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Book online «Rewind: A Grimdark LitRPG Series (Pyresouls Apocalypse, Book 1) James Callum (best large ereader .TXT) 📖». Author James Callum

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Hal stopped struggling and examined them closer. They seemed like any normal rope, except faint silvery threads were wound throughout the weave. They glinted every so often in the wan light.

A chilling screech echoed through the forest, followed immediately by a heavy thump he heard but could not feel. The ropes lowered until his feet touched the ground a moment later.

They slithered from him and went around the side of the tree to join the Huntress. She knelt down and opened one of the many small pouches she carried – far too small for so much rope – and the two ropes obediently slithered up her thigh into the pouch.

In the distance behind her, Hal could just make out the charred and arrow-riddled remains of the monster.

She cast him an appraising, vaguely angry look. One that immediately turned to surprise as a golden wind surrounded Hal and flowed through him. His mind felt clearer than it had in years.

His body felt like he just spent a full day at an expensive spa, his muscles were relaxed and that ache in his back that had been bothering him for months was just… gone.

The Huntress defeats the [Scourge].

You gain 200 Experience Points. (-80% from Contribution).

Novice reaches Level 1.

You have 5 unspent Attribute Points awaiting distribution.

Your HP, SP, and MP are fully restored.

And how do I do that?

Hal started to say something when she raised a hand to forestall him. Without a word, she moved past him and continued on ahead.

He had plenty to think about as he followed in the wake of the Huntress.

Focusing on the prompt that remained in his vision for once brought up a simple menu.

By selecting “Status” in a similar way, a semi-translucent window of information floated in front of his face about an arm’s length away.


Hal Williams

Level: 1

Next Level: 100/350


Novice: 1


Health Points(HP): 20/20

Stamina Points(SP): 20/20

Mana Points(MP): 20/20


Strength(STR): 1 (+)

Vitality(VIT): 1 (+)

Dexterity(DEX): 1 (+)

Agility(AGI): 1 (+)

Intelligence(INT): 1 (+)

Mind(MND): 1 (+)

Charisma(CHR): 1 (+)


HP/hr: 6.5

SP/hr: 6.8

MP/hr: 6.8


Fire: 0

Ice: 0

Wind: 0

Earth: 0

Lightning: 0

Water: 0

Light: 0

Dark: 0

Defensive Parameters

Defense(DEF): 0

Magic Defense(MDEF): 0

Insulation: 4

Class Affinity

Survival Skills

Combat Skills

Magic Skills

Crafting Skills

Social Skills

Hal rubbed his temples tiredly, trying to keep everything in sight while not tripping or falling over any of the roots or stones. The prompt said he had 5 points to spend, right?

Focusing on one of the plus icons next to a stat, Hal mentally poked at it. The number went up by 1. His STR doubled to 2 and suddenly his skinny stick-like arms bulked up and gained muscular definition.

Not enough to be considered healthy even, but more than he presently had. Though he was never so emaciated back in Seattle. Or ever in his life.

Okay, I get it.

As soon as he placed a point, another icon appeared to subtract it. He took away the point in STR. Immediately a wave of nausea assaulted him and it was an effort just to keep moving. He staggered more than once but managed to stay upright.

If these stats - all 1’s, he noted sourly - were really the representation of himself in this world, then a lot of things made sense. Chiefly, his demonstrably low INT.

First thing’s first. I cannot continue to talk like a florking idiot. And… if it really is this easy to increase my intelligence, maybe I can learn the language easier if I upgrade it.

Hal placed 4 points into INT, immediately his sluggish hazy thoughts became crystal clear.

Time for the true test. Hal cleared his throat and said, “Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot but something was wrong with my brain before. Thank you for helping me.”

Relief washed over him as his mouth didn’t ad-lib or go full catatonic on him. The Huntress looked over her shoulder at him, but didn’t reply.

“Right,” Hal muttered. “The language thing.”

Still, it was a welcome change that he could speak properly now.

Hal confirmed the stat placement and looked at the single point left over, placing it into STR. His arms bulked a little again and it was easier to hold his head upright and walk properly.

He took another look at just the core stats to see if anything else changed, such as his regeneration.


Hal Williams

Level: 1

Next Level: 100/350


Novice: 1


Health Points(HP): 20/20

Stamina Points(SP): 20/20

Mana Points(MP): 20/20


Strength(STR): 2

Vitality(VIT): 1

Dexterity(DEX): 1

Agility(AGI): 1

Intelligence(INT): 5

Mind(MND): 1

Charisma(CHR): 1


HP/hr: 6.5

SP/hr: 6.8

MP/hr: 6.8

Fair enough, he thought. INT and STR don’t seem to affect regeneration rates.

After seeing how poorly having a 1 for a stat was, Hal’s first priority became getting every stat to a passable level. Seeing as having 5 INT seemed to be at least equivalent to his usual level of intelligence - as far as he could tell - that would be the benchmark he would set for the rest of his stats.

The untiring woman walked on, and though Hal tried to sate his hunger with more pristine mountain water from the magically infinite canteen, his stomach was not buying it.

It growled, continually and loudly. Enough that the Huntress finally looked back at him as if he was doing it intentionally. He gave her an apologetic shrug. She took the canteen and took a sip before giving it back, spoke to him again in a melodic voice before giving up and miming.

She rubbed her stomach, the leaf-molded plates of leather shifting with her touch.

“I guess some things are universal,” Hal said, nodding along. “Yes, I am starving.” Hal thought he remembered reading somewhere that a person could last over a week without food. He was fast coming up on only half that and he felt like death warmed over.

The Huntress nodded and took him over a nearby rise. Down in a small grassy depression, pock-marked with muddy pools from the recent rains, Hal saw the strangest tree he’d ever seen.

It towered above the rest but it wasn’t the tree that drew his eye.

It was the thousand different shades of virulently colored mushrooms that grew from the trunk. Many of them were large enough to sit on like something out of Alice in Wonderland.

The Huntress was already halfway

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