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Book online Ā«The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain (best thriller novels to read txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Mark Twain

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pipe and had a good long smoke, and went on watching. The ferryboat was floating with the current, and I allowed Iā€™d have a chance to see who was aboard when she come along, because she would come in close, where the bread did. When sheā€™d got pretty well along down towards me, I put out my pipe and went to where I fished out the bread, and laid down behind a log on the bank in a little open place. Where the log forked I could peep through.

By and by she come along, and she drifted in so close that they could a run out a plank and walked ashore. Most everybody was on the boat. Pap, and Judge Thatcher, and Bessie Thatcher, and Jo Harper, and Tom Sawyer, and his old Aunt Polly, and Sid and Mary, and plenty more. Everybody was talking about the murder, but the captain broke in and says:

ā€œLook sharp, now; the current sets in the closest here, and maybe heā€™s washed ashore and got tangled amongst the brush at the waterā€™s edge. I hope so, anyway.ā€

I didnā€™t hope so. They all crowded up and leaned over the rails, nearly in my face, and kept still, watching with all their might. I could see them first-rate, but they couldnā€™t see me. Then the captain sung out:

ā€œStand away!ā€ and the cannon let off such a blast right before me that it made me deef with the noise and pretty near blind with the smoke, and I judged I was gone. If theyā€™d a had some bullets in, I reckon theyā€™d a got the corpse they was after. Well, I see I warnā€™t hurt, thanks to goodness. The boat floated on and went out of sight around the shoulder of the island. I could hear the booming now and then, further and further off, and by and by, after an hour, I didnā€™t hear it no more. The island was three mile long. I judged they had got to the foot, and was giving it up. But they didnā€™t yet a while. They turned around the foot of the island and started up the channel on the Missouri side, under steam, and booming once in a while as they went. I crossed over to that side and watched them. When they got abreast the head of the island they quit shooting and dropped over to the Missouri shore and went home to the town.

I knowed I was all right now. Nobody else would come a-hunting after me. I got my traps out of the canoe and made me a nice camp in the thick woods. I made a kind of a tent out of my blankets to put my things under so the rain couldnā€™t get at them. I catched a catfish and haggled him open with my saw, and towards sundown I started my camp fire and had supper. Then I set out a line to catch some fish for breakfast.

When it was dark I set by my camp fire smoking, and feeling pretty well satisfied; but by and by it got sort of lonesome, and so I went and set on the bank and listened to the current swashing along, and counted the stars and drift logs and rafts that come down, and then went to bed; there ainā€™t no better way to put in time when you are lonesome; you canā€™t stay so, you soon get over it.

And so for three days and nights. No differenceā ā€”just the same thing. But the next day I went exploring around down through the island. I was boss of it; it all belonged to me, so to say, and I wanted to know all about it; but mainly I wanted to put in the time. I found plenty strawberries, ripe and prime; and green summer grapes, and green razberries; and the green blackberries was just beginning to show. They would all come handy by and by, I judged.

Well, I went fooling along in the deep woods till I judged I warnā€™t far from the foot of the island. I had my gun along, but I hadnā€™t shot nothing; it was for protection; thought I would kill some game nigh home. About this time I mighty near stepped on a good-sized snake, and it went sliding off through the grass and flowers, and I after it, trying to get a shot at it. I clipped along, and all of a sudden I bounded right on to the ashes of a camp fire that was still smoking.

My heart jumped up amongst my lungs. I never waited for to look further, but uncocked my gun and went sneaking back on my tiptoes as fast as ever I could. Every now and then I stopped a second amongst the thick leaves and listened, but my breath come so hard I couldnā€™t hear nothing else. I slunk along another piece further, then listened again; and so on, and so on. If I see a stump, I took it for a man; if I trod on a stick and broke it, it made me feel like a person had cut one of my breaths in two and I only got half, and the short half, too.

When I got to camp I warnā€™t feeling very brash, there warnā€™t much sand in my craw; but I says, this ainā€™t no time to be fooling around. So I got all my traps into my canoe again so as to have them out of sight, and I put out the fire and scattered the ashes around to look like an old last yearā€™s camp, and then clumb a tree.

I reckon I was up in the tree two hours; but I didnā€™t see nothing, I didnā€™t hear nothingā ā€”I only thought I heard and seen as much as a thousand things. Well, I couldnā€™t stay up there forever; so at last I got down, but I kept in the thick woods and on the lookout all the time. All

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