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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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blushed. ‘Oh dear. Is it that obvious?’

‘Well, why not? Talking of which, would you mind pouring me a gin? Robert would moan, but he’s in the other room, so he can’t.’ Dulcie winked mischievously.

Teagan moved to Robert’s cabinet, the beautiful antique furniture placed in this 1970s flat never ceasing to surprise her.

‘Make sure you have one too,’ Dulcie called.

‘I probably shouldn’t...’ Teagan said, pouring a large gin and tonic. Normally, she didn’t drink in the day, or very much at all, but today it wouldn’t hurt. She could certainly do with something to help her to relax. ‘I already feel a bit light-headed after the ones I had this afternoon with Joe.’

Dulcie’s painted eyebrows arched. ‘Oh, don’t tell me you’re back with that imbecile?’

Teagan walked back to the sofa armed with the glasses. ‘No! Just talking at the wake, that’s all.’

Dulcie glanced in the direction of the doorway, then lowered her voice. ‘You haven’t said anything to him about... you know...? About that box?’

‘Erm no...’ Teagan said uncomfortably. She might have told Joe about the box, but she hadn’t gone into detail had she? She couldn’t remember what she’d said now. She’d got a bit carried away, relieved to talk to someone who knew her so well, even thought it was Joe.

‘You’ve still got the box haven’t you?’ Dulcie asked, gripping Teagan’s arm.

Teagan moved her arm out of the grasp that was fast becoming painful. ‘Of course. I told you I’d look after it. I keep it in my handbag.’

‘You’ve been walking around with it in your handbag?’ Dulcie cried.

Teagan frowned. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t lose it.’ It was only letters – hardly the crown jewels, although they were probably the same thing as far as Dulcie was concerned. Maybe she had been thoughtless taking them out with her? ‘I didn’t want to leave them lying around here in case Robert found them. You said you didn’t want him to kn...’

‘No, I don’t want him to know,’ Dulcie cried, looking at Teagan, her bright blue eyes searching. ‘I still haven’t told him.’

Teagan patted Dulcie’s hand. ‘There’s enough going on at the moment, so leaving it a bit longer won’t make much difference.’

‘When are you seeing that Darren again?’ Dulcie quickly changed the subject. ‘Now he is a nice man.’

‘Erm...’ Teagan fidgeted. Damn. She still hadn’t called him back.

The phone ringing saved her from answering. ‘I’ll get that.’ Putting her glass of gin down, Teagan picked up the telephone. ‘Hello? Yes, but I’m afraid he’s busy at the moment. Can I take a messa... Oh... Ok... No, I understand, bear with me a moment.’

Placing the receiver down, Teagan mouthed, ‘It’s the police.’

Hurrying up the corridor, Tegan saw the door to the bathroom still closed. She was just about to knock, when the door flew open, along with it a cloud of steam. ‘Oh!’ she yelped, jumping back.

Robert stood in the doorway, a towel around his hips. ‘What is it?’ he snapped.

Teagan coloured furiously. ‘The phone... It’s for you. It’s the police...’ she squeaked. ‘They said it’s important.’

Huffing, Robert strode along the hall and Teagan leant back against the wall. She hoped she hadn’t given him the impression that she was staring at him. Robert was... Robert and the last thing she wanted to do was give him the wrong impression.


‘I’M NOT ENTIRELY CONVINCED I’m happy for you to go back to Footlights, mother,’ Robert said.

‘We can’t stay under your feet forever, Robert and the police have now said I can return home,’ Dulcie said miserably.

Robert looked at his mother, trying to read her. ‘Like I said, you’re welcome to stay here for as long as you need or want to.’

‘Are you sure?’ Dulcie sniffed. ‘It’s just... it’s just I feel uncomfortable... and I...’

‘It’s fine. I’ve already told you.’ Standing up, Robert walked over and patted his mother’s hand, then looked in Teagan’s direction. ‘That goes for you as well, of course.’

‘Thank you,’ Teagan muttered, before turning back to the sideboard that she was aimlessly dusting for the fifth time.

‘I’m going to have a lie down,’ Dulcie said quietly. ‘I need a bit of space.’

Robert watched his mother leave the room. ‘I’m worried about her,’ he said, as Teagan moved objects around the sideboard. Striding over, he stared at her. ‘Do you not think you’ve moved those around enough?’

Teagan blindly continued dusting the overly polished surface. She didn’t want to go back to Footlights. The prospect of it being just her and Dulcie in that massive house now terrified her. After what had happened she didn’t know whether it would ever not terrify her, but how could she let Dulcie down now when she needed her more than ever? When Dulcie was ready to return to Footlights, then she would accompany her, regardless of her fear.

Her heart raced, her hand polishing the surface quicker and quicker and more frantically. Everything span around and around in her head.

‘Will you stop it?’ Robert roared, grabbing Teagan’s arm, holding it still. ‘What the hell is the matter with you?’

Teagan froze and blinked, her eyes wide; the stress of the last couple of weeks hitting her like a sledgehammer. She felt her eyes fill with tears and her heart pounded mercilessly in her chest. ‘I... I don’t know... I...’

She stared at Robert’s big hand clamped around her arm holding it motionless and she felt faint. Totally overwhelmed, the tears spilt from her eyes and she began to shake.

Although it was not a manoeuvre he’d normally make, Robert pulled Teagan against his chest. ‘You need to calm down,’ he said slowly, holding her close. ‘Now breathe.’

Teagan buried her face in Robert’s shirt. She couldn’t. She was panicking. Panicking about everything.

LENA PULLED ON THE high-legged lycra swimsuit and admired herself in the mirror. This one was the least clumsy and cumbersome she’d been able to find.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d worn a full swimming costume. School, probably. With a figure like hers, she was definitely

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