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years ago.”

It wasn’t lost on Liam that the detective was now more willing to look into things when he hadn’t been earlier. Because the mayor of Willow Springs was now involved?

Reineke speared Liam with a hard look. “I’ll say it again—stay out of this. You’re in over your heads. You two almost got yourselves killed, same as Mayor Thomas.”

“Reva wasn’t investigating anything,” Liam reminded him. “There was no reason to try to kill her because of that. She was on the bus that day, same as me, same as the others who’ve died. As for me staying out of this, not going to happen.” He returned the detective’s look with a hard one of his own.

“Without Liam, you would never have connected these deaths,” Paige put in quickly. “You need him.” She paused. “Make that you need us.”

“Point taken.”

“We can come in tomorrow,” Liam offered. “I’m willing to share what I know if you’re willing to listen.”

Reineke gave a grudging nod. “Fair enough.”

“Paige and I are heading to the hospital to check on Reva. We’ll be in around eleven in the morning, if that works for you.”

“I’ll be expecting you.” The detective turned away to answer a question from one of his officers.

A few minutes later, Liam and Paige were on their way to the hospital. Rain blurred the windshield, the wipers working double time, their swish-swish motion a counterpoint to his thoughts.

Someone had tried to kill Reva. Would she have been next on the list anyway, or had his and Paige’s visit spurred the killer to make a preemptive move on her? Guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders. Had something he’d done caused this?

“What happened to Reva—what almost happened—wasn’t your fault,” Paige said.

“How did you—never mind. We don’t know that.”

“If the killer is going after everyone on the bus that day, he would have gotten to her eventually. The important thing is that she’s all right.”

As usual, Paige was right.

“I think Reineke’s finally coming around,” she added.

“It just took another almost-murder to get his attention.” Liam gave a short laugh. “Sorry. I’m afraid Detective Reineke and I aren’t going to become fishing buddies any time soon.”

“It could have gone the other way if she hadn’t woken up when she did,” Paige mused aloud.

“Yeah. Let’s get to the hospital. I want to see for myself that she’s really all right.”

They found Reva’s room and were admitted by a nurse who couldn’t have been more than five feet tall. Despite her small stature, she stared at them with a take-no-prisoners glint in her eyes. Hands planted on her hips, she glared at Liam and Paige.

“Five minutes. That’s all I’m allowing anyone,” she said. “My patient needs her rest. I don’t care if you’re the queen of England, you ain’t getting more than five minutes, so don’t bother arguing. Just so you know, I’m trained in martial arts and don’t mind using them.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Liam said meekly. She sounded so much like his drill sergeant in basic training that he nearly saluted.

“Did I see you quaking in your boots?” Paige teased as the nurse marched away with a military bearing that would put many recruits to shame.

“I came close. She could give some sergeants I know lessons in intimidation.” He knocked and received a faint “come in.”

Inside the room, they saw a pale Reva lying on the bed. Her hair was pulled back from a face devoid of makeup. The vibrancy she’d exhibited earlier was conspicuously absent.

She lifted a limp hand in greeting. “Liam. Paige. Thank you for coming. I appreciate it...” her voice broke, and she cast her eyes down “...more than I can say.” Her breath was expelled in a trembling sigh. When she lifted her head, tears swam in her eyes.

Liam crossed the room to stand beside the bed and took her hand in his. “You look a little the worse for wear.”

She gave a watery chuckle. “Just what every woman wants to hear. I don’t see a future in politics for you, Liam.”

He grinned. “Probably not.” He thought of what had almost happened, and his grin disappeared. “I’m just glad you’re alive.”

“So am I.” Her fervent words were hoarse.

“Can you tell us what happened?” Paige asked.

Reva pressed her lips together and made a humming noise. “I stayed late to talk with my campaign manager. We discussed a few things, then I headed home. I had a bite to eat, settled down on the couch to go over some papers. I must have drifted off. Something woke me up, and I smelled gas. I called 911 and hustled out of the house.”

“Do you remember what woke you?” Liam asked.

She shook her head and frowned.

Paige leaned in a bit. “Is it normal for you to fall asleep on the sofa?”

The frown deepened with what might have been annoyance. “No. I just felt extra sleepy.” Reva put a hand to her heart. “When I think how close I came to dying...”

Liam saw her shake with a sudden sharply drawn breath. Almost dying tended to do that to a person.

“You take care of yourself. We’ll see you later.”

Outside, rain pummeled Liam and Paige as they made a beeline for the car. The howl of the wind imbued the darkness with a menacing air. An unnerving sense of being watched feathered the fine hairs at the nape of her neck. The shiver that raced down her spine did not come from the cold alone.

Her hand shielding her eyes from the pelting rain, she peered through the night, trying to identify the source of the danger.

A loud popping noise had her ducking for cover. The sound was unmistakable: a semiautomatic spitting out bullets with terrifying speed.

She and Liam sought safety behind a parked car and drew their weapons. “I can’t see anything,” Paige said.

“Me, either.”

More shots were fired in their direction. Did the shooter have NVGs? She’d give anything for a pair of night-vision goggles right now.

“Liam!” A figure darted closer. At this distance, she could see well enough to glimpse him moving

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