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a, nor yet a fool, 327. dreads the fire, a burnt, 16. happy Christian, 534. her innocence a, 270. I have seen a curious, 480. infirm, fear not then thou, 600. in simplicity a, 335. is father of the man, a, 469. is not mine as the first was, 657. like a tired, 566. listens like a three years', 498. meet nurse for a poetic, 489. of many prayers, 614. of misery, baptized in tears, 427. of mortality, 434. of nature, behold the, 318. of our grandmother Eve, 54. of suffering, 636. of the skies, 674. of Ver, first-born, 199. room of my absent, 79. Rowland to the dark tower came, 147. Shakespeare, fancy's, 249. spake as a, 845. spare the rod spoil the, 213, 262. sports of children satisfy the, 394. to have a thankless, 146. train up a, 827. what constitutes a, 744. when I was a, 845. where is my, 550. wise father knows his own, 62. Childhood, careless strayer, 381. eye of, 120. fears a painted devil, 120. fleeted by, how my, 595. give me my, again, 668. in my days of, 509. scenes of my, 537. shows the man, 241. there was a place in, 583. womanhood and, fleet, 614. Childhood's hour, from, 526. Childish days, sweet, 470. ignorance, it was a, 583. tears, eyes are dim with, 471. things, I put away, 845. treble, turning again toward, 69. Childishness, second, 69. Childless with all her children, 321. Childlike and bland, 669. Children, airy hopes my, 480. and fools cannot lie, 15. as gypsies serve stolen, 441. bright and agreeable, 746. call her blessed, 829. childless with all her, 321. father's sin upon the, 699. fear in, increased with tales, 164. fear to go in the dark, 164. followed with endearing wile, 397. gathering pebbles, 241. [898]impediments to great enterprises, 165. learn to creep, 15. like olive plants, 824. mother who talks about her, 608. nature fits all her, 650. nine small, 687. no longer any, 798. of a larger growth, 275. of an idle brain, 105. of light, 842. of one family fall out, 302. of the brain, books the, 291. of the sun, 311. of this world, 842. Rachel weeping for her, 838. sports of, 394. tale which holdeth, from play, 34. through the mirthful maze, led, 395. to liberal studies, 729. toys to the great, leave, 357. wisdom justified of her, 839. wives and grandsires, 804. Children's teeth set on edge, 835. Chill November's surly blast, 446. penury, 384. Chills the lap of May, 394. Chimera, what a, is man, 799. Chimæras dire, Hydras and, 228. Chime, bells do, 205. faintly as tolls the evening, 518. heard their soothing, 523. to guide their, 262. Chimes at midnight, 90. Chimney in my father's house, 94. stockings were hung by the, 527. Chimney-corner, men from the, 34. Chimney-pots, what tiles and, 511. Chimney-sweepers come to dust, 160. Chin, close-buttoned to the, 422. dimple on his, 31. new-reaped like a stubble-land, 83. some bee had stung, 256. China fall, though, 322. to Peru, mankind from, 365, 403. Chinee, the heathen, 669. Chink, importunate, 410. Chinks of her body, 221. shall have the, 105. that time has made, 221, 456. Chip of the old block, 412. Chisel trace, ne'er did Grecian, 490. Chivalry, age of, is gone, 410. beauty and her, 542. charge with all thy, 515. Spain's, 560. Choice and master spirits, 112. feast, light and, 252. goes by forever, 657. Hobson's, 857. in rotten apples, there 's small, 72. life's business being the terrible, 65. of difficulties, 673. of loss, rather makes, 158. word and measured phrase, 470. Choicely good, old-fashioned but, 208. Choirs, bare ruined, 162. Choleric word in the captain, 48. Choler, aggravate your, 89. Choose a firm cloud, 321. an author as you choose a friend, 278. love by another's eyes, 57. not alone a proper mate, 417. thine own time, 433. where to, their place, 240. which of the two to, 298. Choosers, beggars must be no, 14, 197. Choosing and beginning late, 238. Chord in melancholy, 584. in unison is touched, 422. smote the, of self, 625. Chords, smote on all the, 625. that vibrate sweetest pleasure, 452. Chorus, landlord's laugh was ready, 451. Chorus-note, the fisher's, 674. Chosen, but few are, 840. the less is to be, 7. Christ, gave his soul unto his captain, 82. it is a goodly sight to see, 540. ring in the, 633. that it were possible, ah, 631. to live is, 847. went agin war an' pillage, 659. Christian charity, rarity of, 586. child, a happy, 534. days, in these, 534. dupe, gamester, 388. faithful man, as I am a, 96. ground, every vice on, 332. is God Almighty's gentleman, a, 268. is the highest style of man, a, 308. perfectly like a, 336. thou persuadest me to be a, 844. Christians agree in essential articles, 370. good, good citizens, 529. have burnt each other, 556. love one another, how these, 756. of the best edition, 772. what these, are, 62. Christianity was muscular, his, 609. Christ-like for sin to grieve, 793. Christmas comes but once a year, 20. desire a rose at, 54. 't was the night before, 527. Chronicle small beer, 151. Chronicles, look in the, 72. Chronicler, such an honest, 101. of the time, 134. Chrononhotonthologos, 285. Chrysippus, books of, 765. sophism of, 765. Chrysolite, one entire and perfect, 156. Chuck, be innocent dearest, 121. Chuckle, make one's fancy, 266. Church army physic law, 424. built God a, 415. by daylight, can see a, 50. forgotten the inside of a, 86. Church, plain as way to parish, 68. seed of the, 756. to be of no, is dangerous, 369. where bells have knolled to, 68. where God built a, 770. who builds to God a, 322. without a bishop, 588. Churches, chapels had been, 60. [899]the scab of, 175. with spire steeples, 504. Church-door, wide as a, 107. Church-going bell, 416. Churchyard mould, 585. stone, some beneath the, 595. thing, a palsy-stricken, 575. Churchyards yawn, when, 139. Churl, chaff-threshing, 790. Churlish, the reply, 72. Chymist, fiddler statesman, 268. Cicero, Demosthenes or, 459. Cigar, give me a, 555. Cimmerian darkness, 513. Cincinnatus ploughing in his field, 719. Cinders ashes dust, 574. Cinnamon, tinct with, 575. Cipher too, he could write and, 397. Circle of the golden year, 625. spreads, the desert, 507. swinging round the, 678. within that, none durst walk, 275. Circled orb, changes in her, 106.
Circuit is Elysium, within whose, 94. runs the great, 420. Circulating library, 440. Circumcised dog, 157. Circumlocution office, 652. Circumstance allows, best his, 307. breasts the blows of, 633. creature of, 608. lie with, 72. of glorious war, 154. slave of, and impulse, 554. Circumstances alter cases, 580. creatures of men, 608. discordant harmony of, 409. fortuitous, 494. over which I have no control, 463. Circumvent God, one that would, 143. Cistern, wheel broken at the, 831. Citadel, towered, 158. winged sea-girt, 541. Cities, crowded, wail its stroke, 562. far from gay, 345. hum of human, 543. remote from, lived a swain, 348. seven, warred for Homer, 189, 194. towered, please us, 249. Citizen of the world, 605, 739, 764. Citizens before man made us, 657. fat and greasy, 67. good Christians good, 529. City, better than he that taketh a, 827. Cain the first, made, 261. long in populous, pent, 239. of the great king, 820. of the soul, Rome the, 546. that is set on an hill, 838. City's ancient legend, 626. Civet, give me an ounce of, 148. in the room, talk with, 415. Civil discord, effects from, 299. over violent or over, 268. sea grew, at her song, 57. so, that nobody thanked him, 373. too, by half, 440. Civilities of life, the sweet, 273. Civility, I see a wild, 201. Civilized man, founders of, 608. Clad in blue and gold, 456. in complete steel, 244. russet mantle, 127. Claes, gars auld, 447. Claim higher, Bourbon or Nassau, 283. Claims of long descent, 624. Clamours, Jove's dread, 154. Clap of thunder in a fair day, 266. Clapper-clawing one another, 213. Claret is the liquor for boys, 374. Clarion, sound sound the, 493. spring shall blow her, 565. Clasp his teeth, drunkard, 34. of things divine, 620. Clasps, that book in gold, 104. Classic ground, 299. Classical quotation, 374. Clay, blind his soul with, 630. Cæsar dead and turned to, 144. if, could think, 483. of humankind, porcelain, 277. porcelain of human, 558. potter power over the, 844. tenement of, 267. turf that wraps their,
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