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Book online «Orion Colony Complete Series Boxed Set J.N. Chaney (books for new readers .txt) 📖». Author J.N. Chaney

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didn’t mean the fight was over. I ignored the pain and stars exploding across my vision while gaining my feet once more, wobbling slightly as I stood up.

John’s right arm hung uselessly by his side. He came at me again with his left, connecting with my body so hard the air was ripped from my lungs. I took the pain and laid into him, intent to win.

I didn’t want to permanently injure the guy. I stayed away from his hurt arm and instead overwhelmed him with a flurry of punches to his jaw, temple, and gut.

He was staggering by the time Doctor Wong blew the whistle.

Another cheer went up from the crowd as I backed off. We were both a mess with cuts and bruises, but he had the more serious injuries between the two of us with his elbow out of joint. We both panted as we looked down at his arm.

“Looks like a draw to me,” I gasped, placing my hands over my head in an attempt to put less pressure on my lungs. “If you fight half as hard against Legion, we’re not going to have a problem.”

John looked at me sideways, then spat out a wad of thick blood.

“For those of you who couldn’t hear, Dean has offered a draw to John!” Doctor Wong yelled. “He says they should save the fight for Legion!”

For a such little guy, Doctor Wong had quite the voice when he wanted.

John slowly nodded then grabbed my outstretched hand with his left.

The crowd went bananas as we stood in the middle of the ring and both of us lifted our hands into the air together.

Everyone rushed past the perimeter of our made-up ring, cheering. They understood everything. We could have gone at each other for a few more rounds at least, before someone gave in or was knocked out. Even with his elbow dislocated, John hadn’t been about to give up.

A draw made the most sense all the way around. Besides, we both knew that I’d pulled my punches at the end. That was enough for me.

Amidst the slaps on the back I received, I made my way over to Stacy. She was trying to hide her smile and feign irritation but failing miserably.

I was sweaty from the fight with blood still coming down in a few different places on my face. I went to her with my arms wide.

“No, don’t you dare hug me all sweaty—”

Her words ended in a grimace as I wrapped her in a bear hug, deciding I didn’t care who saw.

“You’re crazy. You know that, right?” Stacy asked, laughing out loud. “There’s something wrong with you.”

“Oh, I know,” I said, releasing her. “I think there’s something wrong with all of us. Who signs up to travel to a different planet to start over?”

Stacy didn’t have an answer, but in that moment, we were interrupted by a scream. Doctor Allbright set John’s elbow back in place as he bellowed to the open alien sky above.

“The things we do to entertain others,” I said, chuckling a little at the expense of my friend and his pain.

“Are you still going to be able to go out tonight?” Stacy asked. “I’ve been briefed on your plan. I’m going with you.”

“I knew you would be,” I said, making my way from the courtyard through our tent city. “I’d like to take John and Lou also, if that’s okay with you.”

“Lou?” Stacy asked as we smiled and waved to the well-wishers who had seen the fight. They waved back excitedly, reminding of the days when fans had acted similarly. “Why Lou?”

“First of all, he was crazy enough to volunteer,” I said. “Also, he’s already proven himself reliable in the field.”

“Okay, we’ll take Lou, John, you and I, Tong, and the Rung,” Stacy said, listing off the members of our group. “I’m going to make sure we’re supplied before we leave. Get yourself cleaned up and meet me by the vehicles.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said.

A quick shower and a run-through at the cafeteria tent later, I was on my way to meet Stacy and the others. The vehicles we brought back from the Cerberus Installation were located on the right side of our compound and placed under heavy guard.

The ignition mechanisms were created so it would take a handprint to drive the vehicles. Still, Stacy didn’t want to take any chances that they might be stolen. They and the weapons were the best chance we had at defeating Legion. We couldn’t afford to lose a single one of them.

The predators were large-wheeled vehicles with room for a driver and passenger up front. A heavy machine gun sat in the rear, where there was room for another gunner.

If we were all going to fit into these vehicles, we’d have to bring two of them. I caught sight of Stacy gearing up along with Lou. Tong and the bound Sulk stood beside them. Tong had wrapped a cloak on Sulk to disguise him. There was no point in bringing more attention than necessary.

Those inside the wall were in a good mood after the exhibition, but who knew how’d they react if given to access to a member of the race who created the Legion virus in the first place. These weren’t the times to tempt fate.

Stacy and Lou put on the white Remboshi scale armor. Their helmets with the two breathing vents at the bottom clipped onto their belts. Stacy hefted a Judge handgun she placed in a holster at her hip.

Lou stood by the crate of armor, doing his best to look like he knew what he was doing. It was the first time he’d worn the new armor and it looked like he was having some difficulty getting it on.

“Need a hand?” I asked, heading over. Not waiting for him to say yes, I showed him how the vambraces were clipped onto his forearms.

“Thank you,” Lou said, moving in the armor as he tested the weight. “It looks like it should weigh a ton,

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