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half an hour!”

“Hey, Ursa,” I grinned. “We had a little problem. Do you have my position now?”


“Can you send some kind of transport ship? Something took out our power armor. A neutralizing weapon of some kind. None of the Shock Knights can fly. There’s pirates and Terrorsaurs out here and no telling what else.”

“Pirates?! What pirates?”

I gave Ursa the rundown of what happened, and made sure to explain the red ray that took out our power armor and rings.

“Any idea what kind of weapon that might be?” I asked.

“Begging your pardon, my king, I do not,” Ursa said. “But don’t you worry. We’ll send out Air Guard to pick everyone up. Hang tight.”

“Perfect,” I said. “Once they’re in the air, let me know. You might want to have them hang back a few kilometers from my position until I give the all-clear. If that neutralizer weapon of theirs can take out our rings, it can probably take out any rescue ships we send.”

“Duly noted, my king. I’ll warn them.”

“In the mean time, I’ll gather up the Shock Knights and we’ll see if we can take out whatever it was that shot us down.”

“I’ll await your command, my king.”

“Excellent. Talk soon. Crown out.” I retracted my helmet and visor and said to Syx, “Help is on the way, but we need to find the Shock Knights.”

Syx nodded.

I said, “I can fly us out of this ravine if you’ll let me. I can also protect us from incoming energy bolts. But you’ll have to stay close.”

“How close?” Syx challenged. She was still naked.

“Look, are you worried about me putting the moves on you? Because I won’t. I’m just worried about your safety. There’s at least four more armed pirates out there from the original nine, maybe more, and no telling how many Terrorsaurs.”

Syx frowned, “I can take care of myself.”

“I’m sure you can. I’m just trying to help. Work with me here. My goal is to get both of us safely out of here to regroup with Captain Theia and the Shock Knights and go home. That’s it. Can we do that? As a team?”

“Is that a direct order?”

“If it has to be, yes.”

“Your wish is my command, my king,” Syx said sarcastically.

“Fantastic,” I said with equal sarcasm. “What’s the best way to do this?”

“Do what?”

“For me to carry you. You’re naked, in case you missed it.”

“Oh, am I?” Syx sneered.

I ignored her attitude and said, “I’d give you a piggyback ride, but that will leave you exposed. I’d feel better if I carried you in front.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Syx snarked.

“Do you want me to lie and say no, I’m disgusted by your naked beauty?” My eyes dipped toward her full breasts and tight nipples.

“Are you?”

“Did you hear a word I said?”

Syx arched an eyebrow.

I pinned her amber eyes with mine. “You’re gorgeous. I’d do anything to sleep with a woman as hot as you.” I didn’t explain that I had already slept with three women as hot as her, and done it as recently as five days ago, because those experiences didn’t dull my desire for Syx now.

“Anything, huh? Would you make me your first? Right here? Right now?”

“What?!” I snorted, knowing exactly what she meant. I was still holding out for Oia.

“I thought so,” Syx scowled and stood up. “You know what? I think I’ll walk back to base. By myself.” She started up the slope, her devil’s tail whipping in irritation above her perfect ass, which from my angle was incredible.

I used my rings to POSITION vector her off her feet.

“Hey! What are you—?!”

“Shhh!” I vectored her floating back down behind the boulder where I crouched.

“Put me down!” she hissed.

“No,” I said and vectored both of us levitating slowly down the slope until we were a few meters above the river, high enough to be safe from Froggy’s tongue. Hopefully. Then, I started us traveling upstream.

“Where are you taking me?!” Syx hissed.

“To find Captain Theia and the Shock Knights. Then back to base.”

“I said I’d walk,” she grumbled.

“How about I drop you in the drink?” I glanced down at the black water below.

“You wouldn’t.”

“I will if you don’t freaking work with me!” I hissed indignantly.

“Fine. Fine!”

We hadn’t traveled more than 300 or 400 meters upstream before we reached a low point in the ravine where the walls flattened down to the level of the riverbank. When I slowed to look, the screeching screams of Terrorsaurs filtered out from the jungle depths.


“Stay inside the roots!” Captain Theia shouted faintly in the distance. “They can’t get us if we stay inside the roots!”

“They need our help,” I grunted and vectored Syx and myself shooting into the jungle toward the desperate sounds of battle.

—: Chapter 110 :—

It wasn’t long before Syx and I arrived at the Shock Knight fight.

“Cage Roots,” Syx said when we saw purple moonlight dribbling across the grove of strange trees.

They were huge, with stout trunks climbing high enough to disappear into the jungle canopy overhead. Their root system started above ground, curving down to form a bell-shaped arrangement of thick, knotted and tangled roots that easily doubled as an irregular cage. Inside the cages of several trees were Captain Theia and the Shock Knights. They were all scratched and slashed, dripping blood from countless fresh flesh wounds.

Outside the Cage Roots, dozens of Terrorsaurs were batting their wings and clawing at the roots, stretching talons inside to reach for the Shock Knights who were recoiling defensively. Alternately, the Terrorsaurs would thrust their massive snapping jaws through the narrow gaps in the roots, trying to bite any woman they could. Most of the Shock Knights had their backs against the various Cage Roots’ central trunks. The Terrorsaurs’ big fangs repeatedly came within centimeters of ripping open the naked breasts and bodies of my Shock Knights.

Some of the women fought valiantly, jabbing the butts of their ABR-17’s at the snapping Terrorsaurs, but that only made the flying dinosaurs more angry. Their talons slashed frantically at the roots, sending

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