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how will you use their energy? Look ahead and make plans for the new year—even a formal list of New Year’s resolutions. Begin to gather resources.

Activities for Yule: Bring in and decorate a Yule log. Decorate a living Yule tree, and plant it later. Sing Yule carols. Enjoy a visit from Mother Berchta (a Pagan winter deity). Exchange gifts. Tell stories about the exploits of sun gods and goddesses (look them up in books of mythology or online).

Deities for the Season

Mother Goddesses: Gaia, Demeter, Inanna, Ishtar, Pachamama, Aditi

Sun Gods: Ra, Horus, Helios, Apollo, Bel, Shamash, Oak King, Sol Invictus


Imbolc (or Oimelc or Candlemas) is celebrated on or about February 2 and is a festival of the returning light; we really can tell that the sun is getting stronger, and the days are getting noticeably longer. Spring is just around the corner, and signs of new plant life begin to emerge.

The Celtic names Imbolc and Oimelc mean, respectively, “in the belly” and “ewe’s milk,” for this is the time that the sheep are giving birth.

It is a time sacred to Brigit, the triple Irish goddess of healing, inspiration, and smithcraft. She is a fire goddess and has aspects that embody sovereignty and the skills of warriors. Sacred springs and wells all over the Emerald Isle are dedicated to her.

What It Means to You: Traditionally, Imbolc is a time of cleansing and purification—perhaps the origin of spring cleaning. It’s a good time to clean out your house and your life—to refresh, renew, and rededicate yourself.

Many Pagans take this opportunity to clean and reconsecrate their ritual tools (that is, rededicate them to the gods and their special purposes; see chapter 3 for details). Include the candles you use for magickal work. And why not rededicate yourself to the great purposes that lie before you: your important projects, your life’s work, your dreams, the legacy you will leave to the world?

Also, if you want a garden, now is the time to plan your garden, order seeds, and plant them in flats.

Activities for Imbolc: Make and decorate candles. Decorate a little indoor fountain with red ribbons and red flowers as Brigit’s holy well. Tell “wonder tales” about Brigit. Consecrate or reconsecrate your tools. Take a luxurious ritual bath. (Brigit’s bathwater turned to beer—will yours?)

Deities for the Season: Here are some goddesses and gods you may want to research—in addition to Brigit, of course. They are related to her three major aspects.

Smiths: Hephaestus, Vulcan, Wayland

Healers: Isis, Hygeia, Aesclepius, Apollo, Bai Zu Zhen, Unkatahe, Diancecht

Inspiration: Sarasvati, Gwydion


Ostara, named for the Norse goddess Eostre, celebrates the Spring Equinox, usually around March 21. Spring has sprung, and the days are getting warmer—rejoice! Fertility, birth, and new beginnings are the themes, with eggs and bunnies representing the tremendous fecundity of the earth at this time. This is a time for planting not only physical seeds, but also seeds of those projects you want to accomplish during the year.

One symbol of spring is the hare, alert and quick. The hare is connected with the moon goddess as well, and this is the sabbat most closely connected with moon energy.

What It Means to You: Action has replaced planning and the gathering of energy. Your projects now begin to manifest in a tangible, physical way. It’s a long way to the harvest, but you are in motion.

Think about the moon as well; her phases can represent the Maiden/Mother/Crone aspects of womanhood or a man’s Youth/Father/Elder within. What face are you showing the world; what’s your main role in life right now? And can you access the others—if you are a maiden, can you act as the nurturing mother or wise crone when you need to?

For men, it’s a good season to get in touch with your nurturing, compassionate feminine side, what psychologist C. G. Jung called your anima. When you accept all parts of your nature—when you are a whole spiritual being—then your power will be complete.

Activities for Ostara: Decorate hard-boiled eggs with magickal symbols, then hide and hunt them. Make or give out stuffed bunnies. Drum up the sun. Plant things with your family or friends. Tell stories about lunar deities and the moon hare.

Deities for the Season: Some springtime and lunar deities that you may want to meet:

Maiden Goddesses of Spring: Eostre, Kore, Persephone

Moon Deities: Selene, Diana, Hecate, Luna, Sin (Mt. Sinai is named for him), Khonsu


Beltane arrives around May 1; hence, it is sometimes called May Day. It is the celebration of love, lust, sexuality, sensuality, and the burgeoning life force. All the plants are growing, the animals have given birth and their young are kicking up their heels, and only brief snows are expected (we participated in one festival appropriately nicknamed Snowtaine).

The springtime work continues, but we pause to celebrate and enjoy. The May King and May Queen are crowned, the maypole is danced, and some couples slip away to a woodland bower for more private festivities. Centuries ago, babies born of a May Day union were considered specially blessed, and they were often named Robin.

What It Means to You: It is a time to rejoice in the warm new season! Enjoy your body—in sexual intimacy if you have a partner or lover, or by indulging in solitary sensual experiences. You can enjoy a foamy hot bath, a wild dance to your favorite music, good chocolate, or a simple cuddle. What will bring you pleasure? Also, how do you give and receive love in general? Do you show a face of loving kindness to every sacred soul you meet? Do you accept love and say thank you when someone shows you love?

Activities for Beltane: Dance the maypole. Make “May gads” (wands decorated with bells, flowers, and ribbons). Have a procession with a fool, a hobbyhorse, a Green Man, and everyone with their May gads. Dip strawberries in melted chocolate. Play active games that require a kiss to set “prisoners” free. Tell romantic stories about famous lovers.

Deities for the Season: Get acquainted with the gods and goddesses of romance,

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