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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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Flamespear, but the damage? Not sure; there’s a shimmer in the air when the ship moves, do you see?” She asked and I nodded. “That’s a shield I’ll bet; either she’s got a pet mage, or whatever is controlling her is protecting her as well.”

“Great…” I said slowly. “What if we…” I started to suggest, a sudden plan coming to mind as I looked around instinctively.

At first, it was just shadows, or so it seemed, movement in the darkest places, and when I looked, I wasn’t sure if there was something there, but then they slunk out, skittering, and buzzing frantically from one patch of darkness to another.

Sporelings, the filthy immature spawn of the SporeMothers, ran like spiders, hunching down in the shadows, then sprinting on all six legs as fast as they could, crossing the sunlit patches while screaming in terror and pain… and I realized at least some of the DarkSpore that I’d seen the prompt mention were clearly inhabiting the little bastards, judging from the reaction of the Sporelings.

“Behind us!” I shouted, spinning around, and seeing them flow down the walls of the cavern all around, heading for the ship.

The Sporelings were blackened; more than half of them simply fell from the walls, dead or dying from their time in the sun, and with them came others, corpses that tumbled end over end to smash into the floor all around the ship.

Even though only one in five were reaching the ground in any kind of condition to go on, there were hundreds of them, and when the corpses smashed into the floor, bodies bursting like they’d swallowed grenades, the DarkSpore were revealed.

Clouds of gritty, inky smoke rose into the air, filling our minds with their buzzing and making the gnomes inside the ship wail in fear.

I spun around frantically; there were at least ten, maybe fifteen Sporelings dead already, and hundreds of mobile corpses destroyed, but each and every one of them was releasing a cloud, and DarkSpore was quickly filling the air.

I hunted around, trying to think. Most of the group had literally no way to fight these bastards, and I… I had three magical sodding swords I’d dumped into my bag, and the terrible dagger!

I tugged the dagger out and passed it, carefully, to Tang, warning him what it was and how to use it, hoping against hope that it might help. Hurrying, I pulled out the two swords.


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This weapon, along with its twin, Thirst, are vampiric blades, feeding on the life force of their victims and transferring it to the wielder. Hunger draws the victims HP, at a cost of 10mana per second, for ten HP, while Thirst drains the Victims Mana at a cost of 10 mana per second, for ten points of HP. If used in conjunction with its mate, vampiric drain is doubled, but cost is halved.









“Holy shit,” I muttered, gaping at the blades in awe. “Who’s best with shortswords?” Grizz spoke up quickly.

“Probably me? I’ve reached level twelve in dual wielding; what about you guys?” he said to Yen and Tang, while gazing with blatant hope at the pair of gleaming onyx blades.

“Level seventeen,” Yen said, grinning.

“Level twenty-two with short blades, and seventeen with dual-wielding,” Tang added casually.

“Oh, come on!” Grizz groaned. “They’re not short blades; that’s daggers and knives!”

“Still works, as they’re under three feet,” Tang said smugly, and I grinned, taking the dagger back and passing it to Grizz, who frowned down at it sadly as Tang examined the pair of swords.

“So, if I use both, I’ll regenerate twice as much as I drain from a victim, but they’ll lose it even faster? Oh, hell yes; I can do some damage with these…” Tang said happily, spinning the blades into a figure of eight in the air.

“One more to go…” I said calmly, pulling out the greatsword.


Further Description Yes/No


50-75 +5-25


Justice was a weapon forged for the Lord Paladin of Sint, God of Light. The sword was stolen before Sint could gift it to his Paladin and was eventually recovered by the Prax Glorious Retribution as part of the spoils in the aftermath of the Necromancer Wars.

It has never been blessed or sanctified, and as such has only a tenth of its full power.

This blade strikes with the holy wrath of Sint; let all creatures of darkness beware. Any wielder that has not been sworn to Sint will receive half of the damage they inflict.









“Man, I hate my life…” Grizz muttered brokenly as I read out the weapons details, before putting it away regretfully.

“You’re a scout sniper!” Yen chided, rolling her eyes at him. “Why the hell do you never use the damn bow?”

“I took the wrong class,” Grizz admitted after a few seconds, as we moved back to waiting for the first of the DarkSpore to make their appearance. “I missed the one I wanted, ‘cos I was on punishment detail, so I just took the first one that came along after that; didn’t want to wait another year for the trainer to come around again.”

“What’s this?” I asked halfheartedly, watching my sector, well aware that everyone was talking to try to ignore their nerves.

“Class trainers…” Yen said quietly, her eyes moving quickly. “Both ours and the Fifth Legion, the Legion of Narkolt, have them, so every year, the trainers travel between our enclaves and give training.”

“Why the hell does nobody tell me this shit?” I asked in amazement.

“What, that we both work together?” Yen asked, confused. “We’re the Legion. Fuck the rest of the world; we’re still loyal.”

“Point,” Grizz said, then snapped out quickly. “To the left!” I followed his direction and saw it, a clawed hand that reached up and over, clamping down hard on the railing and gouging splinters out of it as it hauled its body up.

The Sporeling was in rough shape, the right front leg worked, but the left didn’t; half its eyes were burned away, and the skin was bubbling in the diffused light. It moved

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