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Book online «The Decameron Giovanni Boccaccio (popular ebook readers TXT) 📖». Author Giovanni Boccaccio

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a wife should be, the which is not the case with me. For, grant that I am well clad and shod of thee, thou knowest but too well how I fare for the rest and how long it is since thou hast lain with me; and I had liefer go barefoot and rags to my back and be well used of thee abed than have all these things, being used as I am of thee. For understand plainly, Pietro; I am a woman like other women and have a mind unto that which other women desire; so that, an I procure me thereof, not having it from thee, thou hast no call to missay of me therefor; at the least, I do thee this much honour that I have not to do with horseboys and scald-heads.’

Pietro perceived that words were not like to fail her for all that night; wherefore, as one who recked little of her, ‘Wife,’ said he, ‘no more for the present; I will content thee aright of this matter; but thou wilt do us a great courtesy to let us have somewhat to sup withal, for that meseemeth this lad, like myself, hath not yet supped.’ ‘Certes, no,’ answered the lady, ‘he hath not yet supped; for we were sitting down to table, when thou camest in thine ill hour.’ ‘Go, then,’ rejoined Pietro, ‘contrive that we may sup, and after I will order this matter on such wise that thou shalt have no cause to complain.’ The lady, finding that her husband was satisfied, arose and caused straightway reset the table; then, letting bring the supper she had prepared, she supped merrily in company with her caitiff of a husband and the young man. After supper, what Pietro devised for the satisfaction of all three hath escaped my mind; but this much I know that on the following morning the youth was escorted back to the public place, not altogether certain which he had the more been that night, wife or husband. Wherefore, dear my ladies, this will I say to you, ‘Whoso doth it to you, do you it to him’; and if you cannot presently, keep it in mind till such time as you can, so he may get as good as he giveth.”

Dioneo having made an end of his story, which had been less laughed at by the ladies [than usual], more for shamefastness than for the little delight they took therein, the queen, seeing the end of her sovranty come, rose to her feet and putting off the laurel crown, set it blithely on Elisa’s head, saying, “With you, madam, henceforth it resteth to command.” Elisa, accepting the honour, did even as it had been done before her, in that, having first, to the satisfaction of the company, taken order with the seneschal for that whereof there was need for the time of her governance, she said, “We have many a time heard how, by dint of smart sayings and ready repartees and prompt advisements, many have availed with an apt retort292 to take the edge off other folks’ teeth or to fend off imminent perils; and, for that the matter is goodly and may be useful,293 I will that tomorrow, with God’s aid, it be discoursed within these terms, to wit, of whoso, being assailed with some jibing speech, hath vindicated himself or hath with some ready reply or advisement escaped loss, peril or shame.”

This was much commended of all, whereupon the queen, rising to her feet, dismissed them all until supper time. The honourable company, seeing her risen, stood up all and each, according to the wonted fashion, applied himself to that which was most agreeable to him. But, the crickets having now given over singing, the queen let call everyone and they betook themselves to supper, which being despatched with merry cheer, they all gave themselves to singing and making music, and Emilia having, at the queen’s commandment, set up a dance, Dioneo was bidden sing a song, whereupon he straightway struck up with “Mistress Aldruda, come lift up your fud-a, for I bring you, I bring you, good tidings.” Whereat all the ladies fell a-laughing and especially the queen, who bade him leave that and sing another. Quoth Dioneo, “Madam, had I a tabret, I would sing ‘Come truss your coats, I prithee, Mistress Burdock,’ or ‘Under the olive the grass is’; or will you have me say ‘The waves of the sea do great evil to me’? But I have no tabret, so look which you will of these others. Will it please you have ‘Come forth unto us, so it may be cut down, like a May in the midst of the meadows’?” “Nay,” answered the queen; “give us another.” “Then,” said Dioneo, “shall I sing, ‘Mistress Simona, embarrel, embarrel! It is not the month of October’?” Quoth the queen, laughing, “Ill luck to thee, sing us a goodly one, an thou wilt, for we will none of these.” “Nay, madam,” rejoined Dioneo, “fash not yourself; but which then like you better? I know more than a thousand. Will you have ‘This my shell an I prick it not well,’ or ‘Fair and softly, husband mine’ or ‘I’ll buy me a cock, a cock of an hundred pounds sterling’?”294 Therewithal the queen, somewhat provoked, though all the other ladies laughed, said, “Dioneo, leave jesting and sing us a goodly one; else shalt thou prove how I can be angry.” Hearing this, he gave over his quips and cranks and forthright fell a-singing after this fashion:

O Love, the amorous light
That beameth from yon fair one’s lovely eyes
Hath made me thine and hers in servant-guise.

The splendour of her lovely eyes, it wrought
That first thy flames were kindled in my breast,
Passing thereto through mine;
Yea, and thy virtue first unto my thought
Her visage fair it was made manifest,
Which picturing, I twine
And lay before

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