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Book online «LEAD ME ON Julie Ortolon (mind reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Julie Ortolon

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his hands, looking lost at sea. “I just don’t want to lead some innocent woman on and have her end up getting hurt.”

“God, what an ego! Do you honestly think you’re so irresistible that a woman can’t go out with you without falling madly in love? Trust me, after yesterday, I’m in no danger of falling under your spell. I still find you attractive physically—more fool I—but quite frankly, the rest of you needs some work!”

“I know.” He nodded. “I’m a regular bastard. A woman would have to be crazy to get tangled up with me.”

“Either that, or in it only for the sex.”

He held her gaze for a long moment before responding quietly. “Too bad you’re not the type.”

“You don’t know anything about me or what I want.”

“No. But I know what I want.” He raised his hands and framed her face. His mouth descended to cover hers and heat shot through her like a liquid bolt of lightning.

Shock came first, followed by a wild rush of need as all the longing she’d suppressed for years surged upward. She dropped the books and flung her arms about his neck, returning the kiss with more eagerness than skill.

He gathered her hard against him as he slanted his head and deepened the kiss. Her body molded more tightly to his as she welcomed his tongue with a moan. His hand swooped down to clasp her bottom. The evidence of his response pressed hard against her stomach, making her light-headed with relief. She wasn’t repulsive after all. He did want her. She moved against him, trying to ease the needy tightness inside her.

He groaned and walked her back until she came up against the bookcase. The shelves pressed into her spine, but she didn’t care. She moved her hands to his chest, marveling at the feel of hot skin and crisp hair. His breathing turned labored as he kissed her neck and stroked her sides with his fingers. When his hand moved up to cup her breast, she gasped at the pure thrill of it.

Oh yes! she wanted to shout. Touch me, touch me. She took his jaw in her hands and brought his mouth back to hers, trembling at the feel of his beard against her palms, his lips and tongue. He lifted her until she sat halfway on a shelf and she wrapped her legs about his hips. The hard bulge in his swim trunks made contact with the center of her aching need.

A strangled cry caught in the back of her throat when he pressed harder into her. Oh yes, right there, just a tiny bit more—

“Alli, have you seen—Oh!”

They both froze at the sound of Rory’s voice. Alli opened her eyes, and found his open as well with their mouths still fused together. She broke away, and tried to scramble down from the shelf but her body rubbed hard against his and he gripped her thighs to hold her still.

“Don’t... move,” he said between clenched teeth and squeezed his eyes shut as if in pain.

Panicked, she looked past his shoulder and found her sister standing in the doorway, staring in shock. The expression turned to concern when Scott didn’t let her go.

“Everything okay?” Rory finally asked.

Alli nodded even as her cheeks flamed and her pulse pounded.

“Oh. Well then ...” Rory cast one more worried look at Scott and started to back out. “Sorry. I’ll just... be going.”

As soon as Rory left, Alli dropped her forehead to Scott’s chest.

“Holy shit.” He took a deep breath and let it out in a loud rush. “You all right?”

She gave a squeak she hoped he took as a yes.

“Gawd Almighty.” He exhaled again. “I guess you are ‘that kind of girl’ after all.”

“I guess so.” Even drowning in embarrassment, she laughed. The laughter eased the tension between them, and she felt his erection subside a bit. She sighed in both disappointment and relief.

“Well,” he said, loosening his death grip on her thighs.

She leaned back enough to cast him a sheepish look through her lashes. “Well, indeed.”

He chuckled. “You have the most prim voice I have ever heard.”

She straightened as much as possible, considering she was sitting inside a bookcase straddling a man’s hips. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Nope.” The grin spread to his eyes. “In fact, it turns me on.”

He moved back and helped her down, then held her hands like a gentleman while the strength returned to her wobbly legs. “So, you think you can tear up the bed sheets with me without falling in love, huh?”

She raised her chin, hoping for a look somewhere between cocky and seductive. “If other women can have flings, why can’t I?”

“No reason I can think of.” He glanced around. “Not here, though. Just my luck, your brother will walk in on us next time, and I’ll wind up with a broken jaw. How about I drive into town and get us a room at the Hotel Galvez? Dinner reservations for eight o’clock okay with you?”

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. He was asking her to check into a hotel. Her stomach did a joyful back flip at the thought even though she knew she should refuse. But then doing what she should was getting her nowhere in life. “Eight will be fine.”

“Great. I’ll be back at seven-thirty to pick you up. Pack an overnight bag and wear something nice for dinner.” He gave her a quick, closed-mouth kiss. “Nightgown optional.”

She stared as he turned and strode toward the door. What had she just done? “Scott, wait.”

He glanced back with one brow raised.

“Does this mean you’re still checking out?”

He pondered the question for a moment. “No. I think I’ll stay the full month after all.” He wiggled his brows. “Maybe Marguerite’s charm is finally starting to work.”

“Maybe so,” Alli whispered when she was alone, since it looked like both of them were about to get lucky.

Chapter 6

“What in the world is going on?”

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