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Book online «Star Crusades Michael Thomas (speld decodable readers .TXT) 📖». Author Michael Thomas

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and she watched in fascination as the ship moved uphigher and higher through the tunnel. There were weaponsinstallations in several places along the inside, and she couldmake out a number of work crews installing more heavy equipmentthroughout.

“Next stop, rendezvous with thefleet,” said Captain Regina, “We will remain in the system for onlyan hour before heading to the Rift, and to war.”

Valentine looked to theLieutenant, and the feed to the outside faded as quickly as it hadarrived. She instantly felt boxed ininside the ship, with it seeming so much smaller than the worldshe’d just experienced.

“What do you think?” TheLieutenant rose to his feet and thentested the movement of his adjusted leg. He grunted happily as theactuators shifted the lower leg with ease. It took a second beforeValentine realised he was talking to her.

“I…uh, sorry, Sir. What do I think of what?”

He nodded to his right.

“The armoury? As a refit shipshe’s got more space than before. Barracks are larger inside, withroom for two platoons of marines or eightlances of Novas.”

He then grinned.

“We take up morespace.”

With his right arm he pointed offto the racks. Valentine looked to hislimb and felt a pang of loss. It was the one thing being a Nova hadleft her without, the ability to touch, and to be touched. Theartificial body parts she’d been fitted with did connect directlythrough her nervous system, but it was not the same, not evenclose.

“Very well, I need to get you all ready. Check the equipment fits, andthen be on the deck for your briefing at the top of thehour.”


He moved away, leavingValentine with the MasterSergeant.

“Lance Corporal?”

She looked back at him but foundit impossible to make out much from hislack of expression.

“With your upgrades you can now use themark four prosthetics.”

“Mark four? I didn’t know therewere…”

“Until now you’ve been using the 1st gen tech. Mark fourhardware is classed as 2nd gen.”

He rose to his feet, and onlythen did Valentine realise he had artificial legs. They were astrange hybrid, with what looked like normal proportion, yet withthe power and mobility of Nova hardware.He lifted the fabric up to his knee to show off thedesign.

“Wow,” said Valentine.

“Fresh from the fabricatorsonboard Deimos and based on the designsfrom Taxxu. Enhanced synthetic skin fitted over the new combatchassis system.”

“You mean I could have normal arms andlegs again?”

The man smiled, and for a secondValentine gained a peak inside the mind of the man.

“Notnormal, but they will at least look more the part. Hell, you mighteven get a date with these on. We don’t have any onboard for youNovas.”

He could see the change in expressionon Valentine’s face, the disappointment.

“But when you return, I understand these new designs will be standardissue for Novas, and for injured veterans with the requiredhardware.”

He walked to one of the many weapons and equipment racks. The firstwas packed with weaponry, and Valentine found her eyes drawn to thegear she had already used extensively on Deimos and other worlds.There were standard arms twice the thickness of a human limb,armoured, and reinforced for heavy combat. There were also thosewith integral firearms and close combat weapons.

“Let’s try some of these on,shall we?”

He whistled, and a youngPrivate emerged from behind one of theracks.

“Yes, Master Sergeant?”

“Over here, we’ve got a Nova in need of new parts.”

Valentine smiled as she movedtowards the locking clamps. They wereremarkably like those used on dropships for marines to lockpersonnel into in flight. She moved into position and waited asclamps moved around her. She could move her arms and upper body,but her torso was now locked so she would not fall.

“Let’s start with thelegs.”

The Private moved to the racks, and then used the motorisedmount to move several of the heavy limbs towards Valentine. Shelooked at them with interest. For starters, they appeared brandnew, with few marks on their plates. The harsher angles were alsogone, making them far more pleasing to the eye.

“The upgraded design is the samesize as before.”

“Isn’t that always thesame?” she said while nodding, “Nothingever gets smaller or lighter in the military. If it does, it willjust have more attached to it.”

“Oorah,” said the MasterSergeant, “And because of thoseimprovements you get twice the armour, thirty percent more speed,and attachment points for future upgrades.”


The Master Sergeant chuckled.

“For the future.”

Valentine turned her attention tothe right as her second leg was removed. She felt a pulse of energythrough her body, and then the new leg was being pushedinto position. As she looked to the racks ofparts and equipment, she found her eyes drawn to several of the newarms.

“MasterSergeant. What about the weapons? Have they beenupgraded?”

“Show her.” He indicated towards the Private, “I think we have somenew pieces of equipment the Lance Corporal will very muchenjoy.”


Morato Class Frigate ‘Nautilus’, Mars,Sol System

26th May2475

Valentine watched in silence asthe men and women of the platoon formed up in half lances.They’d been in space a matter of hours andalready she could tell the ship was moving away. There was asubtle, yet discernible feel when the main drive was active, evenwith the ship’s advanced artificial gravity engaged. Her interestwas not on the ship this time, but towards the people. Combat,followed by her long recovery on Deimos, had left her separatedfrom much of the unit and people in general.

“Not bad?” Kalliaswhispered towards her.

She angled her head back andsmiled.

“Yeah, it’s about time.”

“Eyes front!”said a gruff voice from thefront.

Valentine was in the second rankand right behind Acting Corporal Alexis Kleinlercher, the leader ofher half lance. Behind her were Hawkinsand Kallias, and all fully armoured up for inspection.

“1st Platoon…Attention!”

Eachstiffened up as Lieutenant Jack Fletcher marched onto the hangardeck. At his flank was the platoon’s artificer, the gruff oldMaster Sergeant that had helped Valentine with her upgradedcomponents. A corporal or sergeant led each of the five lances,with two more junior NCOs commanding the half lances.

“At ease.” The Lieutenantlooked out at the entire platoon, “About damnedtime.”

Valentine began to smile, eventhough she tried to force herself not to react. It had been quite some time since she’d seen many of theothers, and even longer since they’d been a full platoon. More thanhalf were complete

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