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Book online «Ascendant Saga Collection: Sci-Fi Fantasy Techno Thriller Brandon Ellis (ebook reader for comics txt) 📖». Author Brandon Ellis

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looked around. There was no escape, no way out. They were sitting ducks.

“T-hacker, get over here,” said Anderle.

T-hacker rushed to the desk, where Anderle and Drew stood.

Anderle turned on his computer, his hands typing as fast as Drew had ever seen someone type, sweat beading off his forehead.

“Hurry, Anderle. Hurry,” moaned T-hacker, constantly looking over his shoulder.

Another ally fell, a bullet lodged into his neck, blood squirting outward. He rolled onto his back, his legs bouncing up and down, hands sliding over his neck, trying to stop his own bleeding. The other men continued to fire, continued to ignore the young man on the floor, his legs slowing down, his kicks ceasing, his hands falling to the side.

A yelp and another man fell. Only two left.

Drew swallowed hard, his chest tightening. The Chinese would be here any minute. He had to get out. He had to fight his way to Mya, wherever Mya was, and to somehow get her to her father. She could save the world, according to the Status Report he’d read. What that meant, he had no idea. How could a little girl save anything besides a stranded puppy?

“Hurry,” pleaded T-hacker.

“Shush! I’m going as fast as I can.” Anderle looked up. “Shit, one guy left.”

Drew took his eyes off Anderle and back to the fight. A lone man, again young, skinny, muscles that hadn’t come close to maturing, was on one knee shooting back and forth with the Chinese. There was no way this guy was going to survive.

Drew had to get a machine gun, had to shoot his way down the hall. He took a step forward.

Anderle caught his arm. “Stay.”

Drew wiggled his arm away. “We won’t make it in here.”

Anderle looked back at his computer, typing away. “Trust me.”

How could he trust the guy? The guy was a piece of shit times ten, much like his father—Slade.

“I gotta get Mya.”

“It’s done.” Anderle stood straight, pulling Drew by his side, T-hacker close to his other side.

Metal walls extended from the floor to the ceiling, encircling them around the desk, creating a barrier between them and the rest of the office, and most importantly, from the hallway where the Chinese soldiers continued to lay down fire.

The floor shuttered, clicked, then descended like an elevator.


Near Taiyo Orbit, Sector 9 - Galactic Arm, Milky Way Galaxy

Jaxx stared at his reverse vid cams, the blue-flaming Agadon ships and Agadon mechs slowly gained on him and the Leonians. He took his eyes off the vid screen, the camera’s automatically adjusting with his eye movement, the vision of the blue-green world, which glowed brilliantly in front of him, was marred by more Agadon ships and mechs, all closing in on him and the Leonians.

“We’ve brought these Agadon assholes to Taiyo. Let’s change our path. I can’t bring this evil upon my friends.” Jaxx’s heart went into his throat. It might be too late to change course.

“Yes, you brought them upon us, Jaxx. It is good that you not forget. But you would do well not to dwell in the inky swamplands that the Agadon thrive on. Turn yourself to the light. Allow your gift to shine. Use it to bring them to their knees,” replied Zara.

“First, we lure them away from Taiyo,” responded Jaxx.

“I don’t think the Taiyonians see it your way, Jaxx,” said Zara.

“I think they would.” Jaxx brought his reverse vid cams back online. The Agadon had accelerated and were approaching fast. “Not good.” The lead ship, a massive carrier, was amassing electric charged energy at its bow. Lightening-like tentacles crawled over the nose. “Is that a weapon?”

“A massive weapon and like I said, Jaxx, the Taiyonians don’t see it your way. They’re in attack formation.”

Jaxx glanced out his cockpit window. “Holy shit.” Up ahead, coming in quickly, were hundreds of Taiyonian starfighters. “Taka-zans are coming in fast.” He grinned.

“Split!” ordered Zara.

Jaxx banked left with his control sticks, one in each hand—both controlling opposite sides of the mech’s body. Half of the Leonian fleet went his way, the other half the other way. Almost instantly, tracer rounds from the Taiyonians followed by plasma blasts zoomed past Jaxx, impacting the Agadon carrier.

The lasers met the heavy impulse cannon at its head. The massive carrier flashed a dense, blue light, then all lights on the behemoth went out. The carrier split in two, half of it careening into a handful of frigates, crushing into them like a planet colliding into small moons. The frigates erupted, tearing apart into a thousand fragments, slamming into Agadon mechs and starfighters, spinning them out of control.

Untouched Agadon carriers re-calibrated their turrets, switching from the Leonians to the incoming Taiyonian starfighters; the Taka-zans. The Agadon let loose a barrage of blasts and torpedoes, their heavy ships moving forward as if nothing could change their path.

The Taka-zans avoided every shot, moving in one, beautiful motion. It was smooth and effortless, the way the Taiyonians did everything, like a choreographed dance.

“Time to engage,” said Zara. Her mech spun around. “Show ’em our claws, cats!”

Jaxx flipped his mech to face the Agadon. His eyes brightened. The Taka-zans were having their way with the Agadon, dropping plasma bombs on the large Agadon cruisers. Bright flashes and purple blazes lit up the stars, withdrawing to nothingness seconds later. Chunks of the ships floated off into space.

“Move above, get them from atop. That’ll keep the Taiyonian starfighters safe from our fire,” suggested Jaxx.

“Already on it, flat-teeth. Follow our lead.” Zara ignited her mech’s extra boosters, raising her above the rest of the mechs. Jaxx did the same, mimicking her movements.

Zara darted forward and Jaxx clicked his mech’s feet rockets, pushing him closer. Yet, the Leonian mechs were the only ones engaging. All other Leonian ships continued toward planet Taiyo.

“We’re being left to handle this on our own?” asked Jaxx, his eyes moving quickly from one potential target to the next.

“Our mechs are the ultimate warriors. We’re faster than starfighters and more powerful. Now, everyone, fire at will,” grumbled Zara.

Jaxx aimed at

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