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Book online «Unity Carl Stubblefield (read book TXT) 📖». Author Carl Stubblefield

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toxins of any kind.”

“You think I am done with those for good?” Gus perked up.

“Hard to say at this point, but most likely no. But this indicates there’s a way to cleanse it out. We just need to figure out how.”

“That’s something, at least.”

“Why don’t you check your logs? I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

Gus clicked the icon:

Through extensive cycles of physical attack and damage, you have upgraded Resilience to Enhanced Resilience.

This upgrade increases against any physical damage and resets the overall ability to Level 1.

Enhanced Resilience (Level 1): [passive ability]: Grants extraordinary resistance to physical, projectile, and explosive damage due to a passive ether shield that absorbs and deflects attacks above melee speeds, as well as focused physical damage. Increases efficiency of Nth healing, giving a 10% speed improvement, increasing an additional 1% per level. Nth also become more efficient at repairs, especially among similar or recurrent injuries.

500 XP Awarded.

100 FP Awarded.

3,825 XP to level 21.

There was a stream of damage notices. Gus saw that he had gotten down to 10 HP at one point, but Mengele had backed off, allowing him to regenerate. He also saw health boosts amid the damage. Something must have been in the IV to counteract the abuse, helping Mengele to get back to his work faster.

Enhanced Resilience continued to level amid the endless damage notices. Ending at a whopping level 21 by the end of it. That added up to an additional 3000 XP and 750 FP when all was said and done.

Other notices were interspersed as well.

Congratulations, you’ve traded your wishbone for a backbone!

You have unlocked the base function of Bound! For good or bad, you become aware of each other regardless of distance.

(You didn’t think that “jumping” was the extent of this ability, did you? Really? Who wants a jumping superpower?)

This upgrade increases scope of its function and resets the overall ability to Level 1.

Additional effects follow:

Bound (Level 1) [20 MP]: Jump with increased ability, energy stored upon landing, aiding height and power of successive jumps.

Bound Base function [passive]: Form deep connections with those whom you shared intense emotional experiences. Currently bound to three(3) entities.



Mengele/Dr. Weft

Gus blinked at this new information. Yes, it was true. As he paid attention, he felt a pull in different directions. One along their current heading—that must be Jet, whom he had left at the manor. The other was close and right behind him, which would be BoJack, and then another, thin as gossamer. Gus heard his knuckles crack and looked down at his clenched fists. He released them and shook out the tension.

Where the lion’s share of XP was from Wreckord. It was actually still playing! Somehow it had been muted during the process and continued to play the entire time since he had started it at the manor. There were incredible amounts of stat boosts and one shocker was an XP multiplier when the chain was stopped. It had leveled thirty-two times and there was still eight days, fourteen hours, and change left on the playlist. Time to grind some training in the next few days, and maximize the effects of the multiplier. He had never seen that but he would definitely take advantage of it if he could.

Through extensive cycles of physical attack and damage, you have upgraded Cleanse to Spiritual Cleanse.

This upgrade increases against any physical damage and resets the overall ability to Level 1.

Spiritual Cleanse (Level 1) [50 MP]: Eliminate toxins of all types from self or others who possess Nth. At higher levels, can create remote effects on those who do not possess Nth. When combined with fundamental energies, can be utilized to clear more entrenched toxins, on a micromolecular level.

500 XP awarded.

100 FP awarded.

More leveling notices followed, and Gus sank back in his chair with the euphoria of reaching multiple levels at once. He even received Guiding Principle bonuses for sacrificing the opportunity to kill Mengele that multiplied with a compassion bonus. This took him to level 23, and filled his progress bar to almost level 24.

“Nick, I think I know how we can get rid of these headaches for good.”

Just then the corsair banked and a familiar island came into view. Pangs of homesickness hit Gus harder than he had expected it would.

He was finally home.

Chapter Eighty-Nine

Brand New Day

Shortly after landing, Gus gathered everyone together.

“We’ve been through a lot. I want to thank you all for coming to get me. Let’s get some rest and meet up tomorrow at say, noon, and go over everything.” There was nodded assent among the Crew and they dispersed to their respective rooms.

Gus caught up to Yuki. “Is this a good time?”

“Sure, I suppose.”

“Yuki, I don’t know any other way to say this, so I’m just going to come on out and ask. I really need someone with your skills at the manor. I realize you’re Purple Faction and you probably have a better gig over there. I can’t offer the same things they do, and I’m not trying to poach you away, and I’m babbling…”

Gus took a deep breath and continued as Yuki looked at him impassively.

“Even if it’s only for a short time, maybe like a freelancer. I’m seeing more and more that I can’t do everything myself. I need to get things set up here at the manor and optimized so I can be ready for the future. My big fear is that I invest the FP into the wrong things and limit my options in the future, so your expertise would be essential, at least in these beginning phases. Plus we have to get a plan for this place in terms of security. And that’s just of the two things I’ve thought need attention, there’s undoubtedly a lot more.”

Yuki looked up as if in deep contemplation, squinting one eye. “I’ll do it on one condition…”

“Anything, if it’s in my power,” Gus agreed, eyes imploring.

“I don’t like to be tied down. If I do stay, don’t be thinking I’m going to be here forever. Are you good

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