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Book online «Laid Bear Eve Vaughn (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author Eve Vaughn

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was talking about, but they both would have known it was a lie.

There was an intangible pull between her and this stranger— Gavin. Perhaps she’d felt it from the second he’d entered the room, but she’d ignored it. Now with him so close and his hand still on her thigh, there was no ignoring the instant chemistry she felt with him. A chemistry she found confusing, exciting and frightening at the same time.

Here was a man she’d known for less than five minutes and yet the simple feel of his hand on her skin made her want more. It was the same reaction she’d had with Logan downstairs. She’d never considered herself promiscuous despite experimenting in college, but she couldn’t explain these feelings whirling within her for two men she didn’t know. Had he given her some kind of drug to make her respond to them this way?

Zora opened her mouth to speak, but the words remained trapped in her throat.

Gavin smiled, this time revealing a row of perfect white teeth. “You don’t have to say it, your expression gives it away.”

He reached over and grazed her cheek with the back of his hand. Zora’s normal instinct would have been to flinch away from his touch, she didn’t know him after all, but the touch of his fingers on her face felt like they were meant to be there.

She couldn’t help leaning in to the hand that now cupped her cheek.

His thumb slipped across her bottom lip, sending an involuntary shiver through her entire body. Goosebumps formed along her arms as she became lost in his hypnotic stare. Her heart pounded so hard she could almost hear it, her throat went dry and she darted her tongue across her lips to moisten them. He leaned closer as if he would kiss her and she had every intention of letting him. The part of her brain that was supposed to sound the alarm in situations like this didn’t go off, and she wasn’t sure if she would have listened even if it had.

Gavin moved so close she could feel the warmth of his breath. Zora felt her lids go heavy and she waited for their lips to connect, when someone called out, “Everything all right in here?”

Feeling like a kid with her hand caught in a cookie jar, she backed away from Gavin. She looked up to see the third man she’d seen downstairs. He was just as large as the other two, tall and broad-shouldered. What the hell did these men eat?

There were enough similarities in his appearance to Logan and Gavin to tell her that he was related in some way, but his wavy russet hair hung haphazardly across his forehead, giving him a devil-may-care appearance. His looks were devastating. Though she’d found each man attractive so far, this guy was the most classically handsome of the three, with green bedroom eyes that seemed to invite one to spend a day or night frolicking in bed with him. His lips were fuller than average, but they suited him. They immediately made her think of kissing.

As he walked farther into the room, his eyes narrowed. He looked at her and then at Gavin. “What’s going on in here? I thought you were just going to see if she was okay, not pull a Logan.”

At the sound of the harshness in his tone, Zora snapped out of her trance. “Okay, I’m going to need you guys to tell me what the hell is going on.”

Chapter Four

The two men glanced at each other, sharing a secret look Zora found hard to decipher. Whatever they communicated to each other, she didn’t like being kept in the dark. “Well? Are you guys going to tell me? I think I have the right to know what’s going on.” She looked from one to the other waiting for an answer. Zora had a strong feeling she wouldn’t like what they told her, but she needed to know what she was up against.

The newcomer looked at Gavin with a raised brow. “You haven’t told her yet?”

“Told me what?” Zora threw

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