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gars me greet ah gentle, 451. of ancient days, 395. Damiata and Mount Casius, 228. Damien's bed of steel, 395. Damn me, abuses me to, 135. with faint praise, 327. your precious soul, 772. Damnable deceitful woman, 280. iteration, thou hast, 83. Damnation, distilled, 457. of his taking off, 118. round the land, deal, 334. to suffer wet, 34. within two fingers' breadth of, 758. Damned all silent and all, 468. be him that first cries hold, 126. better be, 431. democrats, the, 559. devil with devil, 227. first, I 'll see thee, 464. seen him, ere I would, 76. spirit of health or goblin, 130. spot, out I say, 124. to everlasting fame, 319. to fame, 331, 354. use that word in hell, the, 108. Damning those they have no mind to, 211. Damp fell round, when a, 485. my intended wing, 238. Damsel lay deploring, a, 347. with a dulcimer, 500. Dan Chaucer, well of English undefyled, 28. Cupid regent of love rhymes, 55. to Beersheba, from, 379, 814. Dance and jollity, 243. and Provençal song, 575. and wine, banquet song with, 562. attendance, 101. Gill shall, 199. of snow, like a, 648. on with the, 542. their wayward round, 469. the Pyrrhic, 557. when you do, 78. who have learned to, 324. Dances, Congress of Vienna but, 803. in his crystal bounds, 246. in the wind, 274. midnight, and the public show, 335. such a way, she, 256. Danced, laughed and, 676. Dancing days, past our, 105. drinking-time, a merry, 272. [911]in the chequered shade, 248. more like wrestling than, 754. on a volcano, 811. Dandin, George, you would have it so, 798. Dandolo, hour of blind old, 545. Dane, an antique Roman than a, 146. royal, Hamlet king, 130. Danger, delay always breeds, 787. on the deep, 581. out of this nettle, 84. pleased with the, 267. shape of, cannot dismay, 476. Dangers, loved me for the, 151. of the seas, 176. sing the, of the sea, 672. thou canst make us scorn, what, 451. Danger's troubled night, 515. Dangerous, delays are, 276. ends, delays have, 93. little learning is, 323. sea, most, 63. something in me, 144. such men are, 111. to be of no church, 369. Daniel come to judgment! yea, a Daniel! 65. second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew, 65. well-languaged, 201. Dank and dropping weeds, 253. Dante, no such figure in literature as, 662. of the dread Inferno, 645. sleeps afar like Scipio, 545. Dappled turf, on the, 473. Dare and yet I may not, 25. do all becomes a man, 118. fain would I but I, not, 25. not do an ill thing, I, 730. not wait upon, I would, 118. not, would fain deny and, 124. the elements to strife, 550. to be true, 205. to chide me, who shall, 654. to die, bear to live or, 318. what man, I dare, 122. what men, do, 52. will to do the soul to, 491. Dared to love their country, 336. what he thought he, 342. what none hath, thou hast, 26. Dares do more, who, 118. not put it to the touch, 257. stir abroad, 127. think one thing, who, 338. this pair of boots displace, 388. Darien, silent upon a peak in, 576. Daring dined, and greatly, 332. in full dress, 555. pilot in extremity, 267. the lovers are the, 666. Dark amid the blaze of noon, 241. and bright, best of, 535. and doubtful, from the, 443. and dreary, some days, 613. and lonely hiding-place, 501. and silent grave, 26. as children fear to go in the, 164. as Erebus, affections, 66. as pitch, 265. at one stride comes the, 498. backward in the, 42. blue depths, 507. blue sea, glad waters of the, 550. cottage, the soul's, 221. ever-during, surrounds me, 230. eye in woman, 544. horse, 608. illumine what in me is, 223. irrecoverably, 241. leap into the, 770. mournful rustling in the, 615. rigged with curses, 247. shining nowhere but in the, 264. sun to me is, 241. ways that are, 669. with excessive bright, 231. words, with these, 479. Darkeneth counsel by words, 817. Darker grows the night, as, 399. Darkest day, the, 423. Darkish, the leaf was, 245. Darkly deeply beautifully blue, 507, 559. see through a glass, 845. Darkness and the worm, 308. born, in silent, 39. Cimmerian, 513. dawn on our, 535. encompass the tomb, 535. falls from the wings of night, 614. from light, 650. instruments of, tell us truths, 116. jaws of, devour it, 57. land of, 816. leaves the world to, 384. let us weep in our, 655. night and storm and, 544. not in utter do we come, 477. of the land, ring out the, 633. of the sky, cast the, 23. pestilence that walketh in, 822. prince of, 147, 256. raven down of, 244. sorrows and, 535. through, up to God, 320, 610. universal, buries all, 332. up to God, through, 632. visible, no light but, 223. which may be felt, 813. Darksome cave they enter, 28. Darling, an old man's, 19. of nature, 776. sin, his, 501. the Frenchman's, 421. the poet's, 473. Darlings, wealthy curled, 149. Darnel cockle wild oats, 783. Dart, death shook his, 240. feather on the fatal, 539. like the poisoning of a, 261. shook a dreadful, 228. stricken with a, 696. time shall throw a, at thee, 179. Darts, breaking the bundle of, 731. Dash him to pieces, 114. maturest counsels, 226. Date, short is my, 339. [912]Daughter, farewell to thee Araby's, 526. lyeth at the point of death, 841. of his voice, sole, 239. of Jove, relentless power, 382. of my house and heart, 542. of the dawn, 338, 342. of the voice of God, 475. one fair, and no more, 134. still harping on my, 133. this old man's, 149. to her daughter take, 683. Daughters, fairest of fair Zurich's, 677. fairest of her, 232. horseleech, hath two, 829. many, have done virtuously, 829. of earth, words are the, 368. of my father's house, 76. so curses all Eve's, 46. words are men's, 368. Daughter's daughter cries, 688. heart, preaching down a, 626. Dauphiness at Versailles, 409. David and Josias, 686. not only hating, 268. Daw, no wiser than a, 93. Dawn, belong not to the, 235. creation's, 547. daughter of the, 338, 342. golden exhalations of the, 504. is breaking, gray, 673. is overcast, the, 297. later star of, 485. may-time and the cheerful, 474. no, no dusk no noon, 586. of light, 563. on our darkness, 535. Dawning, bird of, 127. of morn, with the, 515. tongue and pen aid the, 653. Daws to peck at, 149. Day after the fair, 12. and night, more sure than, 436. and night, O, 133. as it fell upon a, 175. as one shall see in a summer's, 57. as she lay on that, 453. at the close of the, 428. be drunk the business of the, 273. be she fairer than the, 199. better deed the better, 172. better, the worse deed, 282. beyond the night across the, 627. big the fate of Cato, 297. blabbing and remorseful, 94. break of, 49. breathing time of, with me, 145. brought back my night, 252. burden and heat of the, 840. by algebra tell what hour of, 210. by day, that see we, 5. cap by night a stocking all the, 397. cares that infest the, 614. chest of drawers by, 397. close the drama with the, 312. close the eye of, 251. continual dropping in a rainy, 829. count that, lost, 688. daisie the eye of the, 6. darkest, the, 423. deceased, of every, 307. deficiencies of the present, 368. denies to gaudy, 551. dies like the dolphin, parting, 545. dog will have his, 145. dogs ye have had your, 347. each, critic on the last, 325. each moment is a, 608. entertains the harmless, 174. every, should be passed as if it were our last, 712. eye of, 6, 251, 434. eyes the break of, 49. fills his blue urn with fire, 600. for ever and a, 71. gather honey all the, 302. gaudy blabbing and remorseful, 94. great avenging, 337. great the important, 297. hand open as, 90. he that outlives this, 92. her suffering ended with the, 639. I dearly love but one, 285. I 've lost a, 307. in clouds brings on the, 297. in its pride, 528. in June, what so rare as a, 658. in thy courts, 821. infinite, excludes the night, 303. into the light of common, 478. is aye fair, the,
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