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Book online «Duplicity - A True Story of Crime and Deceit Paul Goldman (the mitten read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Paul Goldman

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theunscrupulous seller was trying to dump his failing business.

Then I hired Tom.

Tom was my business broker and I can honestlysay that I liked him because he was a lot like me. He was focused,honest, hardworking, and incapable of bullshit. From our firstmeeting, I knew he would be the person to find what I was lookingfor.

He found me Daniel.

My previous experienceshad made me cynical towards each new introductory meeting, and sowhen Daniel and I sat down for the first time, I was far fromcongenial. Skipping over the usual pleasantries, I launched rightinto a series of questions that were intended to not only show myown seriousness and professionalism, but to also determine, asquickly as I could, the viability of his business.

“How long have you ownedthe business, Daniel?” I asked, making no attempt to hide mynegative assumptions. Much to my surprise, however, Daniel wasunfazed and obliging. He explained how he had relocated to Floridafrom Venezuela ten years before, arriving with his pockets emptyand his heart filled with desire. He spoke of his own father’sindefatigable work ethic, and how any success he would find inAmerica would be their success as well. Taking any work he could,Daniel began as a simple painter, living off very small wages untilhe earned a reputation as a reliable worker and thereby earning aplace on a regular team of painters. He worked hard, played little,and managed to eventually save enough money to start a smallpainting company of his own. As a first time entrepreneur, Danielquickly discovered how little things like punctuality andaccountability earned you a valuable reputation among contractorsand, before he knew it, A-1 Painting Services grew to be such athriving business, he was grappling to manage all theresponsibilities involved in keeping his service at the level forwhich he had gained notoriety. In short, he needed help.

Continuing in his frankmanner, Daniel acknowledged hardships and disappointments, but amidall this his voice never wavered and his dark eyes never showedanything other than complete sincerity and openness. I was taken byhis straight forward approach to both me and his business, and Ibegan to consider the fact that I may have finally found mybusiness. As the vetting continued, Daniel spent the next two hoursshowing me every income receipt and expense check of the business,month by month, for the past two years. Given his limited educationand late learned English, I was impressed.

When all was said and done, and after I addedup all the figures, I was at a loss for words. A-1 Painting hadbrought in 1.8 million dollars last year, just as Daniel claimed.Even more impressive, Daniel already had a pile of signed contractsfor over a dozen jobs in various stages of completion.

“I can’t believe this,” Ifinally said, shaking my head with a smile.

“What?” responded Daniel,not knowing how to read me or my question.

“I'm in shock. Yourfigures and my figures are pretty close.” This seemed to confuseDaniel even more. He stood with his hands behind his back, unsurehow he should respond. “What I mean is, most business owners I havemet with have claimed that their businesses were worth far morethan they actually were. I'm so surprised to have found actual,accurate numbers.” Daniel’s face spread into a wide smile. I couldtell he was proud of his accomplishments, and he had every reasonto be. “I guess what I’m saying is, I’d like to work with you,” Iexplained, extending my hand to his.

Our handshake was firm andthe mood was enthusiastic. I knew my purchase of the business was agamble as I was investing as much in Daniel as I was in A-1. Danielagreed to stay on as my “key employee,” the one with theconnections and on-site knowledge. If Daniel remained as committedas he’d already shown himself to be, his prediction would certainlybe fulfilled: the company’s earnings would be significantly higherin the coming year.

We spent the remainder ofthe day drafting our business plan. We decided that I would set upan office in my home with the advantages of a Nextel walkie-talkiephone, and manage the financial aspects of the business. Danielwould serve as the supervisor: making the rounds of the job sites,seeking out builders for feedback, soliciting additional work, andtaking advantage of referrals. As a team, we would continue tooffer punctuality, accountability, professionalism, and now evenquicker service than ever before.

At the day’s end, we once again exchanged afirm handshake to seal our agreement, and Tom began work on thesales contract. I thanked Tom for delivering the opportunity I hadbeen looking for and, driving home, I felt different, like achanged man. Stopping at a traffic light, I glanced in my rearviewmirror and stared at my reflection. I was now the businessman I’dalways wanted to be, doing what my father had done. Never a fan ofclichés, I couldn't help but smile as I realized that my ship hadfinally come in. I could see my future clearly. I determined rightthen and there to work as hard as I could to make the businessprosper for the next ten years; save enough money to put Johnnythrough college; and finally, realize financial security for therest of my life.

The ringing of stillanother call on Audrey's cell phone jarred me back from myreminiscing, and I blinked my eyes as if just awaking from sleep.Audrey reached into her purse, and looked down at the number. Sheglanced up, saw me peering at her intently, and shut off the phone.Her eyes returned to the window, while her glittery nails tappedthe door.

My thoughts turned once more back to mybusiness. It seemed my gamble had paid off. Only a few months in,and A-1’s earnings for the period were already up significantlycompared to the previous year. That, and the instant compatibilityDaniel and I had found, made my future with him seem certain.

If only I could say the same about my futurewith Audrey. I really believed I was falling in love with her, andI believed she felt genuine affection for me, but while I was proneto vocalize it to her, she was less forthcoming. Having beenmarried twice before, I knew she had every reason to keep her guardup, but I wanted her to shout it

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