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in any immediate danger, it might be best to find the nearest high ground and fortify our position for the night. Control will start wondering why they haven’t heard from us soon enough, and it will only be a matter of hours until they send out patrols looking for us. Rather than risk—”


I cringed at the familiar but horrid, guttural sound. It echoed across the jungle, silencing every other creature nearby.

From four different locations in the surrounding blackness:





“Terrorsaurs,” Corporal Syx and Captain Theia hissed in unison, taking the words right out of my mouth.

“How many?” someone whispered.

“Too many,” I grumbled under my breath.

In case you didn’t think things could get any worse, they just did.

—: Chapter 103 :—

When the Terrorsaurs attacked, the Shock Knights moved quickly.

I didn’t.

I tried, but navigating virgin jungle without any trails — or power armor, or freaking shoes — was almost impossible in the dark. Between the rocks, plants, roots, and brush, combined with a very uneven sideways slope — it slanted perpendicular to our direction of travel — I was constantly slipping and tripping, and felt an endless series of sharp things poking, jabbing, and cutting at my feet.

After only a minute of me slowing down everyone else, and constant calls from the Terrorsaurs getting ever closer, Theia whispered, “Would you like us to carry you, my king?”

“No!” I hissed in humiliation. “I can do this!”

“But you can’t see, my king,” Theia pleaded. “We can.”

Talk about emasculating. No, it was a matter of perspective. Was it emasculating being a tank commander or a fighter pilot who relied on their vehicles to keep them safe from the enemy? An infantry soldier might say yes, but you tell me how much those soldiers cheer when they’re pinned down by deadly enemy fire, shitting their pants in fear that the next enemy grenade or mortar round is going to land smack-dab on their heads, until all of a sudden — Ka-BLAM! — an M-1 Abrams or an A-10 Warthog arrives to save the day, guns blazing. Do those infantry soldiers on the ground then say, “Stop being such a pussy inside your tank and your jet! Get your asses down here and piss your pants with us!” No, they’re thrilled that someone better equipped than them has arrived to save the day.

“Sure,” I sighed. “Carry me. How many women do you think it’ll take? Two or four?”

“I can probably do it myself,” Theia said.

“You?” I snorted. “You’re not big enough.”

“I’m strong enough, I assure you.” Theia was athletic, but she hardly resembled the sort of woman you would picture giving a piggyback ride to a grown man any farther than a hundred meters. She looked too slender, too delicate for anything more than that. “It won’t be a problem, my king.”

“Let me guess,” I said. “Enhanced strength? Same as your eyes?”

“Yes. Hop on.”

Next thing I knew, I felt Theia’s naked backside pressing up against my naked frontside. She was leaning her ass into me and reached around to put my hands on her hips so I knew where they were. As incompetent as I felt, this would’ve been a total turn-on except for:



“Quickly, my king!”

When a naked supermodel asked you to climb on her back to carry you, and you were being chased by vicious velociraptors that could fly, you didn’t turn her down. I reminded myself, if and when my rings started working again, I could turn into Mega Beast, beat the Terrorsaurs to death with my bare hands, and give all 50 Shock Knights a piggyback ride at the same time. Emasculated now, super masculine in the near future. It was a compromise I was willing to make to avoid dying.

I hopped onto Theia’s back and wrapped my legs around her hips, resting my hands atop her shoulders.

“Hold on!” she hissed and started jogging, moving surprisingly quickly for her size, and carrying my additional weight, and holding her ABR-17 in both hands. Her rifle might be dead now, but you never knew when it might power up again later, and it would certainly work as a club in the interim.

While Theia ran, I vacillated between feeling like a fool, scared for my life — Gu-Gu-Gu-GOCK! — and being turned on. The smell of Theia’s hair was right in my face — fruit perfume of some kind — and her hard body pressed against mine. Everything about this life-and-death situation was hard. Hard, hard, hard. Except, most likely, her full and bouncing naked breasts, which I couldn’t see in the darkness, but could easily imagine.

For several minutes, Theia ran and I did a lot of bouncing myself. No matter how badly I would’ve preferred reversing roles with Theia, I couldn’t see anything. Everything was blackness all around. The jungle canopy overhead was so dense, I could barely see the slivers of moonlight slicing through here and there. I certainly couldn’t see the ground to run.

But I could hear the whooshing of wings and the blood-chilling call of the approaching Terrorsaurs at our backs.


Yeah, I’d be dead already if it wasn’t for Theia carrying me.

The murderous gang of Terrorsaurs flapped somewhere not far behind us, cutting and whipping loudly through the trees in pursuit of dinner, namely us. If you’ve ever heard a bird of prey like a falcon or eagle pulling out of a dive, the sound of their wings extending at the last possible second was a very loud whip-slap Ka-WHOOSH! It was difficult to describe, but it was loud as hell. When it was a gang of huge 500 kg Terrorsaurs doing it, it was even louder. And scarier. I could only hope the Shock Knights knew how to defend themselves without their power armor. Or functioning bolt rifles. It was difficult to imagine them successfully beating back the Terrorsaurs’ razor sharp claws, fangs, and poisonous tail quills with the butts of their bolt rifles, certainly not without heavy casualties on our side.


Something told me it would soon come to that.

Me, I was wishing

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