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Book online «Hunting Tess Kathryn Summers (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📖». Author Kathryn Summers

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over I return to my seat to several missed calls. My phone lights up and I answer the latest call in a string of attempts.

“Is he still there? Are you okay? Why didn’t you answer?”

“I’m fine, Parker, I was rehearsing. And no, he’s not here anymore.” A string of unintelligible muttering is followed by the abrupt blaring of a horn. “Where are you?”

“Almost to your school if people would learn how to drive.” I would normally laugh at his sporadic road rage, but I wish he would get here faster.

“Your showcase is next Saturday?”

“Dache will post who makes the cut tomorrow.”

“I’ve seen you dance. You’ll make the cut. So like I said, your showcase is next Saturday. Do you feel safe enough to stay in the area for the next week?”

I take a moment to ponder the question. I have no intention of being taken prisoner for the rest of my life, but I also can’t run and hide. I tried that and it didn’t work. I’m not saying to completely blow off safety procedures, but the precautions we’ve set in place should be enough for now.

“Well, I wasn’t planning on doing the showcase.”

“It’s your decision. But if you’re apprehensive because of what happened last time, just know that you are better prepared now. You’re stronger and tougher than you were.”

“Thanks,” I say, feeling myself blush at the compliment. “I’ve still got some time to think about it.”

I end the call for Parker to have a private conversation with the car ahead of him. The string of angry ramblings isn’t exactly advancing the conversation.

Even with Parker’s reassurances I’ve already decided I don’t want to do the showcase. My parents were planning on travelling here for graduation, and I don’t want to look out into the crowd, searching for them only to remind myself, again, that they’re gone.

Taking a calming breath when thinking of them doesn’t work like it normally does. The walls start to close in on themselves so I grab my stuff and dash outside. Only when the open sky is above me do I remember the Dmitri problem. Well, no one jumps out to attack me and after a quick visual sweep I figure it’s probably fine.

Closing my eyes against other students travelling to and from classes, I lean against the solid brick building warmed from the sun that is now nearly set and expand my senses. Just because I didn’t see anything doesn’t mean something isn’t there.

A car’s horn grabs my attention to where Parker sits against the curb. Grabbing my bags, I look both ways like crossing a street before walking to the door he opens from the inside.

“You shouldn’t have been waiting outside.”

“It’s not much safer than inside,” I reply, throwing my things to the back before buckling the seatbelt. “At least this way if I’m attacked there aren’t priceless artifacts lining the walls begging to be broken.”

“Still, next time wait inside.”

“You’re in a mood. Who stepped on your toes?”

“Tess . . .”

“Okay, paws.”

He looks at me and I just look back, waiting for him to reveal why he’s being such a grump. He heaves a heavy sigh and the car rolls forward. “As happy as I am for my brother and Lorelai, they can be a bit much.”

“Ah,” I reply in turn. “The love birds are the culprit. Well I think Caleb is in an awesome mood. Did you know he made me eggs this morning? Me! Eggs! They were mediocre, but it’s the thought that counts.”

“Really? Food?”


“Food is what thaws the ice queen’s heart?”

“I am not!”

“Fine, you’re not that bad. But now I know what to do if I ever borrow that rose scented soap again.”

“It was an expensive bar!”

“And I already said I’m sorry,” he chuckles, probably remembering the dumbstruck look on my face when he told me he had borrowed it but that it melted in his car. “Next time I’ll bring food with the apology.”

“Why a full grow man wants to smell like roses is beyond me,” I murmur, looking out at the buildings flying by in a blur. “And Caleb and Lorelai are happy. You’re right that they can be a little touchy-feely, but something good should be happening with the recent crap fest from the Boulder vampire occupation.” Dmitri showing up today doesn’t give me much hope the school year will end smoothly.

“Everything will be fine,” he comforts, squeezing my hand. My eyes flicker down to his hand resting on top of mine. A tingling heat spreads out from every contact point as it warms my whole body. As if suddenly aware of the action Parker removes his hand, placing it instead on the steering wheel. My hand mourns the lost connection.

“Before I forget, you won’t have to pick me up tomorrow. One of my classes is doing a virtual lecture and the other got cancelled.”

“Don’t you need to practice?”

“I can do that in my room just fine.” It may be my imagination but he looks slightly disappointed.

“Our home gym should be big enough for what you need. Just let me know when you need the space and we’ll clear out.”

“You don’t have to—”

“You should be able to practice without vampires interrupting your life. The gym is open or I can drive you.”

I glance at him out of the corner of my eye, liking his gym proposal better than my room since I would probably end up kicking the T.V. to the floor. “Geez, when did you become so bossy?”

He gives a short dry chuckle accompanied by a small grin at my teasing tone. “That quality seems to have hit harder more recently than it has in the past. I’m hoping at some point it wears off.”

This time it is not my imagination when he gets a wistful expression, gazing off as if envisioning who knows what. I relax into my seat enjoying the heat blowing from the vents. Maybe someday I’ll find something to dream about that replicates that same contentment.



Sleeping in was a

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