‘Raymond’ (London 1917)

Cossart, Michael de, The Food of Love: Princesse Edmond de Polignac and her salon (Hamish Hamilton 1978)

Coward, Noël, Present Indicative (William Heinemann 1937)

Craig, Alec, Banned Books of England (London 1962)

Dickson, Lovat, Radclyffe Hall at the Well of Loneliness: A Sapphic Chronicle (Collins 1975)

Douglas, James, The Unpardonable Sin (London 1907)

Ellis, Havelock, Psychology of Sex (London 1909)

Ernst, Morris L. and Seagle, William, To the Pure: obscenity and the censor (New York 1929)

Faderman, Lillian, Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship & Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present (Junction Books 1982)

Field, Andrew, The Formidable Miss Barnes (Secker & Warburg 1983)

Fitch, Noel Riley, Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: a history of literary Paris in the twenties and thirties (Souvenir Press 1984)

Flanner, Janet (Genêt), Paris Was Yesterday 1925–1939 (Angus & Robertson 1973)

Ford, Ford Madox, Memories and Impressions (Harper & Row 1911)

Forster, E. M., Maurice (Edward Arnold 1971)

Franks, Claudia Stillman, Beyond ‘The Well of Loneliness’: the fiction of Radclyffe Hall (Avebury 1982)

Friede, Donald, The Court of Special Sessions: ‘The Well of Loneliness’ (New York 1929)

Frye, Jennie Cooper, A Study in Censorship: Radclyffe Hall’s ‘The Well of Loneliness’ (mss)

Gallup, Donald, Pigeons on the Granite: memories of a Yale librarian (Yale University Library 1988)

Glasgow, Joanne, Your John (New York University Press 1997)

Glendinning, Victoria, Vita (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1983)

Grosskurth, Phyllis, Havelock Ellis (Knopf 1980)

Hanscombe, Gillian and Smyers, Virginia L., Writing for their Lives: The Modernist Women 1910–40 (The Women’s Press 1987)

Henson, Herbert Hensley, Retrospect of an Unimportant Life (Oxford University Press, 1944)

Hirschfeld, Magnus (ed. Norman Haire), Sexual Anomalies and Perversions (Encyclopaedic Press 1952)

Hookham, Paul, ‘Raymond’, a Rejoinder (London 1917)

Hunt, Violet, The Flurried Years (Hurst & Blackett 1926)

Jacob, Naomi, Me and the Mediterranean (Hutchinson 1945)

——, Me – Yesterday and To-day (Hutchinson 1957)

——, Me and the Swans (Kimber 1983)

Jeffreys, Sheila, The Spinster and Her Enemies: feminism and sexuality 1880–1930 (Pandora 1985)

Kaye-Smith, Sheila, All the Books of My Life (Cassell 1956)

Kermode, Frank, Puzzles and Epiphanies (Routledge & Kegan Paul 1962)

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, Psychopathia Sexualis (Pioneer Publications 1953)

Lee, Hermione, Virginia Woolf (Chatto & Windus 1996)

Lees-Milne, James, Caves of Ice (Chatto & Windus 1983)

Leonard, Gladys Osborne, My Life in Two Worlds (London 1931)

Liou, Liang-Ya, The Sexual Politics of Oscar Wilde, Radclyffe Hall, D. H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf (University of Texas, PhD dissertation, 1993)

Lodge, Oliver, Raymond (London 1916)

Longford, Elizabeth, The Life of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1979)

Lottman, Herbert, Colette (Secker & Warburg 1991)

Mannin, Ethel, Young in the Twenties (Hutchinson 1971)

McLaughlin, Redmond, The Escape of the Goeben: Prelude to Gallipoli (Seeley Service 1974)

Nicolson, Nigel, ed., Vita and Harold (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1992)

Nicolson, Nigel and Trautmann, Joanne, eds, The Letters of Virginia Woolf (Hogarth Press 1975–80)

Ormrod, Richard, Una Troubridge: The Friend of Radclyffe Hall (Cape 1984)

Salvo, Louise de and Leaska, Mitchell, The Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf (Hutchinson 1984)

Secrest, Meryle, Between Me and Life: a biography of Romaine Brooks (Macdonald & Jane’s 1976)

Souhami, Diana, Gertrude and Alice (Pandora 1991)

Stephenson, P. R. (intr.), The Sink of Solitude: a verse lampoon by several hands (Hermes Press 1928)

Troubridge, Laura, Exit Marriage (London 1929)

——, Life Amongst the Troubridges (John Murray 1966)

Troubridge, Una Lady, The Life and Death of Radclyffe Hall (Hammond Hammond 1961)

Weeks, Jeffrey, Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (Quartet 1977)

——, Sex, Politics and Society: The regulation of sexuality since 1800 (Longman 1981)

Weiss, Andrea, Paris was a Woman: portraits from the Left Bank (Pandora 1995)

Wickes, George, The Amazon of Letters: the life and loves of Natalie Barney (W. H. Allen 1977)

Wilson, Edmund, The Twenties: from notebooks and diaries of the period (Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1975)




Berg Collection, New York Public Library


Cara Lancaster


Cornell University Library


Evguenia Souline


The Lovat Dickson bequest. National Archives of Canada, Ottawa


Public Records Office, London


Radclyffe Hall


Society for Psychical Research, London


Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas


Una Vincenzo Troubridge

Una Troubridge’s diaries at the time of writing are in three places:

Those from 1913–1931 are in Ottawa (available on microfilm).

Those from 1931–1943 called Daybooks are in Texas.

Those from 1943–1963 called Letters to John are in London but will go to Texas.

Radclyffe Hall’s 576 letters to Evguenia Soulina are in Texas (available on microfilm). Many are included in Your John, edited by Joanne Glasgow (New York University Press 1997).

Radclyffe Hall’s notes on sittings with Gladys Leonard are owned by the Society for Psychical Research and are at the Cambridge University Library.

Mabel Batten’s diaries and letters are owned by Cara Lancaster, London.

Government papers relating to the trial of The Well of Loneliness in England are in the Public Record Office, London.

Joan Slater in London has an archive of papers relating to Radclyffe Hall.

Private matters


Even if they add

author to Departmental Record Officer,

The Home Office, 11 December 1998

in the interests of national security

Home Office Record Management Services to author, 9 February 1998


1 The Fifth Commandment


Always my mother

Forebears and Infancy, mss (Texas)

I pity those


A night of

ibid, second draft


They quarrelled



My mother had me



Without her


an altogether

Michael West, mss (Texas)

2 Sing, little silent birdie, sing


It was delicious

Michael West, mss (Texas)


A foolish indefinite



She knew that



a touch of the ‘grand manner’

Agnes Nicholls Harty, Mr Albert Visetti (The Royal College of Music Magazine, vol. 24, no. 3)

She felt as she

Michael West


It was a place to dream


Here then the great



lest we have

UVT Letters to John, 30 June 1945

A faded, shiny



Sing, little silent

‘The Birth of Spring’, from Poems dedicated to Sir Arthur Sullivan, by Marguerite, ‘Toddles’, January 1894

They did not like

Michael West


She knew she was different

The Well of Loneliness (Cape 1928)

3 Come in kid


passionate declarations

Michael West, mss (Texas)


These lessons


And when I did


Her music and



I bobbed like a cork


They were even inclined



I only feel that I have missed

Forebears and Infancy, mss (Texas)

There were some things



pleased, revolted

Michael West, third draft

I used to watch


4 The pearl necklace she gave me


the Lord had not

UVT, The Life and Death of Radclyffe Hall (Hammond Hammond 1961)

Man is vile

Violet Hunt, Diary July 1907 (Cornell)

Perhaps even now

RH to Violet

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