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Book online Ā«Pollyanna Grows Up Eleanor H. Porter (booksvooks .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Eleanor H. Porter

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she did more than anybody else, even her husband, to help make it, and that they didnā€™t believe there would have been any law at all if it hadnā€™t been for her. So now she says sheā€™s glad she lost her eyes, ā€™cause sheā€™s kept so many little babies from growing up to be blind like her. So you see sheā€™s playing itā ā€”the game. But I reckon you donā€™t know about the game yet, after all; so Iā€™ll tell you. It started this way.ā€ And Pollyanna, with her eyes on the shimmering beauty all about her, told of the little pair of crutches of long ago, which should have been a doll.

When the story was finished there was a long silence; then, a little abruptly the man got to his feet.

ā€œOh, are you going away now?ā€ she asked in open disappointment.

ā€œYes, Iā€™m going now.ā€ He smiled down at her a little queerly.

ā€œBut youā€™re coming back sometime?ā€

He shook his headā ā€”but again he smiled.

ā€œI hope notā ā€”and I believe not, little girl. You see, Iā€™ve made a great discovery today. I thought I was down and out. I thought there was no place for me anywhereā ā€”now. But Iā€™ve just discovered that Iā€™ve got two eyes, two arms, and two legs. Now Iā€™m going to use themā ā€”and Iā€™m going to make somebody understand that I know how to use them!ā€

The next moment he was gone.

ā€œWhy, what a funny man!ā€ mused Pollyanna. ā€œStill, he was niceā ā€”and he was different, too,ā€ she finished, rising to her feet and resuming her walk.

Pollyanna was now once more her usual cheerful self, and she stepped with the confident assurance of one who has no doubt. Had not the man said that this was a public park, and that she had as good a right as anybody to be there? She walked nearer to the pond and crossed the bridge to the starting-place of the little boats. For some time she watched the children happily, keeping a particularly sharp lookout for the possible black curls of Susie Smith. She would have liked to take a ride in the pretty boats, herself, but the sign said ā€œFive centsā€ a trip, and she did not have any money with her. She smiled hopefully into the faces of several women, and twice she spoke tentatively. But no one spoke first to her, and those whom she addressed eyed her coldly, and made scant response.

After a time she turned her steps into still another path. Here she found a white-faced boy in a wheel chair. She would have spoken to him, but he was so absorbed in his book that she turned away after a momentā€™s wistful gazing. Soon then she came upon a pretty, but sad-looking young girl sitting alone, staring at nothing, very much as the man had sat. With a contented little cry Pollyanna hurried forward.

ā€œOh, how do you do?ā€ she beamed. ā€œIā€™m so glad I found you! Iā€™ve been hunting ever so long for you,ā€ she asserted, dropping herself down on the unoccupied end of the bench.

The pretty girl turned with a start, an eager look of expectancy in her eyes.

ā€œOh!ā€ she exclaimed, falling back in plain disappointment. ā€œI thoughtā ā€”Why, what do you mean?ā€ she demanded aggrievedly. ā€œI never set eyes on you before in my life.ā€

ā€œNo, I didnā€™t you, either,ā€ smiled Pollyanna; ā€œbut Iā€™ve been hunting for you, just the same. That is, of course I didnā€™t know you were going to be you exactly. Itā€™s just that I wanted to find someone that looked lonesome, and that didnā€™t have anybody. Like me, you know. So many here today have got folks. See?ā€

ā€œYes, I see,ā€ nodded the girl, falling back into her old listlessness. ā€œBut, poor little kid, itā€™s too bad you should find it outā ā€”so soon.ā€

ā€œFind what out?ā€

ā€œThat the lonesomest place in all the world is in a crowd in a big city.ā€

Pollyanna frowned and pondered.

ā€œIs it? I donā€™t see how it can be. I donā€™t see how you can be lonesome when youā€™ve got folks all around you. Stillā ā€”ā€ she hesitated, and the frown deepened. ā€œI was lonesome this afternoon, and there were folks all around me; only they didnā€™t seem toā ā€”to thinkā ā€”or notice.ā€

The pretty girl smiled bitterly.

ā€œThatā€™s just it. They donā€™t ever thinkā ā€”or notice, crowds donā€™t.ā€

ā€œBut some folks do. We can be glad some do,ā€ urged Pollyanna. ā€œNow when Iā ā€”ā€

ā€œOh, yes, some do,ā€ interrupted the other. As she spoke she shivered and looked fearfully down the path beyond Pollyanna. ā€œSome noticeā ā€”too much.ā€

Pollyanna shrank back in dismay. Repeated rebuffs that afternoon had given her a new sensitiveness.

ā€œDo you meanā ā€”me?ā€ she stammered. ā€œThat you wished I hadnā€™tā ā€”noticedā ā€”you?ā€

ā€œNo, no, kiddie! I meantā ā€”someone quite different from you. Someone that hadnā€™t ought to notice. I was glad to have you speak, onlyā ā€”I thought at first it was someone from home.ā€

ā€œOh, then you donā€™t live here, either, any more than I doā ā€”I mean, for keeps.ā€

ā€œOh, yes, I live here now,ā€ sighed the girl; ā€œthat is, if you can call it livingā ā€”what I do.ā€

ā€œWhat do you do?ā€ asked Pollyanna interestedly.

ā€œDo? Iā€™ll tell you what I do,ā€ cried the other, with sudden bitterness. ā€œFrom morning till night I sell fluffy laces and perky bows to girls that laugh and talk and know each other. Then I go home to a little back room up three flights just big enough to hold a lumpy cot-bed, a washstand with a nicked pitcher, one rickety chair, and me. Itā€™s like a furnace in the summer and an ice box in the winter; but itā€™s all the place Iā€™ve got, and Iā€™m supposed to stay in itā ā€”when I ainā€™t workinā€™. But Iā€™ve come out today. I ainā€™t goinā€™ to stay in that room, and I ainā€™t goinā€™ to go to any old library to read, neither. Itā€™s our last half-holiday this yearā ā€”and an extra one, at that; and Iā€™m going to have a good timeā ā€”for once. Iā€™m just as young, and I like to laugh and joke just as well as them girls I sell bows to all

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