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Book online «Rundimahair: A new hero for a new adventure Larry Forkner (best ereader for pc TXT) 📖». Author Larry Forkner

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back at the gas range and thought it didn’t seem to belong there, although he couldn’t figure out why.

Just as he was about to open the refrigerator, he heard voices coming from the library. His first instinct was to grab an apple and head back to his room, but there was urgency in the muffled voices that piqued his curiosity. After a few moments of indecision, Sean finally tiptoed down the hallway and stopped just outside the library door.

He could hear what sounded like Eamon’s voice, but he was speaking too softly to understand his words. Then Ashling spoke, and her voice was much clearer; the urgency he’d detected moments before was coming from her.

“I know, Da, but I can’t keep healing him and erasing his memory. I’ve had to do it several times within a few days, and you know that can be dangerous and not always effective. As it is, I think he’ll have some aches and pains and perhaps some vague recall of what happened when he wakes up in the morning.”

Eamon spoke again, but Sean could only hear a word or phrase here and there. It sounded like, “worth the risk,” but he couldn’t be sure. Then he thought Eamon said, “That young gray must be one of Riley’s experiments. Did you talk with him about it?”

Ashling’s voice was louder when she said, “You can be sure I had a face-to-face discussion with him. I told him there would be no more dragon breeding without unanimous approval of the council. He’s just not careful enough with his little pets.”

“Aye, that’s the truth of it. Even though he’s a gifted breeder, he’s gone too far this time,” Eamon said in a louder tone.” He continued talking, but Sean couldn’t hear enough to make sense of it.

“We don’t even know if he’s the one, Da. I know you think he’ll save us all, but I’m still not convinced of that. We really don’t have any proof positive,” Ashling said.

Sean could hear the growing frustration and worry in Ashling’s voice. His mind was swimming with confusion, as he tried to come to grips with what she was saying. She had to be talking about him, but none of it made any sense. In fact, nothing made any sense since the accident had landed him in this strange little town.

It was time to get out of here. He didn’t understand much about what was going on, but he was developing a very uneasy feeling about Eamon and Ashling. In truth, something wasn’t right about the entire community of Rundimahair.

In his haste to be gone, Sean turned too quickly, and the dizziness that continued to plague him caused him to slump against the wall of the hallway. The old oak wall paneling creaked noisily, causing Sean to grimace. He hoped the noise didn’t carry into the library. He stood very still for several moments, waiting to see if there would be a reaction from Eamon or Ashling. Slowly he began to relax when the library door stayed closed. He tiptoed quietly out of the hallway and into the kitchen, ready to make a rush for the stairway.

“Things just haven’t gone well since the moment you set foot inside our little town, have they Sean?”

Sean cringed at the sound of Eamon’s voice and looked up to see him standing on the other side of the saloon doors to the kitchen. He was smiling, but Eamon’s gray eyes were filled with sadness. His first thought was to try to rush past the older man and run for the door.

“You’ve nothing to fear from the likes of us, Sean. We’re your friends and you’re safer here with us than anywhere else you might wish to go.”

Sean forced himself to concentrate on what Eamon was saying. If only his thought process wasn’t so muddled. One thing he did know for certain was that he didn’t feel safe, despite Eamon’s gentle words.

“Look Eamon, I don’t really understand everything that is going on around here. There are definitely some weird vibes flying around your town, and the strangest vibes of all are coming from your daughter, Ashling. I don’t think I want to know what the answers are anymore. I just want to gather my things together and get back to Portland. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Not at all, my young friend. When the time and circumstances are right, you will be free to go if that’s what you choose,” Eamon said.

“I don’t know how you ended up standing there blocking my way, when a moment ago I thought I heard you talking to Ashling in the library. You sound like the voice of reason, but what you’re really saying is that I’m not free to go now. To me, it feels like you’re holding me against my will, and apparently, you can move invisibly at the speed of light. Just two more bizarre events to add to the list.”

“We’re not holding you against your will, Sean. We’re actually protecting you from those who may do you harm,” Eamon said.

“It’s a waste of time trying to convince him of our good intentions, Father. Think how you would feel if you were wearing his shoes. Well, it’s true he hasn’t shoes on his feet at the moment, but you understand my meaning, I’m sure,” Ashling said, as she stepped out of the hallway behind Sean.

He was pleased that he hadn’t flinched at the sudden sound of her voice so close behind him. In truth, he was expecting Ashling to show herself at any moment. He turned slowly and locked eyes with her, trying to understand what her intentions were.

“So, you overheard parts of our conversation in the library; am I correct, Sean?” Ashling asked quietly.

“I came downstairs for a midnight snack and heard voices. I guess I was wondering who was up at this hour aside from me,” Sean said. “Is that gas stove new?” he added without thinking, as he stared at it in confusion?


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