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Sinking onto the couch, his mind raced as he considered whathe could have done or said differently. Meg thought he was ashamed of her. Howthe hell could she think that? She was a wonderful woman.

Awonderful woman he’d been lying to since the beginning and now all his lieswere unraveling. Shaking his head, he realized she was never going to dismisshis lie as anything less than what it was—an outright deception. Now that she’dmet his friends he deceit seemed even worse. No doubt,Meg would believe he’d been toying with her, making fun of her. Tara and Shellyweren’t going to ruin the best thing that ever happened to him. Rising, heraced to the door, startled to find Pierre,poised to knock.

“Pierre,” he began, “asyou can see I’m on my way out.”

“Yessir.” Pierrecontinued to block the doorway. “I beg just a moment of your time.”

“Pierre, this really isn’ta good time.”

“Iunderstand. I saw Ms. Williams in the company of Ms. Thompson-Rhodes and hersister. No doubt you intend to join them.”

“Yes.”He was relieved not to have to explain his haste.

“Dressedas such?” Pierregestured at his clothing.

Grimacing,he realized he was still dressed in his swimming trunks and the tatteredT-shirt he’d pulled on just before opening the door to Shelly and the disastershe represented. No wonder Tara and Shelly had looked so shocked when he’dfirst opened the door. He never dressed in anything less than height offashion. However, he’d toned down his appearance over the past couple of daysso Meg would feel more at ease. It occurred to him now, however, that he wasthe one who’d been more at ease in the comfortable clothing.

“Damn.”He turned and tromped back to his bedroom. The sound to the door closingalerted him that Pierrehad followed. Reaching into his closet, Rob pulled out his EtroCargo pants and black silk shirt. Buttoning the shirt, he turned to find Pierre standing in thedoorway. “Go ahead. Tell me what an ass I’ve been. I should have told her thetruth. Say I told you so because, by God, you did.”

“Idon’t think you were wrong.”

Ona roll, Rob continued to rant. “I’ve been lucky to get away with such anidiotic lie this long. Hell, everybody on this fucking island knows me. I don’tknow what possessed me to think I could—what did you say?”

“Idon’t think you were wrong to lie to Ms. Williams.”

“Butyou said no good ever came from a lie.” Rob recalled the long conversationthey’d had at the bar last night and he was astounded by Pierre’s admission, especially in light ofthe fact it was all about to blow up in his face.

“Ithink you’ve never known a true friend or even a true love. Someone who saw youas you truly were, not merely as an image displayed for public consumption.Very few people have ever seen through the mask you don to hide the true personinside. But Ms. Williams, she has seen inside you, yes?”

Robnodded. “Yes.”

“AndI assume she liked what she saw?”

“Amazingly, yes.”

“Thenyou weren’t wrong to lie to her,” Pierrestated. “However, you would be sincerely remiss in letting someone else–perhapssomeone less careful–reveal your true identity.”

“Iwould, but Pierre,I’ve waited too long. How could I ever ask her to trust mewhen the whole basis of our relationship–short as it’s been–has been built on alie?”

“Actually,”Pierre replied,“I would say–for the first time in your life–this is the only relationship notbased on a lie.”

ConsideringPierre’s words,Rob had to agree. Meg knew the true Rob Madison, the man underneath the moneyand power. She knew the man who liked corn dogs and horror movies, the man whohated vanilla and who read mystery novels voraciously. She knew his secret fondnessfor reality shows and folk music. She knew all of this because she’d listenedto him, taken the time to get to know him and ask him about himself. She’dcared enough to get to know him—as a person of worth, not net worth.

“Ihave to go.” He was suddenly desperate to declare his love and his lie,desperate to stake the one claim in his life that meant a damned thing to him.He was a man known for never losing, never giving up. He would be that man nowbecause if it took him until the day he died, he would marry Meg Williams. Hewanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life, spoiling her rotten andintroducing her to everything she’d missed—snow skiing, Italy, artmuseums and rock concerts. He’d give her the entire world.

“Goodluck to you sir,” Pierresaid as Rob rushed toward the hallway.

“Soyou’re a teacher?” Shelly asked for the third time. Meg suspected she wasmerely repeating the fact until she was able to believe it. “Specialeducation?”

“Yes.”Meg glanced toward the door for the hundredth time, wishing Rob would save herfrom the interminable company of these intolerable people. How on earth couldhe actually be friends with such a lazy, snooty, viperous lot?

“Retards,you mean?” Tara joined the conversation forthe first time.

“No.”The hair on Meg’s arms stood straight up at the woman’s heartless words. “I donot teach retards. I teach children who are mentally handicapped.”

“Same difference.” Tarastifled a yawn as if to express her boredom with the current conversation.

“Notthe same difference,” she added hotly. “Although I would say to someone withyour limited education and level of compassion, it might seem so.”

“Excuseme?” Tara leaned forward, her face filled withmalice. “I will have you know I attended one of the finest finishing schools inthe country. No doubt you’re a product of public education.”

“And proud of it.”

Tara smirked at her response as Shellyshot Meg an appraising glance. Apparently, the older sister felt a threat theyounger sibling didn’t. Meg decided Shelly was clearly the one of Rob’s friendsshe should be most wary of. Tara didn’t havetwo brain cells in her entire head, too wrapped up in her own self-importanceto notice anyone around her. Seth was clearly an alcoholic, as she watched hispolish off his fourth martini in ten minutes without batting an eye. Hecovertly caught the eye of the waiter who immediately brought him his fifth.

“Ithink teaching is an admirable profession.” Shelly shocked her with the seemingsincerity of her words. “I must confess, however, I’m curious as to how

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