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Book online «Niyx Samantha Kroese (i am malala young readers edition .TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Kroese

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that Niyx had to pretend to be Onyx to get in. Onyx had suggested a disguise and Niyx had refused so this was the only other option. Niyx scowled and tugged at the tight frilly collar of the fancy shirt Onyx had just finished buttoning. He was quite certain he looked absurd, though he could only see his reflection in standing water, and there wasn’t any here. “Why is this necessary?”

“Because if you show up in your heavy armor looking like some sort of knight of death, you won’t get in Aderaan’s gates much less the noble house we’re going to,” Onyx scolded and batted Niyx’s hands away from the shirt. “Leave it alone. You have to look like an elf, not the King of the Night Creatures. The only reason I am allowed into Aderaan’s society is because they don’t know I’m a Night Creature. You don’t understand Aderaan, and that’s why you came to me for help, right? Trust me.”

“You do look nice,” Kiril offered. She sat in the corner, watching, with Nial babbling and bouncing on her knees.

“I look ridiculous, I am quite certain,” Niyx grumbled. The tight clothes restricted his movements and offered no protection. At least both his dragon and his sword could be summoned through his magic. So even if he left his dark blade leaning against his throne and Ice sat perched on its hilt, he could summon with just a thought. Provided the Templars didn’t block his magic. “Are you certain Aderaan’s King will be there? Will he not be surrounded by Templar guards? What if Raijin is there and recognizes me?”

“I’ve been running around Aderaan for years now and Raijin has never bothered me. We’re identical twins, you know. The only difference is that your magic colors your eyes blue.” Onyx grinned at him. “You don’t look bigger than I am now that you’re not wearing all that armor.”

Niyx grunted a bit, feeling quite grumpy and out of sorts. With a deep breath to re-center himself, he closed his eyes. His magic ran through every fiber of his being, and he could feel it thrumming just below the surface as though hoarfrost ran through his veins. Normally, he had no reason to suppress it, but now he hid it beneath a guise of calm much like he hid his emotions. When he reopened his eyes, he smirked at Onyx. “What about now?”

Onyx glanced at Niyx’s now green eyes then raised a brow. “Now it will be very hard for anyone to tell us apart. Perfect. We’ll stay away from each other at the party and people will think you’re me. Just try not to talk to anyone. Should be fine. I usually skulk around the edges of the room anyway.”

“Then let us go,” Niyx commanded. He paused only to give Kiril a brief look of understanding and to see Nial’s smile before he stalked outside. Onyx had procured horses and it took a little while to convince the one selected for Niyx that he was not a predator that would eat it.

Still, they made good time to Aderaan. Onyx had come up with a ruse where he would go in first, since Niyx could track his twin with his magic, and Niyx would follow. If anyone questioned him, Niyx had a few phrases he could choose from to explain his reappearance. The city guards were predictably lazy and uninterested especially since Onyx often bribed them to look the other way. They didn’t say a word as Niyx went through, even though Onyx had passed them just moments before.

The noble house was packed with people. Niyx had to fight the urge to bare his fangs. Except for Kiril, elves had been nothing but a harvestable crop to him for so long. Food. And there were so many here. His bloodlust made him thirsty, and his mouth went dry. He couldn’t help but stare at some of the people passing him. He had not realized how difficult it would be to blend in with them or how strong the urge to devour them would be. He shook his head and tried to focus on his magic and locate Onyx instead. He had to stick to the plan. Onyx was going to set up a meeting with Aderaan’s King, and at the last moment, Niyx would go inside.

Onyx slipped in and out of the crowd like a ghost. Most people didn’t even notice his passing. Niyx got caught up in watching and trying to figure out how his twin was doing it. He leaned against a pillar at the edge of the room to wait and watch. He didn’t notice the woman until she stormed up to him and spoke.

“What are you doing here?” The female voice demanded, in a tone that clearly conveyed she was not happy to see him.

Niyx glanced at her and immediately recognized Raijin’s features in her beautiful face and her fiery hair. Even if Onyx hadn’t described her, Niyx would have known Callistra just from the resemblance to his enemy. Of all the people to catch him here, but at least she thought he was Onyx. He glanced quickly to see where Onyx was but his twin was too far away and distracted to signal any pointers. Niyx considered glaring at the woman and just storming away but that might be considered suspicious. “I was invited?” he offered, trying to sound casual.

“What were you doing at my father’s house earlier? I want the truth,” Callistra demanded in a low tone to keep the others around from hearing. It was not that difficult in the loud din created by the crowd.

Niyx considered what Onyx had told him, and narrowed his eyes at Callistra. “I’ll tell you if you tell me why you were training with the Templars.”

Callistra’s skin paled at that, and her eyes went wide. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no words came out of her full lips. Finally, she clenched her fists, turned,

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