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Book online «Atlas Rising a LitRPG gaming adventure Blake Severson (free books to read .txt) 📖». Author Blake Severson

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he died. It’d carry harsh penalties for his deaths, but he could also own the city. The same would apply for Dungeons and Treasure Caches. There is a spawn time to prevent this.”

“Is the respawn timer always that long?” Atlas mumbled.

“I’m afraid so. Luckily, you’re low enough level, there shouldn’t have been penalties.”

“What penalties are there when I get higher level?”

“I’m not really sure. I recall one Reborn saying they lost all their experience for the level they were working on and another told me he got a debuff to his attributes for a while. I can’t tell you much more than that.” Zaina said with a note of pity in her voice.

“I appreciate the information, Zaina. Let me get those herbs out for you,” Atlas said as he walked to the counter and fished in his bag. He placed the five Weer Bloom and Zanth Plants on the counter and she examined them.

“Great work! I hope you didn’t destroy too many of them while harvesting.”

“Following your advice, I avoided damaging too many. Thank you for that. I would’ve never harvested them all without your instruction.”

She directed a warm smile at him and waved a hand in the air. She twisted the hand, and it looked like she punched on an unseen menu with her finger before her arm twisted again and extended toward Atlas. A message popped up in front of him.

Quest - Supplying the Herbalist


•     Level 1

Quest Rarity: Common

Quest Reward: 50 experience, 30 copper coins, 1 Minor Mana Potion.

Description: You’ve returned with 5 intact Zanth Root and Weer Bloom plants.

Do you wish to complete this quest? Yes/No.

Atlas pictured Yes in his mind and waited. The box disappeared and a small, squat vial of bluish liquid plopped onto the counter. A bag followed with a clink. The sound of chimes accompanied the noise on the counter and a message appeared.

Success! You’ve reached Level 2.

Attribute points, huh? What do I want to play as in this game? I’m a druid, so I think that means I can be pretty flexible. I don’t want to be a jack-of-all-trades, though. Those are passable at everything, but not very good at anything specific.

His thoughts turned to his real world job, and he smiled. I haven’t played a healer in a long time! A glance of his character sheet showed his stats. He used the free points and assigned one to Intellect and the other to Constitution. I’m still a little too squishy for my taste.

The increase in stats bumped his HP and Mana both up to 60. Looks like Intellect and Constitution both give a ten point boost.

“That got me to my next level. Thanks.” Atlas told Zaina.

“Hey, you helped me out, so it’s only fair.”

Atlas turned to leave the shop before a thought struck him.

“Zaina, how do you heal yourself here? I’ve noticed my mana regenerates but my health doesn’t.”

“There are many ways. Eating food will help your body replenish some of your health, but the regeneration is slow since it takes your body time to process it. Potions and bandages work, but they are usually more costly and only used for emergencies. Resting in a bed at an inn will also restore you to full health. You don’t have to stay long. Just pay for the room and lay down. You can immediately get right back up with full health. You Reborn are actually quite fascinating with your ability to function with little sleep.”

“Do you teach how to make healing potions?”

“I teach basic Alchemy but it isn’t cheap. It costs ten silver to learn the skill itself. Minor health and mana potions are two of the starting potions you learn, though. I’d be happy to teach you if you can gather the money.”

Damn, everything here is so expensive.

“Would you be interested in buying more herbs? I found more than what you needed while I was exploring.”

“What do you have?” Zaina asked as she swiped her hands in the air and the menu reappeared. This one said Selling at the top and listed the herbs he had. Each showed a price next to them. He could get 8 copper coins for each Weer Bloom and 12 copper coins for each Zanth Root. He sold the three Weer Blooms and three Zanth Root he had, netting him 60 copper.

With a wave, he dismissed the menu. “Thanks again. I’ll let you know if I find more.”

She bid him farewell as he left the building. Time to go turn in my other quest.

Chapter 5

Back to the Toil

Atlas exited the herbalist shop and turned toward Master Longstride’s house. The scent of flowers near a few houses drifted to his senses on the wind, and he took a deep breath to calm himself.

This game will take some time to get through and the skills are pretty expensive to get. Probably going to have to focus on the long game.

His steps brought him to his destination, and he gently pushed into the building. A deep, earthy scent assaulted him and he spotted the master druid seated in the corner at a table.

“Back again, young Atlas? Hopefully, this time under better circumstances?”

Atlas smiled at the jovial manner of the druid before responding, “This time was a success. I have the Haeyna Sprig’s you requested.”

He walked to the table and pulled ten plants from his bag. The herbs fell from his hand and he shuffled them around on the table so the master could count them. The older man glanced at them and then returned his gaze to Atlas.

“Great job. Here you go,” Master Longstride said, and a box appeared in Atlas’ view.

Quest - Haeyna Sprig


•     Level 1

Quest Rarity: Common

Quest Reward: 50 experience, 40 copper coins, 1 Minor Healing Potion.

Description: You’ve successfully gathered all the required Haeyna Sprigs.

Do you wish to complete this quest? Yes/No.

Atlas selected Yes, and a small pile of coins appeared on the table. They clinked against a glass vial filled with a red liquid.

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