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of undead whack-a-mole.

Garath wanted to argue, but figured it wasn't worth it. "Okay, I'll take first shift then - if your Health gets low or you need to tag out just call it on this channel and we'll switch."

As he reached the back of the group in the main hall of the old building, he noticed a tiny script in the corner of his vision - when he squinted to read it, the font grew to the regular prompt size.

‘Was it minimized because it would be a distraction in combat?’ he wondered.

Congratulations, Garath! For reaching level(s) 2 and 3, you are awarded 6 Attribute Points (3 per level) and 2 Skill Points (1 per level) to distribute at your discretion. As a Necrologist, you automatically receive +3 Wisdom, +3 Vitality, and +1 Regeneration per level. You have one week to distribute the points before they are assigned for you based on your chosen Class.

Unused Attribute Points: 6

Unused Skill Points: 2

New Skills are now available.

‘More detailed again!’ he thought excitedly, doing a little jig for the increase in his personal level and the more detailed prompt information.

Once behind the closely huddled group, Garath scanned the early nineteen-hundreds school building. The sun pouring through the east-side windows reflected blindingly off the white marbled flooring in the main hall. Four thick stone pillars, one in each corner of the room, rose from the marble floors to the high, domed ceiling.

‘I don't know about Immaculate Conception, but these floors are fucking PRISTINE,’ he thought - then pouted to himself. He could do better than that with a setup like Immaculate Conception and he knew it. He moved past that quickly though, and opened his MENU panels to access his Profile page.


Race: Human

Class: Necrologist

Level: 3

Age: 29

Health: 150/150

Stamina: 79/100

Mana: 180/180

(base:150; items: +30)

Experience to next Level: 478/4000


Vitality: 15

Wisdom: 15

Regeneration: 5

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Unused Attribute Points: 6

‘Not bad not bad!’ he thought, looking over how much his stats had already improved.

Garath considered dumping every point into Vitality, it seemed that each point of Vitality resulted in ten additional points to his Health pool. More health equaled being more of a pain in the ass to kill, at least that’s how he saw it. Then the Necrologist looked speculatively at Regeneration. He wondered if the Attribute regenerated Health, Mana, or both. Even though his prompts and interface seemed to be providing more information with each new info dump, it still just wasn't enough for him. In the end, he decided to divide his points evenly between Vitality, Wisdom, and Regeneration.

Are you sure?

Yes or No

He chose yes and looked at the Profile partition of his MENU again.


Race: Human

Class: Necrologist

Level: 3

Age: 29

Health: 170/170

(base: 150; APs: +20)

Stamina: 53/100

Mana: 200/200

(base:170; items: +30)

Experience to next Level: 688/4000


Vitality: 17 - Each point of Vitality provides +10 to maximum Health.

Wisdom: 17 - Each point of Wisdom provides +10 to maximum Mana.

Regeneration: 7 - As a Necrologist, each point of Regeneration increases Mana recovery rate by +1.11 per second; Health recovery rate by +.25 per second; and recovery from injury by +2%.

Strength: 5 - In addition to making one stronger, each point of Strength increases physical attack damage by 1% and reduces damage received from physical attacks by .25%.

Dexterity: 5 - In addition to making one more agile, each point of Dexterity improves the critical strike chance of physical attacks by +.3%; the critical strike damage of physical attacks by +3%; and improves chance to dodge by +.5%.

Unused Attribute Points: 0

Garath was thrilled to bits about the fact that his interface seemed to be customizing to his every desire, or perhaps his every frustration, in this case. Either way though, he wasn’t complaining. He smiled to himself as he noticed that he had been receiving Exp just from being in the Raid. That made him think for a second. He was a bit unsure how he felt about an even distribution of Exp from kills to the entire Raid. He probably would have cared more if his personal Level was higher, and therefore more difficult to progress in. As it was, like in most popular RPGs with a Level system, the first handful of Levels would be relatively easy to fly through either way, so he guessed it didn’t really matter. That was considering he lived through The Culling, of course. First thing’s first.

Next, Garath closed the Profile partition of his MENU panels and opened the Items partition in its place, remembering what the prompt had said regarding gifts for attending the event (as if they had a choice). He found that two new items had been added to his inventory at the kickoff of The Culling. The new icons looked like crystalline beakers, one filled with a ruby liquid and the other a deep blue liquid. He focused on each in turn.

Endless Potion of Healing

Type: Potion

Uses: Infinite

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Item Score: 645

Quality: Marvel

Rarity: Epic

Restores 10% of your maximum Health instantly and an additional 50% of your maximum Health over the next 60 seconds.

***Note: Gift for attending the event: The Culling

Endless Potion of Mana Restoration

Type: Potion

Uses: Infinite

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Item Score: 645

Quality: Marvel

Rarity: Epic

Restores 10% of your maximum Mana instantly and an additional 50% of your maximum Mana over the next 60 seconds.

***Note:Gift for attending the event: The Culling

Garath was unsure of how to retrieve the decanters from his Items panel. Fortunately, the system must have sensed his desire, and provided a solution in the form of a hand-sized black disk appearing just in front of him. He looked dubiously at the black disk, just knowing his hand would get eaten by some interdimensional monster if he was dumb enough to reach through it. In the end, he decided the epic quality potions were worth the risk and hesitantly reached one hand into the disk. He felt his fingers wrap around what felt like a small glass tube. When he pulled his hand back out of

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